As an American who NEVER voted for or supported Orange Man, I am flabbergasted. Trump is a bully. He's illogical. He's ill-informed. He isn't disciplined, or knowledgeable at all about politics or foreign policies. -flabbergasted- 🤦🏻♀️
How could you not have seen this coming? At the end of his last term it was obvious that we where dealing with, not just a bully, a pure bread facist! Your country is being dismantled while he is making noice to distract you. This is the playbook of Germany 1933, as repeated in Project 2025…
On behalf of the voters who did NOT vote for orange man, we DID see it coming and tried to warn all Americans. Alas, America is chock full of morons and sheep, evidently.
Having done business in the US one thing I have reacted to many times is how bad average Americans treat other people of lower status. For me as a Norwegian it is very shocking. Most people here will treat everyone with respect regardless of their status. We are all born equal and die equal…
Sad but true, as an observer from the outside I can say that this has been in the making for a long time. Some time in the 90s social mobility stopped and the divide between the educated and the uneducated increased… One side having a good time not noticing how angry the other side was…
Why are they so angry and full of hate? Because their lives suck from their own life choices. So that’s the fault of government or college graduates with good jobs, blacks and other minorities doing well? They have marginalized their selves and Trump comes along acting like a big assed jerk….🙄
You're not wrong. 😔
My husband and I did make the biggest donation we could to Ukraine today to express our deepest apologies and decided to continue to donate as long as Ukraine needs.
Yes, I think today more than any day marks the day where we, the people of this world that value our freedom, and the inalienable right of all people to be free from oppression and tyranny, must stand together and show our support for those that fight for the very principles we believe in.
View from Canada: Most of you are very good people; also, a sizable minority of Americans are very bad people, at least while they are supporting trump and MAGA.
Unfortunately, I think you are being far too kind to my country, the US. I’m much closer to the end of my life than I am to the beginning, and I wish I didn’t have to feel such a shame about the country I was born in. There is no excuse for what is going on in the US.
I wish I agreed, but I think most Americans like what they see, because we are not good people. We're racists, fascists, overweight misogynists with fifth grade reading levels and average IQs of 100. Half the country wishes the south won the civil war. Want to fix it? Start with the school boards
I have been asking this of my Canadian friends for a few weeks now, and they are getting tired of our apologies. Now we have to explain this to the world? The problem is that this is who he is, what he said he'd do, all of it. Yet 78 million voted for this or didn't vote. I'm all out of excuses.
I sadly disagree with you. Trump won the popular vote and polls show strong support.
I sympathise with those who hate Trump; I can feel your pain.
The world however sees the bandages ripped off to reveal the gangrene below.
You will never be trusted as a country again.
We deserve to be judged harshly, we let the world down. And it wasn’t just the MAGA votes… it was really and truly the billionaires here and the people who have an insatiable appetite for cash.
We know. But at this point we lost trust in the US and will probably never really regain it. We need to stand by ourselves now, and the US is no longer the leader of the free world. Let’s hope there’s a free world to lead in 20 years.
You’re taking to an American Jew who canvassed for Kamala and who is doing what little she currently can to battle back against this regime while LIVING UNDER IT.
We don't. That's why some of us are here trying to lend some support. Only 32% of the US electorate voted for Trump. That means most of you are practically traumatised. Let's hope that you find a way to get rid of this guy before his 4 years are up.
I know. But the inability to get him removed reflect badly on every American. It’s the people’s duty to uphold the constitution. That is not being done. You are under attack. You must wake up!
There are not enough words to apologize to President Zelenskyy for the disgusting actions & behaviors by these two bastards that we saw today
Fucking traitors, just move to Russia already
To anyone defending them?
I’m sure Putin will be happy to have you so just get out of US
They have no idea what living in Russia feels like. The "we saved democracy" comments on FB after the election -- they have no clue. We are about to go through the worst 4 years of our lives -- and hope we can survive it and have another free election.
I pray we shall all be so fortunate that it'll only be 4 years - and fear it might take take a lot more than just showing up to vote in 4 years time to salvage the US from the clutches of the current regime
Behavior like that can be expected of trump. Vance also displayed the caliber of his character. The motto of the Marine Corps is semper fidelis,always faithful. Vance just demonstrated that he may have worn the uniform but he never became a Marine. No one treats a heroic ally like that.
I think we are now isolated from all the good countries. Any time Trump is corned rage is the reaction. Truth means nothing. President Zelensky wants the war to end and to secure the borders so Russia can't do it again. Very reasonable requests and Trump goes orbital.
And we fucking deserve it. It will be that way until we get our asses organized and raise a whole lot of hell in this country. He *will* give the "forces" carte blanche to take us out by any means necessary. That is sobering. He's looking for ANY reason to lower the hammer on the masses.
I don’t think it’s widely known that Canada is a British realm under King Charles. No laughing matter I hope the king invitation to Trump so that he can tell him on English soil to back the eff off Canada
Starmer is one thing. The KING, I would hope, is quite another. I get that the monarchy isn't political, but I feel like his mother would dress trump down. I pray he has the strength and fortitude of his ancestors to not tolerate the insolence of our idiot leader.
As our neighbors to the north, it is seen, heard, felt. The non MAGAts here are fully with you. What I want to see/hear is very strong condemnation of this junior dictator and his toady from the EU. This is sickening.
I’ll add: what Canada, Europe, Australia, Mexico, Panama, Greenland what to see is AMERICANS removing this POS and his enablers/financers. US citizens need to revolt! But we are not holding our breath…we’ve lost all faith in the people of US.
I agree with what you say. In a country with 3000 miles across and an extremely diverse population: rural v cities, racial, regional quirks and territorialism…most of us who are “the people” don’t even know where to start, but we take suggestions and guidance. Sternly worded emails don’t cut it!
They won't see it as a joke when they collapse. The American empire was already in decline, but they are making sure it speeds up. The average American is not going to be happy when that happens.
I disagree. America has coasted for too long on the illusion of moral superiority while indulging in apathy. Maybe a collective backlash is exactly what’s needed—because only when we’re forced to reckon with our failures will we have any real incentive to live up to the ideals we claim to stand for.
The rest of the world is sick of US politicians from both sides going on about how great the country is. We see it from outside and the US is one of the most flawed countries on Earth. No doubt it has done great things but by god you don't half go on about it.
America is the loud, popular kid who swears they're the hero—but are really the school bully who’s only "popular" because everyone’s afraid of them. And the two-party system? Just the two token friends who don’t even like each other but stick around because proximity to power beats standing alone.
“Private ownership” is what MAGA wants. That’s why there tearing down all our institutions. It’s not the solution.
We all need to stand up to Musk and Trump. Stop spending money. We need to hit at the people supporting this madness.
I live in Texas. Everyone in my family and friends own a gun. Haha! But, the point is to strategize collectively yet intelligently. I think we've reached the phase where we're trying figuring out who is an ally and who will rat you out to ICE or the corrupt admin.
Perhaps I didn’t lace my post with enough sarcasm, or didn’t do a good enough a job in a character-limited post to be clear about freely giving that ownership away once financially safeguarded.
also polling indicates that a very large number of americans do support trump - maybe not a majority but like 46% etc. Its not like 2/3s oppose him or anything like that
Good points. Numbers don't lie and that’s exactly our problem. Nearly half the country is either emotionally or intellectually stunted, if not outright morally terminal. It doesn’t take a full majority to dismantle democracy, just a loud, dangerous minority willing to burn it all down.
Probably scared they'll lose their jobs. Workers are scared at the moment. People knowing they won't be supported. America is more backward in worker protections than Australia. And, quite frankly, in about every other measurable parameter except military
You make it sound so easy... But Europeans love to act so superior despite your own political farces. Also, no one is asking you to fix our problems, just to not condemn us all because of our cult infestation.
Look at it from an outsiders perspective. Factually you are collectively doing nothing but wringing your hands. When Musk pushed AFD, tens of thousands of Germans massed and protested at their Capital even though the government in power was NOT AFD.
You need action not words
Look at how previous generations shut down the Vietnam War, and brought segregation to an end. Massive protests that shook the powerbrokers to their core.
This nest of vipers will require millions of Americans gathering in Washington to virtually hold Congress and the White House captive.
You've already lost your democracy, you just don't seem to understand that. It will be a hard and bitter road to reclaim it but at this juncture, that's all you have.
These vipers need to be removed from the White House, Congress, your Senate and every enabler tried with a single 1 hour session and given a choice, exile with loss of all assets or a trial for treason with hanging an option.
Exactly how we feel in Canada. We don’t need your apology. We won’t accept your excuses. This IS your president. Your country DID elect him.. so stop apologizing and start acting. This gets a whole lot worse if the world has to intervene.
I wish I could believe that. At least that would indicate that they understand what the fuck is happening, and why it’s happening. But I see very little evidence of that.
The world forgave us the first time this orange stain was elected. Do you think they’ll forgive us a second time? Would you? How can a foreigner tell the difference between the good ones and the bad ones? We are one country. We all look bad. Even some good people didn’t bother to vote at all.
And the Democratic leaders we—the good ones—did vote in have been proven, by and large, to be completely useless in this situation. Many in this country have been comfortable for far too long. We are soft and complacent. That will have to change.
This is all true, except Dems being "good ones", as you literally said yourself. Leftists have been warning Liberals forever and most won't listen and don't act out of apathy and complacency. Follow those who are already organized and have been fighting in your own communities!
I was being sarcastic—should have used quotes. Most of us are complicit. And I’m pretty far on the Left and have dedicated my career to social justice. But very few have taken sustained radical action in the presence of great inequity. Our ecological footprint alone is anti-democratic.
Been trying. I go out to the protests. Not critical mass yet- Americans have a stronger tradition of bloviating about revolutionary action than doing so, unfortunately.
I remember the Rodney King riots but this ….. nothing. Good on you for protesting. I’m not sure that US Americans really care about democracy and hate communism as much as they say.
There are more people out than you’ve been lead to believe- our media is routinely misrepresenting the numbers. I’m in a red state, and organizers used a clicker to count more than 750 people (good turn out for here) at one time at one of the protests- local news reported it as 200-300.
I am noticing reporting turning slowly more critical, so I’m hoping for larger turn outs (and more accurate reporting of them!) as the days go on- sadly, too many Americans are all talk until it hits them, which is horrifying, or until the peer pressure is too high, which is pathetic.
Curious, what state are you in? I’m from Canada so I’m not that familiar with states that aren’t coastal. Hopefully some independent news outlets can get a hold of you
And Americans have shown their colours: They will only care when it affects them personally. You can’t say the same for the Europeans. They are the leaders of the free world. And Ukraine is its heart.
It's important not to judge all Americans. Yes, we sat back & trusted leaders, but now, we are legion in numbers. We need support of the world because we're just getting started. We've had so many marches through history that did make a big difference like Civil Rights, Vietnam, Voting rights, etc.
Have you not seen all the town halls & angry people screaming at their representatives? We are just getting started. Trump & the right wing have stirred up a legion of hornet nests & we will not take it anymore.
I’m happy to hear this but other times it was instant like the Rodney King riots. I’m wondering if you all are in shock? It’s too bad someone doesn’t put together a list of organizing groups to use as a resource like the boycott lists that we could repost over and over.
Because we do not have a leader giving us action. Dems give statements condoning him every day, but no actions. An uprising will only work if it is strategic, organized, and coordinated. My fear is the people will not act w/o this. We need 1 voice and we need it quickly.
I am ready to take to the streets. I'm ready to boycott work. I'm ready to do what it takes. But individual actions like this will do nothing unless coordinated across the country. No one is calling us to action right now.
The world should judge us harshly. Too much of the far right has successfully woiped the history of what led to WWII that we are now repeating it, but this time we are the wrong side.
💯% correct! I’m sick of people trying to minimize how malevolent the United States is. Every time I see people saying that we are actually a very good people, it makes me realize we can’t face what we’ve become. I will continue to fight this toxic gov’t, elected by the people but not for the people.
Your president is making this very hard. 77 millions voted for this and 6 millions of democrats didn’t vote because of the “economy”. Come on!!! Trump was very clear, he is chaos!!!
It's comforting to believe the election was rigged, but it's not the truth. You have to come to terms with the fact that the majority of voters knew what we were going to get, and they WANTED it. They wanted all of this.
Clinging to conspiracies doesn't help anyone. We need to deal with reality.
Please. There's no evidence of any malpractice. With a distributed election infrastructure, they would have had to hack every swing state individually to be sure. Do you honestly think this team of bumbling nitwits could pull that off without getting caught?
Have a look at the presentation at Election Truth Social. There is evidence of tampering. To flip all swing states to red is the same probability of one person winning the Mega Millions 6 times over.
They've gradually undermined voting through gerrymandering, changing laws... It's been a 30 year process combined with keeping people uneducated and uninformed. It's so freaking frustrating when you live in this country.
Canadians must use us an an example to not fall into complacency. Promote voting, ensure there's no manipulation of voting laws and keep the media/social media accountable too
Agreed. I find it hard to find much understanding/forgiveness for all those "Democrats" who thought that this would be a good election to sit out to teach Biden or Harris a lesson for not being progressive enough...
Last night at my town hall in Aurora Colorado, when expressed support for Ukraine, it was the loudest cheers of the night. We support Ukraine 🇺🇦!!!
Watching Zelinski being yelled at and forced to listen to misinformation by your President and his stooge. It turns my stomach. Canada is watching and getting madder.
That’s typically how US elections work. The candidate with the majority of votes sometimes does not win the Presidential election (as happened in 2016). In 2024 he barely got a majority of votes but his electoral votes were overwhelming. 77 mil trump, 75 mil Harris. Nearly 90 mil didn’t vote.
Ahh, but the distinction is hard to make, isn't it? We are largely defined by our 'leaders' and from a distance, it's hard to understand that millions of us had nothing to do with choosing them. It's a dark day, but I view it as a turning point. A wake up call for the masses.
Trump got 49.8% of the vote. A *plurality* of those who voted, but not a majority.
The share of the actual voting-age population who voted for Trump is somewhere around 30%, IIRC. He does not have majority support and never has. Words mean things.
Words don't mean whatever is most convenient for you to make your point, even if you really really want them to and promise to clean your room every day for a week like mommy keeps asking you.
Open the jails and free all the criminals, then sit back and let the scales tip in favor of chaos. If anyone questions you, simply tell them they voted for a criminal to run the country and believed him when he said the trial was a sham. Therefore, we will let all the other criminals have their say.
If Trump is permitted to be president for four years without challenge, the world will judge America harshly.
In less than two years, give the opposition a mandate to hamstring Trump at every turn.
The House and Senate have to turn deep blue.
Then arrest Trump, Vance and the cabinet for their crimes
Except this, and we just have to "own up" to it: 7 million fewer voters showed up for Harris in '24 compared to Biden in '20, and 30 million U.S. voters don't bother to vote, ever. We must accept that this is the basic problem here.
Trump is so jealous. He sees the world admire President eZelenskyy and he hates that he can’t be like him. Howard Stern said years ago that the Dump can’t handle people not liking him. Envy/jealousy is one of the 7 deadly sins for a reason.
We all judge Russians, even though there are some good ones. We in the US deserve to be condemned broadly. Dear lord, someone invade us other than Russia.
As a Canadian Ukrainian - we know most of you are with us - but it's getting harder and harder to feel any warmth towards the entire country at this point. 😰
We need to be judged. Harshly. There are people in this country that voted him in. Again. Sure there are good caring people here but we are the United States of America. All for one and one for all. And the people that voted him in should account for that. Harshly. Make them pay for what they did.
Damn Right!
"Very Disrespectful"!
The Most Disrespectful President/VP-In ALL Of American History!
#Zelenskyy was showing pictures of #Ukraine POWs!
#Trump and #Vance Cared ONLY About, "The Minerals Deal"!
NO Talk of Helping Another #Democracy Against Invader #Russia!
Just 'Strong-Arming'!
American! Have to see and feel it for themselves , but I think a lot of American will realize they didn’t vote for this and change things up. Doesn’t mean irreparable damage hasn’t already be done.
For years we have heard about the 2nd amendment and how it's necessary in case a rogue government forms, all while watching school children get slaughtered.
Well USA.....put your money where your mouth is.
Very true. I often think that after my international travels when I was younger, meeting people that had ideas about America. I pray the world understands how our country has been bought & sold by sociopaths, hijacked 2 their crazy, egotistical whims, that about 50% of our country are appalled, too.
Millions will lose jobs. Thousands die.The world does not want your empathy or apology. They hold every american responsible regardless of if you voted for him or not. Voting is the bare minumum you could have done. Remove him, and prevent it from happening again. Then, the world might thank you.
💯% accurate. My country, the US, is oblivious to what we are doing to the world & our own citizens. There is no excuse for this, and we cannot make up for it, ever. We won’t even try, because we’re too brain dead to even notice what we’re doing. 😬😢
Black people are not doing it this time.
If it happens it has to be white people. The fascists want an excuse to use violence and we will not be canon fodder for people who would not back us up.
It's a little different here, and we are trying. The folk that control a lot of the media that comes out of here is controlled by folk whose interests are aligned with the administration
like it was designed. Can you choke up a city like New York? possibly, but it's way harder in Los Angeles. Car culture made cities more spread out, and things like the pandemic and remote work have decentralized a lot of folk who worked in downtown centers.
Americans can clog-up their urban centres and have the same effect.
This is just an excuse for inaction. And this isn’t the first time I’ve heard it. In fact, EVERY American friend I have who’s on the left has used it. My disappointment is immeasurable.
We aren’t as concentrated and centralized. What happens in California doesn’t impact DC or even the next state over. We need targeted execution and coordination and we are missing our window to act. And we are also lazy.
Yes it did, depending on where they came from. And 80k showed up for that. Around half a million showed up to protest the first time he was elected. See how effective that was?
It's definitely coming. Everything will come to a standstill. Thousands refused to shop today. Town halls are filled w/ angry Americans of all stripes. Yes, it will be like the French Revolutions of the past.
Honestly, I want and I will campaign (the incredibly little I can) to get rid TOMORROW MORNING of all US armed forces present in my country. I don’t feel safe to have armed people obeying to him. I want US out of NATO now. You can’t fight constantly worrying about to whom your buddy is shooting at.
Sorry Christopher - if that was only true… but what the US population have shown the World is that no, it is not the most of you. Here in Europe, the most of us wish it was.
Rapistrump got NOTHING he wanted, demanded and manipulated to get from President Zelenskyy who totally out maneuvered both him and his backup once removed bootlicker Vance.
Christopher, I could not console my own brother who said "do you think if we get a good person back in office we can recover from this?" Unfortunately, I believe the answer is no. Would anyone trust a country who voted for an alleged criminal only to come back and vote for a KNOWN criminal?
Chris, we are judging you now. It sucks. You didn't ask for this, but people like you are the only ones who can fix this. You need to gather, rally, and cause chaos. Bring the country to a standstill. Like what the French would do if the government increased the retirement age or taxes.
But this was not a drop in a glass, this was a bucket of cold water thrown carelessly in the face of the free world.
Today was not a good day for America and those it once called allies.
My husband and I did make the biggest donation we could to Ukraine today to express our deepest apologies and decided to continue to donate as long as Ukraine needs.
We warned them … MAGA
I sympathise with those who hate Trump; I can feel your pain.
The world however sees the bandages ripped off to reveal the gangrene below.
You will never be trusted as a country again.
otherwise you will same lame excuse like ordinary russians
You choose
Don't fuck with Wendy's
Fucking traitors, just move to Russia already
To anyone defending them?
I’m sure Putin will be happy to have you so just get out of US
The US has become a pariah in Europe.
The US might end up with Russia and North Korea as the new axis of evil.
You’re delusional superiority isn’t just a moral one
We all need to stand up to Musk and Trump. Stop spending money. We need to hit at the people supporting this madness.
Maybe get some fuckin guns outb
But for the blues in blue states? I’m tired I’ve seeing “I’m sorry” posts.
Today - I’ve had enough of apologizing and leaving it up to 5 Dems in congress to do something
In other words: I agree with you.
You need action not words
This nest of vipers will require millions of Americans gathering in Washington to virtually hold Congress and the White House captive.
I’m sure more Americans wish they had voted last Nov.
Most people in the US either voted for him or didn’t bother to vote.
This has been coming for a while now.
Don‘t shame-organize!
Clinging to conspiracies doesn't help anyone. We need to deal with reality.
Same shit is happening in Canada. Provincial election yesterday and only 20% of eligible voters actually voted. Disgusting.
Judge: you're still culpable.
You decide how you want to be, and take action accordingly.
Russia, if you're listening, GO FUCK YOURSELF!
May this regime's demise be swift and severe.
You own this, you fix it.
But you had the chance not to be in their situation and you gave it away.
Now, it will take hard work and effort to recover from this.
Bunch of self-serving pieces of vile low-life trash.
Somehow angrier today than yesterday, it’s a vicious cycle.
The share of the actual voting-age population who voted for Trump is somewhere around 30%, IIRC. He does not have majority support and never has. Words mean things.
In less than two years, give the opposition a mandate to hamstring Trump at every turn.
The House and Senate have to turn deep blue.
Then arrest Trump, Vance and the cabinet for their crimes
If you allow this to stand you are as complicit as the German citizens who stood by as Hitler rounded up The Jews.
Plausible deniabilty is out the door.
He messed up big time and to get the basics he’s going to have to come back with a better offer than was on the table.
I do know that most of you are good people, but it is very hard to watch and not put everyone in the same basket.
That said, I see the resistance gaining momentum. It's gonna get even more messy.
Lean in. Buckle up. ✊
The reputation is already damaged to such a degree that it will never fully recover.
"you're in no position to dictate"
also trump:
"zelenskyy is a dictator"
"Very Disrespectful"!
The Most Disrespectful President/VP-In ALL Of American History!
#Zelenskyy was showing pictures of #Ukraine POWs!
#Trump and #Vance Cared ONLY About, "The Minerals Deal"!
NO Talk of Helping Another #Democracy Against Invader #Russia!
Just 'Strong-Arming'!
Well USA.....put your money where your mouth is.
Wise up, open your eyes and you'll
Eyes up, open your eyes and you'll
Rise up, open your eyes and you'll
We French blocked the whole country for far less
If it happens it has to be white people. The fascists want an excuse to use violence and we will not be canon fodder for people who would not back us up.
He's eviscerating all his soft power and infrastructure because he believes that anything less than an overt, undeniable force doesn't exist.
Maybe things happen because you don't know it until it happens, or maybe the signs are there, but people refuse to acknowledge them.
This is just an excuse for inaction. And this isn’t the first time I’ve heard it. In fact, EVERY American friend I have who’s on the left has used it. My disappointment is immeasurable.
It can take more than 15 hours of nonstop driving to cross this state, depending on the route.
Especially w/communications turning over to the govt (like FB and X).
Personally, I’m disabled. I do what I can in calling, emailing, etc. I can’t march or run from police or anyone else.
I don’t believe it was effective in the right way, but honestly - now that may be what it will take.
Are you offering to lead the charge?
We are doing things. We're seeing what works and what doesn't. Just keep in mind what works for one country won't work for us.
But we are working
The USA under the Trump administration is now a pariah State.
Russia is now emboldened by the President of the United States.
And most of us did it by staying home.
🤬 #tRUmpIsNotMYPresident 🤬
🗳️ #FlipTheHouseAndSenate
🤬 #IMPEACHandDUMPtRUmp (even if takes 15 flushes 🚽💩)
the silence is deafening.