She/Her. Autistic, non-verbal, lesbian gamer girl. Wrestling super-fan.
Apologies in advance if I say something weird or cringy. Things tend to sound better in my head.
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They do not rule without internal opposition, and that opposition would make it take longer than Trump has.
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This is, of course, a double edge sword and neither side wants this. But if the SCOTUS were to start violating the constitution, I promise you that this is a thing that WOULD occur.
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They would rule how they would HAVE to rule. While SCOTUS is appointed for life, they are NOT beyond the reach of the law. All it would take is for congress to create an avenue to remove them, which is within their power to do.
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The chances of the former happening is remote...but not impossible. The latter, however, is a process that can take DECADES, as each state must debate the ratification process according to their own guidelines.
There is no chance an amendment would be ratified before his term is up.
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They need more than a bill. They need a constitutional amendment. A constitutional amendment requires 2/3 of congress to approve it, and ratification by 38 states before it takes effect. This is why there have only been 27 amendments to the constitution in the USA's 250+ year history.
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Nah. If anything, we need term limits in congress, too.
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If only there had been someone who could have told them that he was a traitor.
Or, like, MILLIONS of someones.
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And the ENTIRE REASON they created it was to give wrestlers a place where they had input on their own creative.
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Lol, so no, you got no idea what's going on.
AEW was created by Nick and Matt Jackson, along with Kenny Omega and Cody Rhodes, and TK as the money man. So yeah, they're controlling things. It's THEIR company. 😂
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Dude, do you have ANY idea what's going on here? 😂
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20% is half of what is in normal liquor.
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Not saying that's what she did. Just saying that you do not need to make contact with someone for your actions to be criminal.
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Doing something that makes another person fear for their safety is assault. Physical contact is not required.
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You can see in that video that the cop's first instinct was to put him in a choke hold.
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To be fair, it is quite an accomplishment to survive one's own stupidity out of sheer, unadulterated luck.
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I 100% understand this. 🤣
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And yes, his title run was really spectacular...when he wrestled. Which (through no fault of his own) he didn't do very often.
This is the kind of story that writes itself. Guy can't wrestle so he vacates the title. Then, when he's better, he returns and takes back what is his.
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Hey, you know what would be a great way to reduce a wrestler's ring workload? Don't give him a belt that he's expected to defend. This isn't a revolutionary concept: it's something they've done with injured wrestlers for as long as wrestling has been around.
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1) Being pedantic doesn't invalidate my point.
2) They speak of having "read" one because audiobooks are reading. Don't be ableist.
3) Of course they do. The story being real doesn't mean it doesn't have a plot.
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Roman Reigns is a great wrestler. They just gave him a shitty story (in as much as spending 2 months sitting in his dressing room, twitching his upper lip, can be considered a story) and wouldn't let him actually wrestle.
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WWE hung a belt on Roman Reigns for FOUR FREAKING YEARS because they had no idea where to take the story after giving it to him. Not even Paul Heyman could carry a story for that long.
I wouldn't want ANY McMahon within 1000 yards of where the stories are being written.
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You missed an "r" in that last word.
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If I was TK, I wouldn't hire a McMahon to clean the toilets.
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They ALL voted for this.
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I'll believe it when I see it.
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Yeah, but get the hell out of MY kitchen when I'm cooking. You're in the damn way.
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All levity aside, though, I have got some fairly extreme mental health issues. I've got some fairly extreme anxiety issues and clinical depression, all of which are exacerbated by PTSD as a result of an extremely violent event from my childhood.
Some books are just not meant for me.
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I am a 52 year old autistic woman who has at LEAST 3 different, unrelated trains of thought going through my head every waking hour of the day. If my mind was broadened any further, I'd likely have to be institutionalized. 😂
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Because it was obvious that this guy wasn't any manner of threat to them. That's why it took THREE of them to cuff him.
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2) It took THREE cops to cuff a man who wasn't resisting in any way whatsoever. And even after they had him on the ground, TWO MORE cops came over to get in on the action.
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Two things I noticed off the top of my head:
1) The first cop's first instinct was to rough him up. Guy is standing there with his hands behind his back, and the cop unnecessarily drags him to the ground and almost puts him in a choke hold.
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I like how this statement makes me feel. 😂
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You're not a bad person because you're a man. You're a bad person because you treat your car with more respect than you treat your wife with.
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Holy crap!
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Sorry, but "elitism" is reading books you don't like for no other reason than someone else said they're classics.
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Yeah, but when I say this, I get called an idiot.
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Regardless of what he says now, his actions are what put us where we're at right now.
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Why regret getting exactly what you voted for?
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Only 200some more countries to go.
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Let's not lose sight of the fact that Pence was Trump's trained monkey throughout his first presidency. If he knows this now, he knew it then but choose to keep quiet because he had a seat at the table.
He gets NO points for speaking up after he's not one of the cool kids anymore.
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I mean, I can think of at least one way... 🤔
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A book is literally a plot printed on paper. Anything else you can name serves no other purpose than presenting that plot in a way the reader understands.