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Is your intended message "Go thou, and do likewise"?
Because lionizing a street assassin is a good way to encourage more assassinations.
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So -- what you're saying is that the waiting is over?
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Before you criticize a man, you should walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away and you'll have his shoes.
-- Jack Handey
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Royal Blue or Baby Blue?
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The quote alone is some seriously scary shit. and we might leave it at that. But sources matter: It's Sayer Fucking Ji.
No chills yet? Try en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayer_Ji
He cites 7 studies finding that MMR is not 100% effective as evidence that measles is good for you. Holy fucking shit on a stick.
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MMR is a kind of litmus test for anti-vaccine epistemology. Most vaccine opponents assume that MMR contained thimerosal and thus lump it into the "it's the mercury" mythology. When informed that MMR never contained a trace of mercury they mumble some other excuse - but never, ever, admit the truth.
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A thought, and it is an actual plea for insight and advice: what should we do when loved and respected family members understand scientific medicine to be "Western Medicine", which is to be feared and avoided, and believe that asking for preventive measures is a "mandate" and an attack on liberty?
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I downloaded "Agenda Seeding: How 1960s Black Protests Moved Elites, Public Opinion and Voting" (thanks, Open Access!); also got Chenoweth & Stephan. Next, I head to Denver on President's Day to turn some of this insight into action. Research for the people!
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Two dearly loved and respected family members believe Functional Medicine deals with the root causes of disease, but Western Medicine deals only with the symptoms. Epigenetics came up. I said it was an active field of scientific study. Hard feelings ensued. PubMed gives "Epigenetics" 15,774 hits.
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The memo is bad enough, but the (confusingly worded) sentence stops short of calling for summary execution simply for "travers[ing] our borders". No guarantee they won't get around to it.
The memo: www.justice.gov/ag/media/138....
Lawfare has a good discussion:
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Because who needs indirect costs, anyway? Those funds must have been for office keggers or something. Surely those researchers can do their sequencing in someone's garage, right? History will remember the Trump era as the triumph of malice tempered by incompetence.
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A very reasonable conclusion. There are 4 stars within 5 light-years (5 ly) of us, about 17,000 within 100 ly and 17,000,000 within 1000 ly. Even at 1g accel-decel (unbelievably huge energy needed), our nearest neighbors are 7 rest-years away, most of the rest 1000s of years. Way too long to visit.
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I can't, in clarity, click the heart icon. Could BlueSky give us a broken-heart icon?
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I believe that essentially the same paper was retracted in 2017.
It was bad then, and its reincarnation is not much improved. To choose one example: if you conclude that A causes B, it helps if you first check whether A came before B.
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The target of this administration's initiative sounded better in the original German, "Entartete Kunst":
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Please share the prompt.
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Excellent advice.
For an information-rich discussion, read this:
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Look carefully at the hand. The cat's anatomy is subtly wrong, as is the movement. The beach chair does not deflect with the cat's movement. It's all a bit nearer this side of the uncanny valley, but does not quite cross over.
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I've found only one comment among the first 100+ even acknowledging that this is obviously an AI-generated video. But maybe everyone but me is in on the joke.
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OK, OK, there's no "actual Hitler" clause to Godwin's Law. But, but ...
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Quite a good, brief article. It has been said many times, but bears repeating, that goofy beliefs do not lie at one end of a spectrum. Rather, they occupy the poles of a horseshoe that brings the very wackiest worldviews together in an unholy union of extreme right and left wackadoodleness.
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If I were made of that, I'd be proud for you to have me for brunch.
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Many people believe that Trump can and will cause prices actually to drop, not just stabilize. This is a troubling delusion, but not as troubling as that many also want this to happen. Evidently, Americans are not bothered by the possibility of deflation, when they should be terrified.
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Did not know those existed. Cat hammocks, not cats.
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Hee, hee! I must have confused it with the sanity clause. In any case, JVL's point with that header seems obscure to say the least.
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I thought we were all agreed that, if Hitler actually came back, the "actual Hitler" clause would kick in.
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What's MAGA for "straightjacket"?