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Why is a supposed "Conservative" State like Texas involved with people's personal lives so much? For a State with so many Christian Church Business in it there is so little Love and Compassion for others that are "different" and somehow scare folks. I don't think their Bible tells them to Hate.
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These Programs established in 1930's/1960's to help people in need - and these folks - and I sure their parents and grandparents - have been yelling SOCIALISM ever since. Their religion cannot be Christian based or Judaism. They seem to believe I am OK-I got mind-too bad for you or even screw you!
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Sometimes you can take the white South African out of South Africa but you cannot remove apartheid from his DNA.
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It is beyond Neanderthal thinking not to take advantage of technology that allows people to work effectively from home. There can be more distractions at an office than at home. And the "genius" prescription drug addict/non birth control believer engineer supports 1950's male dominated work rules.
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Prior to Trump's Tariff Blitzkrieg countries, like our neighbors, benefited from selling to USA Market. If cut off from America in Global economy they will find other markets around the world. Heck years ago when USA placed embargo on Cuba you could get Cuban cigars in Canada or the Soviet Union.
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Trump has been obsessed with tariffs at least since the 1980's. They were a bad idea then and they are a worse idea now. Unfortunately folks in their late 70's sometimes do not have the ability to be know when or admit when they are wrong.....really really wrong.