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Beautifully, powerfully stated. Thank you for this clarity.
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So those who are "frightened" can't problem-solve this to maintain some integrity? Collectively pool funds to increase security for their families? Have a private sector job lined up if they risk being primaried? "I won't do the right thing because I'm afraid" = ineffective leadership.
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Not to oversimplify the process, but would this work: Find space, set day & time a week in advance, notify representative & their staff (contact all offices), & let staff/rep know you have contacted local media (local channels and several specific reporters in each, same with newspaper, CNN, MSNBC
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I just attended a training explaining that narcissists get a large dopamine hit from hurting "good" things- relationships, people, projects, organizations. Also, consider the developmental age of someone who just destroys without creating. Rebellious teen years, maybe?
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Great article. The ideas for practical application are particularly helpful.
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Just learned in a training that people with narcissistic personality types often get major dopamine hits from tearing things/people down. Also, dopamine increases with novelty. Completely agree that he's moved on.
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Will do! I've been wanting to do more in addition to calling/writing Senators, etc. I'm unable to strike due to nature of my job. But No Spend Days? I'm all in.
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Great article, with solid research backing it! Thanks for posting. This is encouraging.
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Your explanation makes alot of sense. Thanks for the info!
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Serious question here: what would create enough safety for them to speak up? And are they contacting their representatives and senators? The GOP counts on rural votes; they may listen.
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post, how might this impact your business? I suspect you have some influence here with the GOP.
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Unrelated but hopefully relevant: have others heard that Feb 10-15 is planned "no spend" (likely low-spend) week for immigrants communities? How can we amplify this and/or make it nationwide?
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Great piece. I suspect we need a grassroots movement to help voters understand that we really can raise the bar for all elected officials. Yes, at this point we're getting what 50% of America voted for & yet, teaching people to raise their standards, when messaged well, is generally very effective.
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I love this piece & believe we wouldn't be in the position we're in now if just a handful of legislators had done the difficult, right thing. As noted, what if we raised the bar for all elected officials?
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Congratulations, Ken! I hope you'll be reading all the comments that follow your posting. We need to see meaningful, visible, effective action on multiple fronts from the Democrats. Please get a plan together yesterday, execute it & pivot rapidly as new information comes in.
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She's exactly right. Welcoming creates trust and sense of safety. Nothing good can be built and sustained without trust. It is exhausting, though, and we have to recognize how difficult it is to not say, "I told you so."
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Respectfully, Senator, you have power we don't have. We will do our part. Where is Democratic leadership on this? Some of your GOP colleagues have to see this is out of control. Who is persuadable? What are your next steps here? Thank you.
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Excellent point. They may not. Interestingly, GOP in Missouri recently decided not to push state legislation to permit bounty hunters for undocumented immigrants in MO because so much vocal opposition to it. I think I need to call/write daily.
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Red state Missourian here. When I contact my Senators, I think I will start asking them to make public statement on situation to update constituents on how they are working to protect us. I think I will push local media to question them. Also, appeal to Senate staffers in emails.
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This is spot-on. Makes me think I'd much rather have a federal employee who doesn't resign representing me as an elected official than my current senators. They are the true leaders.
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Ughh. Not much you can do there.
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Just left messages at 2 Hawley offices. Schmitt's DC office won't take messages! His St. Louis number on website goes nowhere and can't reach operator. Reached Rep. Wesley Bell's office. They said they are getting slammed.
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Or low-income energy assistance in the middle of winter?
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As mentioned below, what if NCI engaged anyway? There has to be some sort of risk management function there to evaluate pros and cons of engaging.
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That makes so much sense!
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Great point. And despite MAGA appearing not to care about character, all healthy societies are fully dependent on leaders w/healthy character. We can't throw in the towel on character; it's necessary in the long run. And, I agree that we focus on their ineffective actions as well. Both can be true.
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I see your point, & yet it all matters. Lack of healthy character isn't something to be overlooked; it contributes to the bigger picture. There is absolutely no trust without healthy character.
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The science of behaviorism tells us that attention, energy, validation given to ineffective, maladaptive behavior positively reinforces that behavior. SpaceX workers are giving all of those.
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This is the most spot-on explanation I've read for the phenomenon I've observed for years as a therapist. So many women no longer wanting or needing to participate in systems that no longer serve them, with men struggling to adapt. Thank you for this.
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Exactly. It's the science of behaviorism and reinforcement.
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I'm open to considering this interesting take. My differing perspective: Most women have spent decades overfunctioning for ineffective men. And we're done with it. Possible correlation between electing & elevating unhealthy, ineffective men & problems w/young men today? Men need to figure this out.
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Sarah, thank you for speaking the truth. You consistently demonstrate integrity, and that's exactly what we need in leadership.