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I'm friendly for LGBTQA+🏳️‍🌈 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 fuck off Putin 🇷🇺fuck off the ccp 🇨🇳 I'm an atheist ⚛️
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Wow. Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde fearlessly calls out Trump and Vance to their faces. This is heroic. (posting in 3 parts due to Bluesky's 1 minute limit)


今日知识分享 (防杠声明:我知道很多人可能已经知道了,但我就是想分享一下每日所学)新学一词,以前不知道这个中文译名是有个专有名词的。以及,美国的第一波女权运动,是由提倡废奴的白人女性在参加世界废奴大会时发现女性不能上台发言后,愤而要求提倡女性法律权利开始的。提倡平等权利应该是相通的,否则就只是利己罢了。比如对跨性别上女厕所特别敏感的“女权主义者”,会不会您就是自己不够硬所以想捏软柿子呢?


EU vs DISINFORMATION: Joint action to expose Russia’s information manipulation attempts

right winger identifying fascism

Thai LGBTQ+ Couples Register Marriages as Landmark Equality Law Takes Effect

"Truth to be debated" Truth is not fixed, it can change with new insights. i.e. Truth or facts only change with more and better data, not debate. The "there is no truth", "alternative facts" etc, are straight out of disinformation playbooks. Create so much confusion that nothing can be trusted. 1/3


🚨🚨BREAKING: Senators received an affidavit from Pete Hegseth’s former sister-in-law, Danielle Hegseth, claiming his behavior caused his second wife, Samantha Hegseth, to fear for her safety. All the young MAGAs in the piece are MEN, mostly white by their names. Would WSJ do a follow up on their social/dating life on campus? I bet it mostly sucks. The election is not a superfund project. You cannot clean the toxicity out of MAGAs and make them pleasant

我最近思考為什麼川普上位會讓我心情那麼糟糕,我明明不是美國人甚至不在美國生活。 我想那大概是因為親眼看到一個希望破碎,而人類,特別是我們這種在中國大陸長大小孩,是需要希望活下去的。從小別人就告訴我們,高考結束一切都會好起來,出國留學後一切就會好起來,找到工作後一切都會好起來,就算身處的環境再糟糕,也還是有個「燈塔」般的地方,那裡的人們幸福生活,而如果我想的話,隨時可以去那裡生活。 川普馬斯克扎克伯格之流,以及他們背後的「民意」,把這希望徹底摧毀,叫我一時不知所措。但這也給我一個啟示,就是我不能再寄希望於虛無飄渺的未來,不要再總想著「逃離」,而是應該專注於當下,現在,自己,和我愛的人與事。

经济学人:普京的同情者正在中欧获取权力 基克尔的自由党,就是普京“统一俄罗斯党”的正式姐妹党。 奥地利是一个拥有900万人口的小国,并非北约成员,向极右翼的转变对欧洲的影响不如法国或德国那样大。 但是,随着特朗普准备重返美国政坛,而乌克兰战争进入第四年,欧洲团结比以往任何时候都更为重要。另一个对抗布鲁塞尔、反对集体应对威权主义的领导人,只会令专制者感到高兴。

tyranny requires constant effort. it breaks; it leaks. authority is brittle. oppression is the mask of fear. remember that.

The passport page about changing your gender marker is now down. I'm expecting trans people's passports to be a major battleground of this administration.

随着特朗普准备重新掌权,MAGA运动的内斗已经愈演愈烈 最近几天,MAGA盟友和文化保守派人士,在社交媒体上开始批评其他MAGA人物为自称厌女的网红安德鲁·泰特提供平台。泰特在罗马尼亚面临包括人口贩运在内的指控。他曾炫耀自己如何诱骗女性制作色情直播,并对她们进行控制。他还曾吹嘘自己打断过一名女性的下颌骨。 批评者的目标。包括特朗普即将上任的白宫顾问阿丽娜·哈巴和右翼网红本尼·约翰逊,他们最近几天在约翰逊的节目中与泰特同框出现。哈巴对泰特表示高度赞扬,还将其与特朗普相提并论。

If you need help.

组图:马丁·路德·金 source

Donald Trump should be in prison. Donald Trump should be in prison. Donald Trump should be in prison. Donald Trump should be in prison. Donald Trump should be in prison. Donald Trump should be in prison. Donald Trump should be in prison. Donald Trump should be in prison. Share if you agree.

AOC: I don’t celebrate RAPISTS, so no, I’m not going to the inauguration tomorrow

AOC: I don’t celebrate RAPISTS, so no, I’m not going to the inauguration.

Thousands of people attended the People’s March in Washington on Saturday, days before President-elect Trump’s inauguration, to rally against his hard-right plans for the U.S. and show support for causes like racial justice, immigration and gun violence prevention.

Maga and tankie are idiots

Your evening Foster Flower update: New warming mat. She has spent most of the day on the warming mat. It’s below zero here again. Lamb chop has been moved as she has cuddled it.

挺神奇的一件事哈 几年前川粉嫌推特太“左”了就大量离开,跑到gettr,truthsocial那种垃圾平台上去 那时候没几个正常人叫他们留住,也没骂他们“怕不同观点”,更没说他们要进信息茧房 大家只是看到他们离开就松了口气而已 结果那些平台一个也不行 一片一片荒原 结果他们当中一个大川粉把推特买下来了,让它变“不左”了,允许各种纳粹言论满天飞 现在正常人要离开推特了,只奇怪川粉又不高兴了,各种骂声都出来了 就好像他们知道自己其实没啥真正的观点可以讨论,他们的存在是以【反对】为核心 说难听一点就是一群没了灯的飞蛾

Huge anti-Trump protests in Washington DC today. Where’s the corporate media coverage?