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Primary school teacher, chess enthusiast (and slow improver), guitarist, singer.
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Which program is this?
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I was reading Nigel Short's book recently and he says, "the problem with the Modern/Pirc is that white can pretty-much plonk his pieces anywhere and still get an advantage." Harsh, but maybe some truth in it.
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Good luck, Dave. Well played.
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Nf4 looks quite tasty.
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How did it go?
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I'm working my way through book 2- really enjoying it. I prefer my chess books to have exercises 👍
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Re x e4?
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Rxa6+ pxR RxR+KxR Qg8+ looks like it saves the day!
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Ahh lovely.
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Okay. 1. Rc1 Rbd7+ 2. Kc2 Re2+ 3. Kb1 and Rh1# can't be stopped.
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I'm trying to make Rc1 work. I *think* White's king can escape to b1 after the checks and then Rh1# can only be stopped by giving up a rook.
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No more online blitz. No more accepting draws.
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The wife.
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Massive mouth-breathers with bad breath. They're always a laugh to play against.
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Tony Currie.
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If it were my opponent's turn, what would he/she play?
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Ahhh, I can see that you are right and I was wrong!
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1... Qxb2+ 2 Kd2 Rxc2+ 3 BxR QxB+ 4 Kd1/Kd3 Qf2# (I think)
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It's a beauty. 🙂
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Great game. Well played.
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All the best.
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Wombling up a bunch of folkies is some achievement.
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Hmmm. b5 I reckon.
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h5+ looks tempting- followed by Kf5. Any good?
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Read all of them one after the other- gathered from our weekly visit to Broughton Library.
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That's because you still look 17!
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Mrs C (who was a rec teacher for 25 years) reckons this is waaaaay too early to be worrying.
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Great stuff 👏 👍
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I'd always tactically ignored the for/because conundrum, hoping that someone would suddenly arrive with a simple explanation. So thanks
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I've just visited their timeline and can assure you that they are a very nice person. One of the good guys ðŸĪŠ
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These have become modern-day classics.
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I came to your school a few years back to witness this in action- the way the teachers led the feedback sessions and the children's buy-in to this were great. The school I was working at was on this journey anyway, but this gave us some nudges to sharpen up our practice.
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No- unless it's a weekday and they're downing pints with gay abandon, and it's half term.
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It's lovely- I just doubt I'd see it during an actual game!
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Hi Dave- it's really tricky and it took me ages. Amazingly, move 1 is Kh1! You can probably work out the rest.
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Bd4 seems to sort out a few problems, and now the b pawn is immune because of Rb1 - winning the black bishop on b7.
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I feel like I'm on a managed move.
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I think I literally tried every option on the board before cracking it.
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Not many laughs in it, though.