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Si, era una manera de conya de dir-ho. A l'últim video, a partir del punt 1:31 hi ha algunes vistes des del tren que ara es deixaran de veure. Em sembla que fins al 1:50. Pots dir que ho deixes com a document històric.
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Doncs al dia següent Adif t'ha deixat obsoletes algunes de les escenes del vídeo :-P "Los trenes de alta velocidad circulan desde este domingo por el interior de la futura estación de La Sagrera"
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Looks like you're looking for this: summarizing, the cyclists do it to be seen (for safety), to avoid right turning vehicles, and to avoid being rear ended. And safety trumps the "law obedient medal". But only you and the cyclist know the exact situation you had.
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Can you train right-handed people to fight with the left? Rafa Nadal is right-handed but he played tennis with the left and had that advantage.
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What about making it the other way? Adapting the fire requirements to your budget: No wonder Alon found it so cheap!
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They did use it in an evacuation in Barcelona L9 in 2015. The biggest issue was not the evacuation itself, but for people to understand that they had to evacuate (no driver on board):
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Nótese que los empresarios que se supone toman decisiones racionales a favor de su negocio, también la cagan por sus prejuicios clasistas
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General guide says minimum 3 meters for side platforms and 9 for islands because it assumes it's a boulevard where you need to let people pass between the shelters on the two sides: (page 80)
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Barcelona: New Glòries stop opened two months ago in Barcelona with 4m wide island platforms in a square with plenty of space: (Page 84: "Totes les andanes disposen d’un ample de 4 metres i una longitud útil de 65 m)
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Me suena familiar:
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Usually when I see such a specific rule, I have fun imagining what past fuck up they had that they needed to include such a rule.
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I think the engineers don't want to tunnel, but it's the political anti-nimby solution. And in Sagrera's case, at least local authorities foot their part of the bill. And technically it's just a huge building that required lowering the floor because it was too tall.
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When I hear that kind of ideas I get a feeling they're just trying to pull the Overton window towards their side, and media should be more bold calling these things by their name instead of allowing the manipulation on the name of neutrality.
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Me doy cuenta de la cantidad de maneras de arruinar Rata Blanca: Raya, Raza, Rana, Raja, Gata, Pata, Bata, Nata, Mata...
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La Renta, calculando el dólar blue de Bolivia
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Hire Straits. (No me puedo quitar la imagen de los Piojos con el jersey colgando del cuello)
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Puns'n'roses, Los Pijos, La sopora dinamita, Maní, Piss, Jamones
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Part of it was excessive optimism on a new technology, but bigger part of it was because of experimenting with privatization of the whole project. Which has been abandoned for any new contract in public works. That neoliberal prejudice "companies do everything better than governments"...
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Plus they couldn't follow streets so they had to go very deep to pass under the buildings. In terms of user experience, a tunnel is always a tunnel, the only difference is the time penalty imposed by the long elevators
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Around Barcelona, 20y ago, a train station station was buried and a line was diverted to have a metro stop in a new area to develop. Nice planning, but the development didn't happen and likely will never happen because it's a flood zone.
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Is that some kind of "single track" BRT station? Isn't it very limiting for the frequency?
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I've been calculating how to fit a green wave for buses, but you'd need to redesign those bus lanes, or the bus progress world be too unpredictable
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I've noticed the same in Barcelona, zero enforcement even when it's forbidden. But also I've observed that the main time loss is due to hitting red lights every one or two stops, and the slow boarding process when the bus is half full.