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Investor & Founder (Weblogs SL, @xataka, @motorpasion...) - I write and curate content on digital business, digital culture, digital assets and digital activism
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Prolific Poster

Según su patronal no faltan puntos de recarga en España. Flipo. Con excepción de la red de tesla, lo que falla es la fiabilidad. En el resto de redes no sabes si vas a poder cargar ni a qué velocidad. Es una lotería. Y hace más difícil la planificación de rutas

Winter is coming

A L U C I N A N T E La primera línea de Trump discutiendo una operación militar en curso en signal y para colmo invitan por descuido a un conocido periodista. Miedito.

Cómo defender la democracia de sus enemigos internos. Interesante reflexión de

Interesante todo el artículo, y la publicación, que no conocía

Deciphering the dilemma: The surprising impact of QR code menus on diminishing customer loyalty

“La plataforma de redes sociales X de Elon Musk ha suspendido varias cuentas pertenecientes a figuras de la oposición en Turquía en medio de disturbios civiles generalizados en el país.”

Cómo aprendí a utilizar varias direcciones de correo electrónico para mantener todas mis cuentas digitales protegidas

Hablando en plata: Eloncio se ha comprado una barra de bar para él y sus colegas y, como invita él, habla más rato que nadie.

El rearme estratégico de Europa: adiós 'europtimismo', hola 'eurosupervivencia'

Una multitud se manifiesta en Roma para reivindicar el orgullo de ser europeo | Internacional | EL PAÍS

En mi línea de llegar tarde a casi todo, me acabo de leer esto de, que es ya un clásico.

“ahora mismo, en Europa, están en peligro la paz, la prosperidad y la democracia; es decir: todo aquello que el proyecto de la Europa unida ha conseguido durante los últimos 80 años. Quien no lo vea es porque está ciego” Nuestra patria es Europa

“It is now the duty of European leaders not just to rekindle the fighting spirit of Churchill and De Gaulle but also to explain honestly to voters that we face another long struggle, and if we really want peace we must prepare for war,” writes

Great piece, worth your read!

Lo que comenzó como una broma política, empieza a deslizarse como una amenaza concreta. Trump insiste en asimilar a Canadá al territorio de los EEUU y la guerra arancelaria que le planteó tiene un contexto mas amplio y que puede influir en el futuro del resto del planeta

"From now on, the best-case scenario is that Europeans ensure Europe’s security with less America; in the worst case, Europeans will need to ensure their security with no America at all." Sadly, in the worst case scenario, Europeans will need to ensure their security against America too!

New piece in foreign policy. The US's postwar role as guarantor of Europe’s security is over. But Europe has an overlooked trump card: when it comes to manufacturing it blows the US out of the water, giving Europe the ability to rearm. Thread on Monday.

Online vandalism

This is the most kindergarten level economic statement I have ever heard. Given the revenue the U.S. gets from the IRS and total imports to the U.S. you would need to place a tariff of over 100% on every single current import. Not including the drop in imports you would see.

Former 🇺🇸 ambassador to Russia 👇🏽

Since writing this article, I have received messages from federal civil servants who tell me it is accurate, and that they are frightened. Please share this with anyone who doesn't understand the scale of the transformation. Otra buena entrevista de sobre política europea / internacional

European-led Ukraine air protection plan could halt Russian missile attacks | Ukraine | The Guardian

🍁¿Por qué Rusia es un amenaza tan real, como dice Macron? Un contexto con algunas clases. La ofensiva de Putin contra Occidente empezó hace una década con la información como principal arma. Y en 2017 Macron la sufrió intensamente. Por aquí, favor...

Some thoughts from Brussels. Europe is awoken and believes America is all but gone. As such huge efforts on defense funding from EU, Germany, and others. This is real. BUT... Europe is still not reckoning yet with its major structural security problem: No one does European defense. 1/

Urgent need for European leaders to communicate realities of Trump 2.0 era to citizens: - US is a different sort of power now - old taboos will need to be broken - there will be trade-offs - challenges are big, not insurmountable Macron's address represents the 1st major intervention in that vein.

According to a respected military analyst, the United States is now evolving into a "Network State." The goal: To replace democratic structures with Elon AI government. Expect significant turbulence and "bursts of authoritarianism," he warns.

On defence it’ll be tough, but on much else Europe can reap gains from Trump’s disruption.On trade, by implementing Mercosur.On aid, climate & global south, by filling hole left by US.On int. role of € given market jitters. If we don’t move, others will.Time to think & act big

La era Trump y la embestida del aceleracionismo oscuro

Si la verdad te disgusta, escóndela: #EEUU🇺🇸 sopesa retirar el gasto público de la cuenta del PIB para que no se note el brutal efecto de la motosierra presupuestaria en la #economía estadounidense #política #noticias […]

Trump-Vance knew their friend Putin doesn’t want a truce with any meaningful sec guarantees. They needed to blame Zelensky for it. It’s as transparent as it gets. Europe now knows there’s no fence to sit on. It confronts Russia alone and against the US. United we can do this

“Pensar que se pueda mantener una estrategia transatlántica de seguridad europea es una ilusión”

The interaction of potential large scale issuance of safe Euro-denominated government backed defence bonds and creeping questioning of the role of US Treasuries in global finance is going to be fascinating to watch.

Lo peor de ver (y reírte) con este maravilloso Cold Open de SNL ayer es darte cuenta de que la realidad es muchísimo más surrealista, y terrorífica

Mantener bases militares en tu territorio de un país que muy pronto será un estrecho aliado de Rusia supone un riesgo más que significativo y que deberían analizar los países europeos. EEUU ya no es un aliado, sino un adversario.

Key points and statements from President Zelenskyy's interview to Fox News: ◾️Ukrainians want peace more than anyone. ◾️Ukrainians need peace through strength, with security guarantees, not just a ceasefire that Putin will violate like he already has done with numerous earlier ceasefires.

So - I've actually led Ebola outbreak response at USAID. This is bunk from Elon. They have laid off most of the experts, they're bankrupting most of the partner orgs, have withdrawn from WHO, and muzzled CDC. What's left is a fig-leaf effort to cover their asses politically.

Hace falta que Europa tenga valor

To be clear, the Vance/Musk intervention did not change the outcome. Still, the fact that it happened changes German and European politics forever

Remarkable assessment by an incoming German chancellor. “for me it is an absolute priority to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible, so that we achieve independence from the US, step by step.”