Since writing this article, I have received messages from federal civil servants who tell me it is accurate, and that they are frightened. Please share this with anyone who doesn't understand the scale of the transformation.
So sad.
This is '1984' run amok. And all set out in the Project 2025 blueprint.
Without an opposition, America will be unrecognizable by the mid-terms. And if they can, the GQP will suspend them while the Dems sit on their hands.
This is no longer hyperbole...
In COVID times, most pubs took down paywalls for COVIDdy pieces.
I would argue that the current state of things is as much/more of an existential threat and danger to people, institutions, countries and the planet as COVID.
On October 17, 2019, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stood up and walked out of the Cabinet meeting after announcing dramatically to then President Trump,
The banality of evil. Good people doing nothing to stop evil. The American empire by this argument has no right to exist. Especially now if we want to live. American racism inspired the third reich So is anyone really surprised by bipartisan fascist collaboration Wake up
Quite apropos.
I fear that all the efforts of Trump and Musk to purge the civil service and military are pointing in the same direction - keeping Trump in power beyond his term.
If this doesn’t inspire everyone left of maga to prepare for the worst (violent confrontations), hope for the best,
then I’m not sure you get it.
The 2A was not written for one party. It was written for people who believe in America.
How do you want to live your life?
“Texas’ DOGE aims to be a “one-stop shop” for Texans to bring forward their grievances about state government services.”
There are total 4 screenshots.
Greetings from Hamburg, Germany
Yours Frank
DOGE = Department of Government Enmity which is aimed at everyone that isn't loyal to trump/elon/maga .
Everyday #5Calls
#Boycott #Blackout #BanMusk #DumpTrump #FoxisPropoganda
Run! Donate! Write! Show up!Support those running against GOP’s billionaire$
#PennilessPolitics -
#generalstrikeus -
In other words: regime change.
Which is fine in the sense the publication needs money to continue their work, but it is a little annoying when it promises and doesn’t deliver.
Will no-one think of the skinflints? 😀
It looks a bit weird at first with the page design, there is the login prompt at the bottom, but you can click the arrow-down-symbol on the very right of it to hide it and start scrolling.
The only lesson well-learned is how to do effective propaganda
But, what I have observed is that every action causes unintended responses too. People rally to each others defense. They are unwilling to lower the bar. This is happening at state level already where it’s been going on longer.
Where are the mass protests? Where is the general strike? Where is the civil disobedience?
Where are the true American heroes? Are there any?
All commercial US media is owned by the same 6 billionaires. They aren’t covering any of it. Follow independent media.
I’m finished Twilight of Democracy and starting Autocracy Inc.—occums Razor
I’m sending her this article to read and hope she sees truth.
You have Families too! You have loved ones too! Is this what you want for their future. Because the Chaos will become Violent!
Unless she’s calling for a second Revolution.
It’s going much worse in the US than I feared. „Regime Change“ - can this be compared to regime changes like Germany 1933?
For some reason justice did NOTHING to punish him.
Now, He makes other acts that harm US, again...
...And weirdly, people are surprised!!
Trump, Vance, Musk, and all of these other people are the evil, repulsive, disgusting outlaws.
We need these employees to remain strong as they can given the evil that this regime is.
The American people must come together to put a halt to this evil regime. Soon.
Every day I´m more and more thankful that I live in the middle of nowhere in the Atlantic Ocean😬😥
I hope, more of people and especially decisionmakers wake up and act fast.
#regimechange #trump #musk #usa
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
Regime change is just the means to establish a political system which is very close to what Putin has installed in Ruzzia.