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There has to have to have been some sort of club where parents were passing these things around and I still haven’t been invited
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So was any food you didn’t eat definitely going to be put in an envelope and sent to starving children or was that just in my house as a kid?
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Sometimes transporting straight to the bin without even opening is just the intelligent choice (not that that’s ever happened to me, honest….)
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I hope whatever it is you have a great time and do work you’re proud of
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A ‘feminist hero’ really? You know that moment when you know you missed something but are really not sure you want to find out what it was?
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I really really don’t understand, well an increasing amount of stuff really, but mainly how can anyone look at anything this man has said and done on the last decade and think he cares about anything other than some influence for himself
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Oh well that’s all sorted then!
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If (just theoretically) you did start a cult I’m going to assume there would be silly uniforms and a big hat for significant figures possibly with a button on
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I realise this isn’t the most important issue in the hellscape, but looking at that photo how high exactly does your blood pressure have to be before you go that colour?
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This is nonsense on several different levels but the main thing that gets me is the perpetual desire to police reading for pleasure. Well you may be ‘reading’ but you’re not reading serious grown up stuff 🙄
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No they’ve elected the one who’s doing exactly what he said he would. Of course before the election no one could possibly have known that wasn’t some elaborate role play, I think that’s how it goes?
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Got to be considered a certain badge of honour no? I’d be far more worried if I appeared on a people they like list. Though also they are utterly puerile children!
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Whoever coined it ‘spunkwaffle’ is Grade A work and I shall be shamelessly pinching it for all the many many people it can be applied to
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What leadership? (And I say that sadly)
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So basically there’s a decent chunk of the population who’ve never grown past being the most tiresome sort of teenager? I guess I knew that but the world doesn’t have to keep proving it
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I have just discovered that this is a thing again and a year that has done nothing for my faith in the universe is not starting February well. Why would you do this?! Is it daft children who think it’s cool to be shocking
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Well deserved 😊
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See that would involve them having to take some responsibility for anything at all and I think we all know that won’t happen
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Genuinely upset that I don’t currently have a better that was a short show take than all the excellent ones already made but yes this is an odd way to let us know you took the day off
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I swear they have specially designed mirrors! I mean I don’t think I actually scare children and pets in the street but the hairdressers mirror would disagree
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Anybody got a good Kindle alternative I can enjoy these on? Easily available in the UK for preference Trying to wean myself off Amazon because well Amazon but none of the others seem to hit the same level?
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Are you really though? On a Monday night? Personally I’m like 3/5 ths here at best
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My day involved sitting in front of a computer. You win!
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I think there’s a strategy, I just don’t think it’s his. In a way I’d feel better if we’d got in this state through bad luck, somehow it would feel more fixable.
On the other hand him running around yelling like a toddler who just learnt a rude word is funny
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You know those moments in life where it’s a 50:50 laugh/cry thing?
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That’s genuinely brilliant! Though I have to be honest quiche is gross
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I had absolutely no idea this was a thing! Thank you
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Quietly regretting that I ever listened to her
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Is this a real men don’t wear pink thing? Because I know I for one find someone scared by a pink shirt impressively masculine
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I think it explains a lot of our issues. At the back of a lot of our heads is a little voice that says it’s OK the real grown ups will sort it out means we don’t have to do the scary stuff
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Oh dear how sad never mind!
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Finally deleted my account there yesterday! I know should have done it ages ago but I think I was hoping it was saveable.
I think he’s been messing with us all along yes man’s an overgrown teenager just sadly one with a hell of a lot of power
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And apparently Trumps Chief of staff is side lining him already (or trying to) If Trump kicks him out how quickly will he combust? You know the experiment with the baking soda volcano when you were a kid? I’m thinking that
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So apropos of nothing what’s the best way to appreciate Mexico?
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I don’t want to look but have they come up with a way this was secretly done by democrats while the blot was out of the room yet?
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Died or my favourite theory booted into a far worse reality when the large hadron collider was turned on?
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Don’t know if you use Reddit but the Leopards ate my face sub is quite something if so. I want to feel sorry for some of them and part of me worries that I don’t but good god it’s not like this wasn’t flagged
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It’s not great but we know this isn’t what the Non insane wanted so mainly I think we feel sorry for you and worried for all of us
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He’s not that stupid. He’s playacting and desperate to stay in the headlines!
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Can someone please see if he wants to live here? I mean it has to be safer for him currently and goodness knows the man deserves a break from the insanity
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Stay safe folks and in some good news they probably won’t set off the blinking emergency alert thing again. I nearly had a heart attack!
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I am so confused by this? What are they waiting for? Brexit is a disaster it always has been and was going to be. There may be a small rump who still won’t except that but even the Tories are starting to make maybe this wasn’t a plan noises! What is Labour up to?
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Oh for goodness sake! Elimination of non doms was one of the few positives you could actually point to!
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I thought it was just new in power and worryingly under prepared but genuinely don’t get it at this point what are they doing?! To be honest the EU are being a lot nicer than I’d be after the nonsense they’ve had to put up with from us.
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Had a surprise meeting pre first cup of coffee the other day. In other words solid chance my bosses boss now thinks I’m an utter dingbat who can’t string a sentence together. I could not feel this more.
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Me before the coffee has kicked in also this Danish
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Ok I walked into that one!
(Though for the record that was a very specific and calculated gesture regardless of what large sections of the media are trying to claim)
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I’ve actually never joined a political party but given ‘gestures wildly’ everything maybe it’s time for that change.