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That 19 year old has a face I’d like to curb stomp like in American History X
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Everyone wants to be the next Steph Curry.
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I understand. I’ve also watched Moncada play, and know we don’t need to waste money on a guy that can’t stay healthy or be productive. There have to be better options than him. And no, it’s not just because he played on the South side.
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You may not be the first to suggest it, but hopefully, you are the last. #Shaw2025
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Instead of criticizing, be happy for them, and hope that one day things will turn around and you too can have those same things. Their success doesn’t lessen your chance at the same success.
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I’m sorry but I don’t believe she had anything to apologize for. I understand times are hard for a lot of people, but those same people follow these influencers as an escape, knowing what they’ll see. To then criticize her for sharing her accomplishment, which she has every right to do is ridiculous
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As if anyone uses the phone to call anyone let alone a tv show
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She’s looking for a job in the Administration. This is her getting people talking about her.
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Now he’s Eric Trump all of a sudden?!