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Hitler came to power in January 1933, and was not finally removed until April 1945, Trump is only a couple of months in, so you might have quite a wait.
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Why were they even on this unsecured app, and what else have they been discussing and with whom.
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If at some point Trump was declared unfit for office and impeached, his replacement would be JD Vance could get even worst.
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The result of the Brexit referendum was not binding, so rather than insult or blame the voters, look towards Westminster, both major parties backed Brexit, and Starmer and company will not do anything to reverse it, nor it seems the EU despite the chaos Trump is causing.
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Maybe the EU should offer the UK a one time offer, return with the same terms and conditions as before, limited time offer only though.
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If a private citizen did invite the vice president or his wife to visit they would be ignored as visits by officials or wives can only be arranged by state authorities. If they come maybe some guys in hoodies could pick them up and give a trip to Tennessee
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Rachael Reeves so called Spring Statement is so flawed that it veers on dangerous. What ever the tories did or did not do is irrelevant , Labour are now in charge, but their arrogance and rigid thinking fails to address the problem instead they tinker around the edges.
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Her name is Rumeysa Ozturk, she's a student from Turkey, and even her lawyer doesn't know where she is right now.
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I suppose anyone left of the far right “lunatics” fulls into that category, so basically that the vast majority of the population?.
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Well said, we use to be the grown ups in the world now we take lessons from the toddlers across the pond.
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Two sides to the Brexit issue, misleading dialogue and arguments May have led to the result, however our masters and self pronounced betters in the government and establishment made a shambles of the outcome, and it continues now in the current Starmer administration.
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It’s now hard to believe the Republican Party was once a long time ago the ‘enlightened party’ and the Democrats the old school ‘Jim Crow’ party. It’s almost a tabloid form of politics now. I can’t believe that the soft light Americana of the movies and tv shows has become so degraded and vile.
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Unbelievable, misinformed and literally ‘pig ignorant’. On my YouTube stream, Americans often pop up, those that come to the UK and can’t believe the freedom and history we have. Others watching history programmes about the UK, one explaining through shock that they did not know the Blitz happened?
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Good god, I hope not, we don’t want that hideous bag of flesh in the UK
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Ukraine has been fighting this illegal invasion with one hand tied behind their back, now they are being hobbled, especially in the Black Sea, where a country without a navy they have defeated the Russian navy forcing it to run and hide away.
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I did say “of sorts” referring to his amnesia not his ‘qualification’ of either of his roles neither of which he is or was very good at.
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Freeloading Europeans does that include the UK, we have had warships on station probably longer the US, not too mention fighter aircraft flying all the way down from Cyprus.
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By American allies, is that the “freeloading Europeans” and the same ones that came to America’s aid on 9/11?.
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Ask a politician to spell accountability would probably go like this “IT DOES NOT INCLUDE ME”
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£94,000 being the minimum, then there is the wages hike for an increasing plethora of ministers, under ministers, secretaries and aids and other made up jobs for the favoured, followed of course by expenses, subsidies and gifts.
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Did he not be a journalist of sorts?
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A politician albeit a candidate asking for our vote ‘to take back control’ (from politicians) is in fact an oxymoron?.
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Even worst, Americans tried to impose segregation on black troops stationed the UK, including killing, wounding and arresting black troops who failed to comply. Battle of Bamber Bridge, Lancashire, UK , June 1943.
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Accepted oil reserves bigger, but as your post points out the Norwegian pension is funded separately, which is much higher than the UK’s and has the provision of double if the spouse is over 60, which we don’t have here.
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Heathrow, private for profit company, pot holes maintained by private companies, NHS supplied and maintained by private contracts, High Street shops run for profit by large retail chains. If it don’t make profits then it fails.
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The Gravy train runneth over!
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a million pounds invested every year since 1946, and assuming a consistent average annual return of 7%, the total value of the investment in March 2025 would be approximately £36.6 billion.
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Why would a disabled person slow a process down?
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Norway came out of the war as an occupied country, it too was broke, and with a small population dispersed over a country bigger than the UK faced serious problems so a comparison is valid as it goes to intent. 1957 Macmillan said Britons never had it so good, that could have been the starting point
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The government might see the ability to get around as an ability to work. Sadly many employers are either risk adverse or down right prejudice to that concept, unless it is enforced by strong government legislation and therein is the core of the issue.
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This has nothing to do with defence, rather it’s the need to acquire possible Greenlands resources for American corporations. As for a good Ally, it’s the US and trumps gang of the stupid that’s the problem. Remember under article 5, an attack on one member is an attack on all and could trigger WW3