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I always thought it was a little cheap in these films that he gets a gadget from Q which is so specialized but it just so happens to be *exactly* what he needs to get out of a scrape. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Ah yes! A Q visit! I love when they send him out in the field. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Erm.. is Bond staying at the Brandy Bunch house while in Nassau? #JamesBond #Thunderball
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The connections between Domino, Derval and Largo is a bit silly. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Did anyone in any audience actually understand how to play baccarat? #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Yeah, wearing a seersucker suit on a tropical beach just blends in, doesn’t it? #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Aren’t these underwater sequences beautiful as the actors fuck up all those coral colonies. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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I’ll never not get a kick out of the “Handle Like Eggs” label on nukes in these movies (which was a real thing). Maybe should be labeled “Handle Like Eggs on 2025” for extra caution and to explain how expensive they are. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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I could have gone my whole life not seeing Largo’s paunch and package in a wetsuit. Thanks, #Thunderball. #JamesBond
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Angelo trying to extort SPECTRE is not going to end well. I mean “Extortion” is in the name, for crying out loud! #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Sex in a sauna??? My god, that sounds exhausting! #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Seems a minor design flaw in that spine-stretching machine that has a setting that can kill someone. Why make it this way? #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Bond treats the women here like he’s visiting a “non-therapeutic massage parlor” in the wrong side of the tracks. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Goodness… is Count Lippe the Greatest American Hero??? #JamesBond #Thunderball
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I’m pretty sure Elon Musk learned his management style from these SPECTRE meetings. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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These SPECTRE meetings are so silly and cheesy. But I do love them. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Tho we do have to suffer through that awful Tom Jones theme. Blarg. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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Also the fist movie where they zeroed in on the naked models and silhouettes for the opening song. Proved quite popular. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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The opening promises one of the silliness movies of the series… from the spy dressing as the grieving widow to jetpack. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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An no, this has nothing to do with the Amazon/MGM announcement last week. Just working my way through the series. #JamesBond #Thunderball
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A lot of other franchises have tried that and it rarely works. ( #DoctorWho, I’m looking at you! ) #JamesBond
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Another problem with the post-CASINO #JamesBond films was they tried to connect everything. We didn’t need to delve into Bond’s past or psyche (he’s a womanizing ruthless killer, after all) or make him Blofeld’s brother. Pointless, banal, and cheap for that.
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In the end, it shows that Barbara Broccoli didn’t understand the business model that Cubby Broccoli had built. #JamesBond
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Before SKYFALL, the highest grossing #JamesBond films (adjusted for inflation) were GOLDFINGER and THUNDERBALL. Then it settled into modest returns that simply made steady cash. They were never meant to prop up a whole studio.
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I wish the #JamesBond movies would have gone back to being a cash cow for the studio by paying for its budget with product placement and then everyone being happy with a modest box office that was all gravy.
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And we leave Bond and Pussy to hump like rabbits on an island, and we say good-bye to GOLDFINGER. Still enjoyable but not the best Bond by a mile. #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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Wait a tic… Goldfinger has a golden gun. Is *he* the man with the golden gun??? #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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When you order your stewardess from Temu… #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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After electrocuting Odd Job, Bond looks a little disappointed. That’s because he already used the quip “Shocking” in the opening sequence. #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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Kudos to Bond for still being a gentleman when out-matched by Odd Job. I would have gone for the balls and eyes by now. #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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The 60s silly misogyny continues with Pussy galore being won over by Bond’s lovemaking. It was silly and stupid then, more so now. #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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You’d think Fort Knox would have some form of anti-aircraft defense. #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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Felix was eating Kentucky Fried Chicken because they are in Kentucky. (I’ve been in Kentucky many times, and I don’t think I’ve ever eaten KFC there.) #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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Not sure killing all those crime bosses makes a lot of sense for Goldfinger’s security. #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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Yeah, that escape from Bond’s cell definitely was more fitting for Monty Python’s Flying Circus. #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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There’s a lot of shade being thrown by the British filmmakers… the clear message is that Europe’s criminals are far classier than American criminal thugs. #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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Also curious that Goldfinger has a dungeon cell already available at… checks name… “Auric Stud.” (Yeah I’m gonna let that one go…) #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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This movie would have a better ending if they landed at Monty Python’s Flying Circus rather than Pussy Galore’s Flying Circus. #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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I get that Goldfinger’s private jet has the bathroom peepholes for this scene, but otherwise I can’t shake the idea that he uses them to watch his staff go wee wee. #JamesBond #Goldfinger
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“No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!” One of the greatest lines in the series for sure. #JamesBond #Goldfinger