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Finnish Illustrator, comic artist & indie game dev đź‘ľ 29.-30.3.25 Tampere Kuplii
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February is supposed to be deep in the winter still and yet for the past five years it has been Fog Gross Mud Dogshit season, also known as the dogwalker’s doom

"Queer Indie Narrative Driven Game with an All-Female Cast has less downloads than a newly freely available popular sequel to a STAR WARS GAME" being some absurd indicator of failure just makes me want to sleep for a week

Animaatio Hirvitalon kevätkauden julkistamiselle.


All dolled up and nowhere to go. Playing with oil pastels.

all modern society is built around preventing anyone from ever feeling uncomfortable for even one second, and unfortunately that small moment of crisis is the place where all innovation happens

A reminder that if you join my patreon, DO NOT JOIN ON THE IPHONE APP!!! They charge an extra 30% that goes only to apple AND they hold the whole payment for 75 days đź‘» Switch to your browser on your phone or computer to sign up and then you can access my page thru the app like normal!

Hugging Molly, creature design made for the game South of Midnight.

Today I sketched some more glass birds of Toikka

It was a nice, moody walk yesterday.

Hey, artists, in case you were wondering if your work matters: I'm a scientist working on climate change and biodiversity, and I would not be who I am today without The Lorax, The Secret of NIMH, Watership Down, The Last Unicorn, and The X-Files. I know I'm not alone. Thank you for all you do.

How to tell a raven from a crow. An older guide I made with Dr Kaeli Swift. And yes that's an aileron roll, not a barrel roll, but only us nerds know that :)

This one is definitely dedicated to my youngest. #belzebubs

the thing about genAI is if it was actually useful or benefits the end user in any capacity, you'd have to pay for it. it'd be locked behind so many gates as a use privilege but instead opt-outs are virtually impossible and it's force-fed down your throat like ducks being prepared for foie gras

I strongly suggest that if you dislike this feature, you write a quick ticket saying so. Annoy the fuck out of them. ⚔️

Players have been asking for the ability to filter out games made with Gen AI. We've added an automatic tag on SteamDB based on the AI gen content disclosures on the store pages.

I'm trying to make friends with markers again. Please ignore the perspectives, so did I

Hooray now I have a study i can reference instead of staring blankly and going "uh idk sounds wrong" when people say AI is good for coding

The intense fear of actively including romance, eroticism or even deep platonic feelings in entertainment — let alone games — is so hilarious. I’ve been arguments that romance “cheapens” a narrative or it doesn’t sell when it has consistently been a prevalent genre that out survived so many trends.

Networking in comics is vital. I would have no career without my connections. But what many misunderstand is that it is not about finding someone higher up on the ladder and trying to use them to move up. It is about finding pals on the same rung, and form a little squad that lifts each other up.

This Steam Next Fest, be sure to check the Generative AI disclosure section on the game's product page A lot of titles are trying to sneak the slop in and it feels really bad to be jumpscared by stolen garbage

This is SUPER useful, for 2D and 3D artists

I will be at Tampere Kuplii Artist Alley the whole weekend 29.-30.3.2025! I'm working on a new short comic zine about a sea monster, if the universe is on my side you can get it at Kuplii!

ILMOITTAUTUMINEN KESÄLEIREILLE ON AUKI! Viikon mittaisia päiväleirejä järjestetään koko kesäkuun ajan Herttoniemessä ja Kalliossa. Tutustu leireihin ja varaa paikkasi ajoissa 👇 Kuvitus: Ninke Naujoks

Hei toverit! Laitettiin tämmöinen joukkorahoituskampanja käyntiin, kun apurahoja jaetaan nykyään entistä harvemmalle joukolle. Tällä on tarkoitus kerätä rahaa meidän tulevaa näyttelyä varten. Kiitos, jos autat!


I'd like to invite you to my solo exhibit opening on Friday 28th of February, so next week! Opening hrs 17.00-18.30 @ Sairaalankatu 5-7, Tampere Finland. The exhibit features original illustrations from the years 2018-2025. Hope to see you there! Sharing would be greatly appreciated ✨

✨💌USEFUL LINKS FOR ARTISTS🎨🍊: A 200+ link spreadsheet of some of the best references and websites out there, for free on google sheets! This blew up on twitter ages ago, and I just went through and tested all the links and added more. send to ya buds <3

Do you know how licensing and royalties can get you more $$$ from the same piece of artwork? That's this month's topic on my Patreon "Ask an Art Director" Here is a sample where I compare three contracts for the same art and see how much licensing can affect your $!

Me seeing people in their 30s achieving artistic goals they never dreamed possible and slowly internalizing the idea that your 30s are not late in life and that I don’t need to be perfect in my 20s nor fear aging or fear I won’t have time to create what I love

This is my best tweet. Now you can see it.

Books designed to be read only by human eyes are different from books designed to be read by machines, which is why Google will tell you that the phrase “shake my booty” can be found in an 1863 English translation of Don Quixote.

Some thoughts on my a(ego)romantic experience for the #Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week. Probably pretty messy because it's still very fresh for me but here we go! Sorry for any typos! (PART 1/2) #aspec

Finally got my screen printing experimenting to work, I'm so excited

See a hug, post a hug! More old art from a few years ago

⚔️9k celebratory #artshare ⚔️ I'm blown away by the support, love, and inspiration this community keeps on giving, thank you❤️ rules: -let's keep it relatively sfw - no explicit content! -tell something about yourself, your interests, etc. -remember to comment, love and share other's art too!