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Well now I've got this stuck in my head so you should watch the absolutely incredible music video - that was banned by mtv until Friedken (YES, IT'S DIRECTED BY WILLIAM FREIDKEN) agreed to cut some of the 'sexually charged imagery' (don't worry this is the full version)
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okay i need yao guai vs. mr satan showdown content right now.
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해체쇼 죠와요
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오늘 가장 마음에 들었던 깃발은 “내란범 자연사 방지위원회” 암만. 하모. 그러취.
comment in response to post 2020년 도람뿌의 대선불복 시도때 슬로건이었어요
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한 시민은 윤 대통령에게 어떤 사과를 받고 싶은지를 묻는 말에 이렇게 일갈했다. “공자가 길 한가운데에서 용변을 보는 자는 가르칠 수 없다고 했습니다. 이해할 능력이 없는 자에게 무슨 말을 하겠습니까?”
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worse overall health -> higher profits. ding ding ding.
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Further reading (in Korean):
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It's a dog-whistle shibboleth with a ton of local historical precedence, much like "states' rights", cos it actually refers to 군정 or 'democracy with Korean characteristics'. There's a joke among Korean translators that it should be rendered not as 'liberal democracy' but as 'democracy-free'.
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The moment he became so fixated with, and exclusively mentioning '자유'민주주의 as opposed to plain old 민주주의, everyone 40 and older started getting 'a real bad feeling'. Then he got that 2:8 hairdo and everyone was like "ah shit here we go again".
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미국도 워싱턴 의회까지 행진한 역사가 있고
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Yup. "Clandestine Lotteria Insurrection Plot Led by 2-Star Sex Offender" is a whole ass thing right now. Makes most Tom Clancy stuff look like Parks and Recreations.
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You can build an ethical argument for a role of rushing to grab the wheel when they yank the car into the ditch but that is not being the opposition that is being the junior partner in a governing coalition. Every time you pull the car back people will conclude the coalition works.
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- " okay so how crazy are we going with this? " - " yes. "
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Yeah, felt a bit too both-sidesy. I remember some outlet (was it the same one?) calling Yoon's autogolpe attempt a 'misstep'. This is like pulling (and firing) a loaded gun on someone while arguing over what to have for dinner. Once that gun's been fired, 'dinner' is not the issue anymore.
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Also the added bonus of having proved, if things don't pan out in the CC and Yoon returns, their unwavering loyalty to their Dear Leader. It's a no-brainer (in their minds at least).
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These PPP jokers understand the party itself it kaput. But whatever party is cobbled together in the aftermath, they need to appear to their local constituents as having 'stayed loyal to the bitter end'. Welp it's like the 5th? 6th? time to find a new party name. I'd just stick with 민정당 for clarity.
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Just publicly signalling 'loyalty' to their local constituents (esp. TK), who've already branded Kwon as a 'traitor' the moment he went with free balloting. Everything else (basic tenets of democracy, etc.) goes out the window. In Korea, 자유민주주의 (as opposed to just 민주주의) is dogwhistle code for '군정'.
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우리는 무릇 이 사태를, 내란수괴가 계엄을 빙자한 친위 쿠데타를 시도하다가 계엄령의 형식적 선포조차 여의치 않자 이른바 대국민담화를 통해 계엄상태를 "참칭"하며 사적으로 군에 위법 명령을 내려 각종 폭동행위를 저지르고 헌법기관을 유린하려 한, 명백한 내란행위로 정의해야 한다. 이건 위법한 계엄령조차 아니다. 2024년 12월, 대한민국은 계엄치하에 들어선 사실조차도 없다. 단지 성립한 적도 없는 계엄을 사칭한 내란범과 그 부역자들이 존재했을 뿐이다.
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"지난 금요일(6일) 주요 5개국 주한대사들이 만나서 '만약 윤석열이 계속 대통령으로 있으면 경주 APEC(에이펙·아시아태평양경제협력체)을 포함해서 모든 국제 정상회담 개최를 보이콧하겠다'고 결정했다. (중략) 지난 3일 골드버그 주한미국 대사가 퇴임 송별 오찬을 했는데 몇 시간 뒤 계엄이 선포됐다. 골드버그 대사가 조태열 외교부 장관과 김태효 안보실 차장에게 전화를 했는데, 전화기는 꺼져 있고 답도 하지 않아서 본국에 '윤석열 정부 사람들과는 상종을 못하겠다'고 보고했다."
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국힘: "Might we interest you in another serving of 총퐁?" 정은: "Eww keep that shit away from me we're busy in Ukraine"
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Welp time to go ask Mitch McConnell (AFTER Jan 6th)