Author of Contemporary Southern Gothic Fantasy
At least, that's what my book club telIs me I write.
Pretty sure that's not a real genre, but it sounds good to me! - she/her/it
#amwriting #amquerying #amNOTlookingformarketingservices
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"You should have done" is the typical human reaction to anything they see that's unfair. Humans want to believe the world is fair and makes sense. It isn't and it doesn't, but if we acknowledged that, most of us would go mad. So we make up "justifications" for anything bad that happens to someone.
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I think I need to put this on a T-shirt!
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Mayor, Congressperson, Representative, Judge, President, whatever. If a politician makes it past the level of County Commissioner, they've already sucked a lot of shit to get there, and it only gets worse the higher they go. Because Human.
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PS: I'm sorry I seem so argumentative! It's lovely that some people believe peace is possible with this species. I've just lost all faith in humanity. Specific individuals are good, but as a species, we are (IMO) an evolutionary dead-end. But I still respect your faith in them! I hope you're right.
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(And they'd support him by using that Thomas Jefferson quote, too!)
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Probably one of the most horrible quotes ever. It makes life itself sound like some kind of parasitic alien. (Who knows - maybe it actually is?)
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My sweet son sincerely believes that no US soldier would fire on fellow citizens. But I've been a military wife - there are just as many ignorant bigots among them as there are in the general population (that is to say: frighteningly close to half or more.) Many of them would support him with glee.
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Well, there were. But now we've elected psychopaths who will repeal all those laws because their constituency always resented those laws. That is humanity for you: one step forward, one step back. Those who can remember history are doomed to watch those around them repeat it over and over.
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Yay, signs of spring! 😅
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No matter how much most humans SAY they'd love peace, the majority of them are incapable of letting go of their primate instinct to dominate others. Those who have evolved past that are still too small a minority for this species to be capable of peace in the foreseeable future.
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Be careful you don't give the Orange Turd the excuse it's looking for to declare martial law. Its own sycophants may not be capable of insurrection, but it sure will jump to use that term to describe those who oppose it, and its fat orange thumb is already on the martial law button.
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Chuck is as far into the dementia weeds as Dump is. Their meeting will be some great Bread and Circuses!
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But if one of the benefits isn't "the potential to control and dominate all other humans," THIS primate species isn't going to go for it.
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I don't know where I'd be without my writing group. (Probably in an asylum or something!)
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Hope he has some good ideas.
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Because if it doesn't work for agents, it won't work for readers, either!
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I have heard AuthorTubers (including ones who are or were agents) say yes, count your prologue as the first chapter and then send Ch. 1 & 2. If you're afraid your prologue will turn agents off, or their interest won't be grabbed by end of Ch. 2, then you should permanently get rid of the prologue.
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I'm all for responsible gun ownership, so I don't fit into either camp, neither the ones who scream "get rid of 'em all!" nor the ones who say it's "unconstitutional!" to not allow psychopathic felons, blind little old ladies, and toddlers to run in the streets with assault rifles if they want to.
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Conservatives who think liberals don't have any guns just astound me. 🙄 But it's probably just as well that they believe we're all unarmed.
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My cat begs to differ. She says all creatures are equal, except for cats, which are far above all other creatures in the galaxy, and that she is far above all other cats, as well.
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You know what's even more dangerous than he is? All the millions of people who voted for him. Especially now that they know they can commit any crime they want to, scream "But I did it to save my country!" and be pardoned by their fuhrer.
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Hey, deluded seniors are already sending their life's savings to phishers and scam telemarketers. Never did need AI to do those jobs!
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If I wanted to cut waste, fraud, and abuse I'd send every CEO and every politician above the level of county commissioner to work in the mines on Mars. Talk about "the parasite class!"
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I actually kind of love editing, but, I'm a nerd. 😜
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I wouldn't say I've READ one. A few times, I've cracked one open, read the first couple of pages, and then put it in the "to donate" pile.
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Follow me for more cheerful, optimistic affirmations! 😝
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Bezos spoke about this years ago. How we would have "Trillions of humans!" The light in his eye when he said that was creepy! And how Earth would be a resort for the rich. But terraforming? No, the exoplanets will be turned into mines, and if we slaves complain, they'll just turn off the oxygen.
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Wait, what? SCOTUS isn't going to save us. Over half of SCOTUS is in his pocket. He doesn't have to defy them: they'll do whatever he tells them to do. No, what we need is a miracle, and I'm not holding my breath about that, either.
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True, but with the amount of orange-ass-kissing all our senators and congreswonks have been doing lately, I'll be surprised if governors and military officers have the nads to stand up to his whims, either. Whatever's going on up there in those ranks is so profoundly evil, it defies explanation.
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Oh, hey, I just found out we've been pronouncing "DOGE" wrong all along. Turns out, it's actually pronounced "doosh" - spread the word!
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Um. Don't blockade anything. That is illegal. Don't do anything to give the big orange douchebag the excuse it's looking for to declare martial law.
All the other stuff, though, yeah, keep doing that.
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...I mean, unless you literally are blocking a line of tanks because martial law has already been declared!
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Just remember: actually blocking a road during a protest is illegal, and will give Certain Idiots just the excuse they need to declare martial law. So maybe don't do it, unless you want to give Certain Idiots even more power.
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So glad they scrawled them on a slip - I was totally expecting you to say "scrawled in the margins"! 😂
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I remember when that was the ONLY way to approach publishers! And some of those "returned manuscripts" were too damaged to use again. Agents" were only for actors. And instead of QueryManager, we had The Writers Market, a four-inch-thick hardbound book you had to buy an updated copy of ever year.
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Glad you found something that works for you - sounds like a great combination!
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True! But our autocrats were elected by popular vote because humans are, by and large, morons. I swear, humans actually CRAVE kings and queens, even though they go around saying they don't. That's why they worship celebrities. Ugh. It's like watching a cat keep slamming its head into a window!
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Government of the people, by the people, for the people has turned out to be government of the asylum, by the inmates, for ...oh, look, a hallucination!
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Sadly, it appears to have turned out that way.
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I always thought Democracy was such a great thing! Now I realize it's really just a way of letting the inmates run the asylum.
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#1 should include "and stop plastering his face all over Social Media!" Narcissists feed on notoriety, whether it's positive or negative. Also seeing that face everywhere I look is making me physically ill. (Still working on #6, myself, though.)
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Now THAT is hitting them where it hurts! 😜
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That's just the thing. The answer seems to be that nothing works. Certainly nothing has, so far, despite all our Positivespeak to the contrary. All I can see that we can do is love our loved ones while we can, and help others while we can, until the lights go out.
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The fact that nobody has ever bothered to try to find out what's REALLY in Ivanka's coffin is proof to me that neither party is actually on our side.
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"Do Something" is kind of like "pray for god's mercy." Equally useless.
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Any organization formed and managed and peopled by humans will have the rot set in five minutes after it has been created. Because humans.
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I like to call him Elonia (or Elania) because he is Trump's new favorite wife.
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But that would be cruel to the bees!