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For the month of February-March, $15 members will get the lossless, raw, uncropped version of this scan, in addition to the raw audio capture used for this upload straight from the magnetic strip! If you would like these, be sure to subscribe!
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Due to it being nitrate, which is highly dangerous and flammable, we plan on donating this print to the National Archive of Japan, but we will make the scan freely available in 4K for everyone to see.
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Give it about a month and a half for the strikes to clear and then we’ll put that stuff back up.
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Love em :3
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Sea Cat is available on YouTube, courtesy of .
Everyone say どおもありがとうございます!We appreciate you!
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All the stuff we upload on YouTube is being properly/professionally preserved in any case, so there's no worry that anything we've posted is in danger of being lost.
The point of our channel is NOT for it to be an archive. It's just to share stuff that we're otherwise already preserving ourselves :)
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Only on very rare occasions. There are too many issues with the service that makes us frankly avoid uploading there regularly. Most of the stuff we upload on YouTube is just anime OPs/EDs/sometimes trailers. When we collab with a fansub group on a full episode/movie project, that stuff goes on nyaa.
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Also, for the month of December, ALL paid members on our Patreon will receive both the raw & restored lossless, uncropped versions of this scan, whether you donate $1 or $15! Do become a member if you want it, and thank you all for the continued support!
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Unfortunately, the actual interpositive (made a mistake in an earlier post, it wasn't a negative, oops!) is in pretty bad shape, and suffered from a lot of heat damage. Luckily, we were able to restore and preserve it digitally in pristine condition!
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While one episode of this series has been remastered in HD officially, the rest of it is still stuck in SD, & so are all its sequels. There has also never been an officially released creditless OP before, making this a one-of-a-kind rarity we were so thankful to get our hands on!
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I mean at least you can still easily download the scan where that opening was from
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Download Link:
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Unfortunately, we don’t have any means of watching them, let along capturing them. Thankfully, is kind, patient, and wonderful and helped us get the first one captured.
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No plans to at the moment, Archive is not in a good state right now. Hopefully in the near future.
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Not possible. First of all this was digitally animated in SD and has a ton of digital effects. An upscale is the only way to make it “HD.”
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Just the preview, unfortunately.
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There wasn't one there to begin with ;)
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This is also a rush print, so it's not surprising if the animation is unfinished in general.
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We're always so glad to be able to share treasures like this w/the community in their proper quality in 4:3 & without the egregious filtering we've come to expect from this franchise. Again, it's a shame only 1 reel could be salvaged, but we hope you enjoy all the same!
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Also included are every version of FUNi's ENG dub (OG & remastered, US & JP OSTs), AB's Big Green dub, Speedy's Malaysian-English dub, LATAM Spanish dub, & the aforementioned M&E+Music-Only tracks! Also full English subtitles! Thanks to for their contributions here!
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Also thanks to those materials, was able to create an all-new stereo mix, improving the sound quality & punch over the existing mono mix. Listen for yourself! Of course, this release also includes both the OG mix from the JP Blu-ray & the optical audio from the reel!
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Thanks to that, we are including two additional audio tracks on our release: The full music & effects track (no dialogue!) and a music-only track from the same mag source.