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You spoke about your experience at an event attended & It stuck with me, specifically re: yt neighbors offering to care for homes/businesses of people rounded up to camps. When released,those neighbors wouldn’t return that property. More ill gotten generational wealth. Cautionary tale for now.
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Project 2025 was oddly specific about returning the military to the demographic make-up it had in 1973. Without fact checking what I’m about to say, I’m just going to surmise that it was alot whiter male that year……
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Elon is so hemotional
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They do have a limited range in a lot of things so, it tracks.
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Looks like Elonia is getting hemotional again.
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I learned about this at the AA museum in DC. It tracks. Remember blk men wore earrings & it was awful, until yts wanted to? Rap was bad until yts wanted to seem cool & wear tshirts that say ‘play gangsta rap & get sh*t done!’ They think they provide legitimacy to what we do/create. Nah.
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Sure hun, keep telling yourself that with all your lols. What a miserable existence you must have looking in the window pretending everyone is as unhappy as you are. Enjoy your gaslighting delusion! Ciao!
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Blocking is incredibly liberating though …..
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Why not go back and worship at his altar instead of being disloyal to him over here? If you worked for him, he’d probably fire you for this.