#WorcPoli #OrganizedLabor #BLM
Worcester Development
Community Organizing
Sunshine Laws & Govt Transparency
#DorothyDay #HolyCross #JerzyPopieluszko
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"Now is not the time to be quiet, now is the time to lead.... I'm running for Mayor in 2025."
Khrystian King
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HRC Commissioner Yang "I am disgusted as a person of color that the CM hasn't responded to our request to release a statement opposing the racist graffiti."
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Commission standing firm. "This is our job, to speak out against hate."
It's clear, this HRC is frustrated by the constant roadblocks by the Administration to even the most basic of Commission activities.
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"I cannot understand the apprehension.... this sets a bad precedent."
Commissioner Bilotta
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CM has now officially notified the HRC that he will not approve its statement against racist graffiti at Chandler Magnet.
HRC has written back to the City Manager flabbergasted and requesting he reconsider his blocking their statement.
"You cannot speak out enough against racism."
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Commission has now voted yes, for a second time, trying to get the CM to approve their statement against misgendering, transphobia and dehumanization.
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Commissioners want to keep language cut by Administration stating "actions must have consequences". Confusion about why Admin cut that phrase from statement.
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Commission recognizing that it's now been six weeks since incident and will be another month until their next mtg. Commissioner Creamer, *This is disappointing."
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Human Rights Director and Chief Equity Officer drafted an alternative statement for the Human Rights Commission to release which avoids specifics.
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The proposed statement by the HRC on Msgendering, Transphobia and Dehumanization has been blocked by Human Rights Director and Chief Equity Officer who have requested that the specific references to City Councilors be removed.
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WPD has new draft policies pertaining to the Vice and Sexual Assault units which the HRC will be reviewing. Copies or descriptions of the new draft policies were not provided.
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HRC now voting to publish and send to City Council it's Five Year HRC Report. This is a very detailed report showing all of the HRC's work, policy recommendations and document requests.
I do not know if there are ten blank pages from the Administration at the end.
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Let me just say, after months now I would expect that City staff, which reads through the Commissioners' names for multiple roll call votes, should probably know how to pronounced HRC Chair Ellen Shemitz's last name.
That's just a basic sign of respect.
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previous quote should read "consider reducing"
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Based on concerns about fatigue and decision-making that are impaired by working long hours the Commission has voted that the WPD reduce the number of total hours (regular + overtime + paid detail) officers are allowed to work.
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Commissioner Feldman's motion for WPD to provide the community with a yearly report listing # of hours for every officer and including a breakdown of overtime hours and regular hours.
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This has been an issue in the past and the WPD overtime policy is supposed to prevent officers from working too much overtime.
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Commissioner Feldman now going through significant report on the need for Worcester to address the current WPD overtime policy. The focus is not on the $'s, but rather the impact on policing by having large #s of police officers working 60 and 80hrs per week.
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Vote to push the City to convene the Homelessness Commission does not pass.
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Commission now voting that the City follow through and find staffing for the Homelessness Task Force.
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The City just did that with the Denholm Building, and now at last week's quicky WRA meeting it feels like that project is slipping away and Worcester has the project on it's hands.
There's now talk of giving the Menkiti Group more taxpayer susbsidies so they please please do the Denholm Building.
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Found 'em!
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You'll be glad to know that pic doesn't show up at all in the first 40 pics for me.
That's just the algorithm feeding it back to you because you keep clicking on it!
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We need to name a street after Lady Sabrina in Worcester.
Lady Sabrina was doing drag races in Worcester 30 years ago.
Worcester has been blessed by her love and community building for many many years.
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And handsome too apparently!
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Let me tell you about this place called Worcester.
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We got two City Council agendas!
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Unions were trying to block POST investigating into police officers social media posts. Director affirms the settlement will not block continued investigations just the wording.
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Commissioner now responding to "bogus claims" by police unions that led to last week's settlement.