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Encountered a number of the local rook (roek) population on wednesday. They can look a bit scruffy but their plumage is gorgeous when you get a better look! One flew off with a big snail it caught. #birds

Six seconds indicating spring is right around the corner! #birds

A bit of an underrated and often overlooked bird, despite being colourful and extremely noisy: the nuthatch (boomklever) can be heard in every park and forest here right now. This one landed next to me and watched me closely for a while. #birds

Three black-necked grebes (geoorde fuut) were passing through at the Weurt Grote Grindgat today. Some of them nest in other parts of the Netherlands (along the dunes or in Groningen, for instance) but not here, so we only see them in winter. One was clearly getting ready for spring. #birds

Common cranes (kraanvogel) have apparently started migrating north, despite it still being quite chilly and a strong eastnortheastern wind making their passage more difficult. I was very lucky to catch a long distance view of a group of 79 #birds while out cycling!

This peculiar goose, the red-breasted goose (roodhalsgans) is a regular visitor to my neighbourhood in winter, but there's usually only one or two in the entire area, hiding in large flocks of other geese. Today I was lucky to find one close by (in the fourth, smallest, flock I examined). #birds

Firecrests (vuurgoudhaan) have no difficulty looking for food while dangling upside down - but then again they weigh only a few grams, so they don't have to lift much! #birds

I posted this tawny owl (bosuil) before, which has decided to spend the winter on top of a chimney right next to the forest. On this cold day it wasn't just enjoying the warmth provided by the house, but also the rays of the sun as it watched me pass by. #birds

Rock pipits (oeverpieper) can be found along the Dutch coast in winter, especially on piers and coastal barriers, scouring the rocks. Usually you only see and hear them as they scatter on your approach, but this one wasn't that shy and looked like the king of his rock. Very underrated #birds

Cormorant (aalscholver) appreciation post. #birds

Went to watch coastal birds with a friend yesterday. One of my favourites is the purple sandpiper (paarse strandloper), which shows up in autumn and stays through winter. It's almost exclusively found on coastal defences (for lack of cliffs), which they traverse in small groups to find food. #birds

Saw a lot of goldcrests (goudhaan) today. They were foraging very close to the ground, which is unusual for them, but extremely helpful due to the poor lighting conditions. Even then this bird is tricky to photograph! #birds

Finally got this one framed (still need to put it up): a wonderful lino print of a yellowhammer (geelgors) in song, by Alison Deegan. This bird's song is far from elaborate, but to me it is an iconic sound of spring and summer and the art evokes it perfectly! #birds

De mussenfamilie op de kast is weer wat gegroeid met dit geweldige werk van 😊

This robin (roodborst) watched us for a long time before flying up at me and landing mere centimetres from my feet. Not to, as we suspected, beg for food, but instead to quickly grab a juicy worm wriggling in the soil, which we had overlooked. It flew off with its catch. #birds

One of the rare birds I went to see on sunday was a black-throated loon (parelduiker). In the Netherlands it's usually only seen in winter along the coast, so it was nice to have one within cycling distance! It wasn't very shy, but still a bit tricky as it can dive for quite a long time. #birds