Occasional artist.
Alternatively known as Kristina or Mina, both are fine.
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She did talk about choosing her hairstyle in spite of what others wanted and had that flashback yo being told to hide everything, so she hopefully can at least relate to not wanting to be forced to hide and conform.
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I feel like Grace's thoughts there still fit. She wants to be able to just exist as who and what she is, without it being something that people/society would make a big deal out of.
It's taxing to hide who you are, even if you don't want to share every detail with everyone.
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That second panel feels very Pandora, maybe even specifically Box.
And see, Tedd, this is why you need a scheme to convince the prince to help you set up a new identity in exchange for helping him find the right woman. It's the only possible solution.
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I'm with Hope. She definitely did share that information before and it's a valid comparison since Blaike was presumably the first person she got close to in any sense.
And also Jay's crush is obvious.
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This is a show where it also meant a fair bit to me when I was younger, but also the flaws really make me wish there were more similar works of note to counter the limitations and issues with it.
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I assume at this point, Jay is strongly considering the crawling-into-a-magically-created-hole-to-hide idea.
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Bring me twenty common low-level enemy drops!
... Wait, that might not be the kind of taking orders you meant.
Would be good XP, though.
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Yep, Tedd definitely dodged a bullet there and wouldn't even want any of that, nor will it somehow happen. Not like there's a fairy godmother around to facilitate it.
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Not helped by how "neurotypical" isn't just the most common variant, but is defined based on a socially desired norm.
A lot of people currently in that box will have been crammed in there whether it was a good fit or not.
Kinda like how handedness was once treated.
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Jay's plan of secretly observing and learning stuff about Tedd without revealing any of her secrets to anyone has failed very successfully, it seems.
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They tried, but since they have to use electricity to make the emoji display on your monitor with light, it keeps turning the light bulb on.
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Don't worry, Grace. Jay didn't think you were her friend either!
... Wait, I mean she just didn't think you'd consider a friend and were just being polite and uhm, well-
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Very curious if Grace's history will come up now.
Jay seemed very confused by Grace’s deal when she was smoking around. Wonder if she even knows about Uryuoms.
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I've only played the original trilogy, but I always interpreted the way Phoenix said he entered stuff into evidence as him doing the proper documentation. It's just off-screen.
Now, the fact that people keep being surprised by stuff *does* suggest shenanigans, but also they have absurd deadlines.
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Well joke's on you; I like both of those things!
I assume others do too, but I haven't done a full survey of the readership.
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You probably got the timeframe right.
Remember that "cop's daughter" is about the 30-years-ago incident, so there's 18 years for her to grow up to become Agent Bishop before Jay is attacked.
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Considering what Sarah did know Pandora had done, she shouldn't be too surprised. The magic clog was quite dangerous.
Very curious now about Bishop's perspective here. Sympathy, or part of her distaste for easing people into this stuff?
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But you talking about indie games is great! Getting some positive and enthusiastic posts about art in between the serious threads and world news is important.
Also puns. Puns are very important.
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Yeah, I could not get far because the game hammered home that I am a housewife looking for her lost baby and then it immediately wants me to be an action hero with no connective tissue.
It also just gives you less to work with than 3, where you spend more than like ten seconds with the backstory.
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Oh Jay went through a lot.
Though her being willing to share it with the group already is perhaps a good sign. She did start out very secretive.
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Every time I go outside I see some corvids (magpies, crows, other crows, so many crows) and they seem to be having a nice time.
Sometimes they chill with the occasional pigeon. Hopefully someday the bird union will take flight.
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Since it's about the vow Hope made as the Immortal host, I assume Hope's beliefs are all that matter.
Hence also her earlier warning about the mortals not letting their guard down. It's all down to how a given Immortal thinks it works.
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Don't worry, Jay. Grace has gotten that kind of warning from a friendly Immortal before.
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I haven't watched the Katarina one, but Bocchi's social anxiety doesn't seem to stop her attracting people to her.
It just ends up making her glitch out in response.
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It comes up in this page regarding Pandora trying yo bait a werewolf, but it seems like Hope would have to genuinely believe she was acting in self defense:
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Don't bonk your host, Jay!
Now you've voided the host/guest vow and won't get any refreshments or a free gift bag when you leave.
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Kinda surprised Jay wants this recited in front of everybody else, but she may be laser-focused on this and not thinking about that.
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But will there be questions?
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Don't get why everybody is having such long faces about this one. You're just horsing around.
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Very curious what Jay's reaction after the shock wears down will be.
Her being a bit suspicious was reasonable enough without any idea why Hope wanted to talk to her, but now she knows why.
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Honestly, a sci-fi procedural about just investigating weird mysterious events could work.
Sometimes a crime did happen, but entirely by accident due to very odd confluences of events.
Or someone tried to recreate a historical period on a planet again.
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Hopefully nothing important or too big was in the rest of this space when it shrunk.
Though now I am imagining Pandora having left a book in another room and Hope having to wait years to get it back.
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Of course it has to be made with a booming voice and glowing eyes.
You can't be invited into the home of an ancient immortal magical being and not have at least *some* theatrics.
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Hope is just revealing all the Immortal trade secrets today.
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In fact, are we sure Hope isn’t behind this?
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Honestly, with how last page ended, a delay just adds to it.
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Based on mistakes I made as a kid, I'd have said it something like Dvy'G-t.
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Understandable reaction. I also want to run into a pocket dimension when people look at me.
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Hmm, an ominous raven in an EGS version of a story that often involves a fairy godmother.
Probably nothing.
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Curious about that look from Jay. Not a fan of Immortal consulting or still looking at AJ?
Or perhaps she's reacting to the mention of "old rules".
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That mission just made me give up because the raiders inside (but not outside) are immune to his bullets and you have to kill them yourself to enter a door.
I got to both the other doors, including the balcony and they were Video Game Says No locked.
Just felt too artificially restricted.
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Having to fight an ogre to refill the digital ink seems a strange method to non-artists, but it's really the best method we've found so far.
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A nearly finished script is a big accomplishment in itself, and the finished script will be one too!
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Clearly they just need to check the city's batteries.
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The whole concept relies heavily on the idea of superior lone geniuses who can do everything individualistically. Very objectivist.
In reality you need community and resources to do anything, and being a newcomer with no connections or familiarity with anything isn't a great start.
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Honestly part of what made me not click with the game is that I try to go with what I am given for the character.
And going right from "housewife" to "go shoot a dozen people" did not really work for me.
(Also a lot of other issues with that part, but character limit)
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The secrets Sam is talking about actually turn out to be that he's part of a hidden group that protects the world from the return of an ancient evil completely unrelated to anything else.
By the time we learn of it, it's already been resolved off-panel.
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Value in general is often arbitrary.
The same object could be cheap or expensive depending on whether someone found a way to call it a collector's item or tie it to someone famous or a big trend or FOMO.
(see also lobsters and oysters as fancy food)
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"from:me" will search your own posts.
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With enough honourable mentions, they could just become their own video or article or such.