Cannabis advocate, pissed off patriot, father, just trying to make my way with as few potholes as possible.
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They're not trying to convert, right now.
They are motivating the base to action. Which, at this stage, is much more valuable.
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People worship him because he killed OBL.
That simply makes him a part of an elite team that succeeded in their mission.
How that makes him some sort of political guru evades me.
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Love requires empathy and critical thought.
Hate, requires neither.
We're literally trying to preach liberal ideas to people who are emotionally and intellectually stunted.
Without critical thought, there is no self reflection. Without self reflection, there can be no personal growth.
Enter MAGA.
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Great book.
I just got done re-reading it after 30+ years.
It stands even taller today than it did in my 20s.
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Right... You caught me.
I'm just a GOP plant, here to cause trouble.
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The Democrat party is full of cowards and sycophants.
Only when the party grows a spine will we see any resistance. Unfortunately, they're all scared to be called names by an orange moron and his Nazi handler.
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The depth of dishonor of the current POTUS, VP and minions has no bottom. A stain on their honor, their families, their party, their communities and our nation. What does it say about us that we elected a convicted felon with a lifetime record of dishonor, bankruptcies and failed relationships. sad!
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Look at who owns "big pharma". Then, look at the largest shareholders of *that* investment group.
It really is just about profit.
This is just one more way to pick the pockets of the 99% before killing them with unsafe pharmaceuticals.
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Ehh... What's the worst that could happen?
Immunizations are just a waste anyway, just ask TX.
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This is the part where he throws Rubio under the bus because it's unconstitutional.
Typical fucking toddler tyrant.. Break shit, blame someone else, scream and kick until someone buys more shit to break.
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Trust me, I absolutely hope that you are right.
Unfortunately, speaking to current and recently separated vets through cannabis activism, thats not what I'm hearing.
As a young airman told me last week, "officers are educated in military institutions. They think what they're told to think".
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The military won't stand against Trump.
People need to get that shit out of their heads.
The top brass has been replaced by loyalists. The "rank and file" will follow orders because dissent will be framed as "terrorism".
It's up to the people in the streets.
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Except, he's not.
He's a well-known MAGAt and gave the Cheeto-in-Chief his support during the election.
He's only upset now because Trumps idiocy hurts his feelings.
If the orange moron hadn't tweeted his unhinged theories, he would still be swinging from trumps sack.
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Great... Another F-35 money pit.
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It's pretty telling that oligarchs don't mind taking corporate welfare in the forms of subsidies, handouts and bailouts.
But, have a problem with the single mother trying to feed her kids.
This tells you everything you need to know about the elite.
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Respectfully, I disagree.
We're seeing federal officers, who are largely ex-military whom have taken that oath to defend against ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC, violating that oath.
The military brass has been replaced by loyalists and the "rank and file" obey orders.
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That's amazing.
There are some insanely talented people in the world.
I am not one of them.
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The difference is, Mr Kinzinger is not a Democrat.
He's a dyed in the wool Republican that happens to care about this country.
We don't have to agree on everything. But this, he has my support.
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I am, as well.
We may disagree on a few finer points of politics, Mr Kinzinger.
However, you absolutely have my respect and support.
This is not a party lines issue. This is a matter of survival.
All my "lib" friends, get behind this guy. He seems to be a good egg.
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Start a GoFundMe.
I'm in for an additional $250.
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It doesn't matter.
Blaming an entire faith for the actions of a few (literally less than .001%), is not justification. Simply an excuse.
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While I've had more than my fair share of "told ya so!" thoughts, perhaps calling out an entire community isn't the optics we're shooting for, buddy.
We're going to need solidarity in the near future. Let's not ostracize potential partners in the struggle.
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The problem is, it's a guarantee that Tesla will be bailed out by the taxpayers, SpaceX and Starlink will be rescued as well due to the massive government contracts.
Unless the board gives him the boot, which appears unlikely, he'll be fine. Insured by the American taxpayer.
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This is fucking sickening.
For the first time in a long time, I can't even find words for how I feel about this.
We should ALL feel ashamed.
WE did this.
WE keep allowing it to happen by our inaction.
WE are all responsible.
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Every. Fucking. Time.
Where's all that outrage from the MAGAs?
Apparently, we just need to keeps kids away from politicians. They can't be trusted to not touch them.
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This is just lip service.
He knows he, and his co-conspirators, already granted Der Fuhrer immunity. Anything he says now is moot.
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Not at all.
Telling, really.
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"Cautionary tale" in the MAGA mind equates to "hold my beer".
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Yet, they keep telling us that we're overreacting. That they're not fascists.
So, what would they do differently if they were?
This is literally a play-by-play of the German Nazi party.
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Call me whatever...
But, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden are American heroes.
And yes, extremely smart.