BREAKING: Chief Justice Roberts issues a rare statement:
"For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose."
"For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose."
I cannot live my life being cynical of every single thing that happens at any level of our federal government.
But it will ruin my mental health for eternity if I assume bad-faith actions constantly from everyone.
Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
Judiciary must assert its authority or risk irrelevance as Trump challenges legal constraints. If courts push back and he refuses to comply, a constitutional crisis looms, testing whether the judicial branch still holds power or if we shift towards fascism.
What will you DO about it, John?
He helped to create the monster.
Fuck impeachment. Fuck paying their fair share back to our coffers.
These MFers are going to pay with their fucking lives, no jail, no prison, no sentencing, only JUSTICE.
Nazis = 💀
Convicted felon tries to overturn an election via violence, steals classified NDI, is “reelected” after being granted immunity by a corrupt SCOTUS, the chief of which has been bribed over $10MM via his wife, and now wants to chime in when the felon doesn’t like a fed judges ruling?
Took them far too long to realize that Immunity decision was going to come back to bite them.
What's this "appropriate" Robert's think Republicans care about?
Like Russia's 'elections'.
Translation of Roberts' statement:
"Trump, calm down.
It will end up with SCOTUS, and we'll rule in your favor."
Maybe also saying to tRUMP:
“Kinda keep this shit on the downlow dummy!”
We shouldn’t have to think so in depth about what our national leadership is saying.
Fucking crooks.
When he came for the civil service, I did nothing.
When he came for those who served in uniform, I said nothing.
When he came for the courts, I typed a strongly worded statement.
J. Roberts. U.S. Supreme Court.
…and how irrelevant the Supreme Court and the Constitution have become since they gave Trump a pass.
If Trump impeached him for that, it would be so fucking funny.
KYes I know that pesidents don't impeach Justices, but we all know how these df fascists work.)
Wtf are you talking about?
What are you smoking? It must be pretty good.
Didn't stop him though.
Just a mild outlining of the preferred process.
we ready for that gadfly yet??
His wife made $millions$ with his Supreme Court post so he shouldn’t have any worries. Btw, the passage of Citizens United is working great 🙄
Just watch.
Seriously I have no admiration or even respect for him and shall never. He’s corroded beyond ethical restoration.
"Maybe he _isn't_ that bad"
He's saying this so nobody comes after him. He sees judiciary as untouchable, he's worried about his own position
Cool story
Especially gullible for judge, isn’t he?
But I suspect it did for many people. And this is the problem. We tend to rehab complete assholes on the slightest of ambiguous, nameless rebukes of (purportedly) Dear Leader.
In other words, "just be patient and appeal any decisions you don't like up to me and I'll take care of it. You don't need to look so blatantly lawless."
He's gonna have a boatload of appeal opportunities coming up.
Shut. Him. Down.
His announcement may as well have said "I am now attempting to close Pandora's Box that i opened up originally. This seems oddly difficult to close. I should have thought of that first, i guess"
"For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose. BUT because we love Donald so much and have given him.....
We are about to find out just the exact shade of RED that GOP Senators have turned.
-Afraid he himself would be impeached
-Warning they will not even take up the matter if it gets to them. It would be 5-3 but Barrett is a wild card
-Should have seen this shit coming when they gave trump so much power and immunity.
The 2/3 Senate vote is a high bar, unless of course Chuck Schumer rolls over again.
Great comments, used them for this:
Impeachment is not the answer. Lynching is.
Things are dire; these are "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" times.
And, cynics need not abandon their cynicism; this is Roberts defending *his* power and relevance.
This SCOTUS unleashed a mad villain who doesn’t know how to spell Constitution much less obey it.
Fuck John Roberts
Just wow, the ignorance & arrogance!
How dare he pretend he had nothing to do w/the destruction of Am after giving a sick, demented, convicted felon the powers of a king
How sick do u have to be to set a fire publicly, then feign wanting to put it out?
He's crazy!
Yet everyone seemed to forget that and embraced him like he was JFK. We worked too hard for this demographic that supported this garbage & has tried to get rid of The New Deal for DECADES.