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A Feral Autistic Aphant with ADHD. Award winning creative type Writes fiction, rpg's and community driven fiction. @[email protected]
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Flash Gordon as Gaeilge is back in The Echo or available by subscription here: Beidh clár nua againn gach Deardaoin! New episodes every Thursday! Original strip by Dan Schkade, translated by me, and lettered by Rob Jones. #Speirgorm #SeachtainNaGaeilge

OH HEY IT'S *FREEEEEEEEEE*!!!! please RT this! My first paranormal romance novel, GLADIATOR BEAR, is five years old this week so I decided to set it free for everybody to celebrate! Adventure! Drama! Conspiracy! Dealing with shapewear during sexy times! :D

Join us tomorrow 11:00 PST for a one shot filled with incredible Fey you've never seen before straight from the ancient folklore of Europe with the incredible cast of

The internet is a miracle that has allowed countless artists to share their work and all earn the same 10$ to pass around

whoever paired this photo with this headline is a menace

Still true: "My high-support adult autistic son’s many medical appointments have become routine. Even so, I broke into sobs during a recent session. Despite years of consults and procedures, no one seems to know how to treat his debilitating headaches." 1/

I honestly thought I'd missed Pancake Tuesday during the whole thing with our cat because I walked into a supermarket on Thursday about three weeks ago and the place was filled with Easter eggs. Can I expect christmas displays in May next?

"Hello GP's office, I need this form signed please. All the relevant information is filled in already" "Well you need to make an appointment so the doctor can go through this one page form with you rather than simply glance at your file. It usually takes 10 days to get one of those appointments"

It is so 2025 that a film with a trans storyline that the trans community fucking despises wins some of the most prestigious film awards in the world and the cisgender winners don’t even mention what’s happening to the trans community in the very country they’re accepting the awards in

Today was our permanent DnD host's ( big number) birthday. Behold the cake one of our guys made. If anything it looks scarier in the second one

Rest in peace Pat Ingoldsby, a true Dublin character. May your crossing be easy.

Your sporadic reminder that I do have a Patreon and you get free books when you join a paid tier.

Reminder: We are hiring VOICE ACTORS for our upcoming Gothic Horror game

So DuckDuckGo has an 'AI assistant' now. For feck's sake. People don't use your search engine because they want an energy-and-resource-hungry piece of software to give them inaccurate search results. Read the room, guys.

No sick pay for self-employed doodlers, so if you've had your eye on a print, now would be a very helpful time to treat yourself. Or if you're not into prints as you've dedicated your walls to displaying the trophy heads of your enemies, you can throw me a euro or two here

I wrote this on arts funding, and the queasy feeling that it'll be Irish artists who end up paying for yet another government procurement scandal.

Hope everyone has a great time at this weekend. Unfortunately I can't make it :(

A grassroots movement is calling on all Americans to abstain from shopping with major retailers tomorrow, February 28, as part of an “economic blackout.” I encourage you to join.

Unbelievable news. Pancreatic is one of the deadliest cancers. New paper shows personalized mRNA vaccines can induce durable T cells that attack pancreatic cancer, with 75% of patients cancer free at three years—far, far better than standard of care.

Interesting thing for DMs. I've been running Damnit (Dwarven Assault Mining and Interception Teams) as a filler when we are down DM or a vital character. One of the players found a flamethrower on a random roll, immediately crit failed and set fire to another player. So I told him he wasn't going...

The government is very irate with the National Gallery for a €120,000 mistake. Delighted for the distraction from the literal billions they've overspent on the NCH apparently, or maybe the €500,000 wall or the bike shed or thay time they did the exact same thing with a printer for the dail...

I absolutely love this series. Main reason I stayed on tik tok back then

I’m not doomscrolling I’m just desperately sucking the marrow from the bones of hope

I just got a chicken fillet roll for under 3 euro... In this economy! Centra on Parnell St for anyone in need of a bargain.

Only Fianna Fail could think putting granny in the shed and stealing her house is an actual solution to housing issues.

Bookfunnel experiment #2! On my first try, ppl SEEMED to have signed up for the newsletter, but For Reasons, it doesn't look like they MANAGED to. So: try to sign up for the newsletter if you're not already on it, & let me know so I can check the subscriber list?


Autistic mothers in maternity care felt many staff didn’t understand how autistic people communicate & experience pain, & can "feel pain at the same level as non-autistic people—but often show it differently, including having fewer outward signs of pain." #autism

Canadians are preparing to create a retail blackout on Feb 28 of all U.S retailers doing business here. For one day, show them we have the power when provoked. Absolutely no purchases from Walmart, Home Depot, Best Buy, Amazon, McDonald’s, Staples, Gap,Toys r Us, Costco or any other US retailers.

Mask. Stay home when you can. Get vaccinated. Literally do all the same shit you did in 2020, this is not over. It never will be.

This business-as-usual government is going to ‘but-the-economy’ us into a climate dystopia.

“We are assured that Hitler will stop at the Sudetenland.”

My Partner: Hey did you know that ABBA where famously into Union Busting? Me: Swedish Pop Group ABBA? How would that even- THE FUCK?

No one: So what is it you do on TikTok? Me: I made a stilly D&D series that's longer than the Director's Cut of 'Return of the King.'

Created a Starter pack with all the official Irish Con accounts I could find, feel free to point me to any I missed.

This weekend is Akumakon! February 14 - February 16 Akumakon University of Galway, Galway, Ireland Akumakon is one of the longest running Anime and Manga conventions in Ireland. Held over a weekend each year, and run by the University of Galway Anime and Manga Society,

Micheál Martin: "“Tá an Teachta Dála ag insint bréaga arís.” This translates to: “The TD is telling lies again”." Then he has the gall to pretend he said nothing, and exploit the Cean Comhairle's lack of Irish to do so. This is jus pathetic behaviour.

Indie RPG Newsletter: Time To Be Annoying by

Still stalled at $70. I cannot assume they'll give extra time. They have when I've needed it so far, but the more I do it, the more likely they'll lose patience. Please help if you can. Anything counts!