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As one single specie depending on an unknown number of others, maybe we should all agree that those individuals who desperately seek absolute power should not be allowed to make decisions impacting thing they absolutely know jackshit about... There, that should solve it...

Something I thankfully learned young : Lying isn't cost-effective. I mean, you just have to spend on and ooon, soo much wasted energy just to keep up with the DOA concept... It'll run out, eventually, and the consequences will be proportionnal... Veritas liberabit vos !!!

"Stupid Money Rules All", yup, that should satisfy them kids complaining about how the System failed them for not spending time teaching them on how to file in their taxes... But wait, no money, no problems, right ? RIIIGHHTT ???

5 days in as RN in training on a teenage Psychiatric ward : baffled. Soo, IF you're a pro-life absolutist, you do realize that objectively unfit parents need a friggin' village to raise a child, right ?Naah, 'cause that would be Socialism. Vote for me, I'll piss gold on the oppressed masses !

Oxymoronic : anyone boasting to be a self-made man while claiming to be pro-Science.

Sure, CNC is probably very dandy for mass production, but hey, I'm a man of simple means...

First the cheap Versailles wannabe appartment, and now a quote attributed to a French emperor. Apparently, someone only read halfway through...

PSY101, using langage lil' boys can relate to : So, no, you haven't maxxed out on INT : imagine applying the classic pentagon on that single stat and you'll realize that it is in fact not a monolith, and that you absolutely suck in EMO INT. What's wrong, U gonna cwy ? Pff, git whole, bishh..

I remember my first Sex Education moment, back in grade school. Because I had instantly figured how a mischievous idiot could secretly defeat the intended purpose, with a simple needle. Almost 40 years later, I still haven't figured out WHY would anyone think of that as a funny prank...

The main difference between Ecology and Nursing Sciences is basically a matter of Spatial scaling...

Aah yes, the fine border between insanity and senility... Fun times !

DREAM is the keyword. It all goes back to the most human yet childish need to project infinite power fantasies into reality. Like "Thy will be done"... Funny how your imaginary friend's needs seem to be conveniently aligned with yours, ain't it ?

Brushing up on Leadership theories for my nursing studies. Can't help but see similarities with how recent ecological models use the concept of complex trophic networks instead of the dated pyramidal vision. Time for wannabe monarchs to go the way of the dodo...

1-Throw a brick in the machine. 2-Machine breaks. 3-Blame previous user.

Textbook says "telephone follow up postpartum care", F that ! I'd say a woman my age would be even more receptive to a sung telegram ! Bah humbug, get with the times !

From an oceanographical standpoint, the Gulf of "DT's Big Brain" would be totally accurate.😉

Paraphrasing Sun Tzu, but still : Where you are weak, PRETEND you are strong...

As effortless as it is to grow facial hair, how in the world is it associated with a man's capability ? That, sir, is not a jawline, it is a feeble attempt to disguise your true middle-aged no-longer-cutesy-chubby-baby looks !

In this day and age of instant global Communications, it seems the general mindset suggested to break through the noise involves being LOUD, misinformed, and unshakably convinced that you are right. And yeah, you can use that wherever you're sitting. I propose "I might be wrong" as motto of 2025.

As much as AI is concerned, seems to me that all it's given us so far is a push for a pseudo-credible content format generally used by lazy crooks. Apparently, no one seems concerned by the hidden costs, as long as there's money to be made.

Seriously, 25 days in postoperative nursing training, and my part time customer service job seems like a perfect intro to next semester's topic : mental health...

Sure, medication and technical interventions are fine and dandy, but sometimes the Person just wants to know what is happening. A little explaining goes a long way !

I was raised on French translation anime, good times, Grundizer (ou Goldorak,...) and Captain Harlock (Albator, does sound a whole lot better in my mind...), just the machoest examples, but a recent addition just summed up my experience meanwhile : Dr. Stone... People don't like brainy, scared... ..

5 days till Christmas, and you really think "Amazon" should deliver on time : you don't understand how the world works. Best regards.

After a few decades of practice, I finally went in without a recipe... Tomorrow I'll find out how it actually tastes... Meh, you got spicy apples, maple syrup and a brandy chocolate coating, what could possibly go wrong ?

Yeah sure, as a real Man, complete with hairy chest and barytone voice, there is no way I can be as such without buying a "tactical" hoodie, that brand of pickup truck, or some manscaping kit ! Right... How can you shout "Freedom", when you've painted yourself in to such a narrow corner ??

Quick show of hands : who in here has actually worked as a chimney sweeper ? 🤚

Imagine the level of drawing skill of early naturalists. We've got it so easy...

Working part-time in customer service for some online retail company, I can't help but wonder how some people expect the highest quality in products/services manufactured/produced by a grossly underpaid workforce. The Magic Hands of the market ??

I sincerely don't understand how hoarding astronomical sums of money is perceived by so many as a mark of intelligence.

Hmm, well hello there ! Just a former rockstar wannabe, then warehouse, then assembly line worker, SEAL level field biology student, decor manhandler, cross-frontier cargovan driver and currently Nursing Sciences student. Pleased to meet you !