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SS . I recently had a change in benefits due to the fairness act and I ended up owing 600.00 about. In the past if they found an error…. Your fault or their fault doesn’t matter… the would take it back 10% at a time. Not any more now they take it back 100% all at once. This change is new.

SS . I recently had a change in benefits due to the fairness act and I ended up owing 600.00 about. In the past if they found an error…. Your fault or their fault doesn’t matter… the would take it back 10% at a time. Not any more now they take it back 100% all at once. This change is new.

Picture in your mind… The movie Its a Wonderful Life… ok you got it? Now picture musk in a wheel chair playing Potter… the richest man in town. Trump is the guy pushing him around and standing watching everything and not helping to stop him. Ok my question is … who is going to be our George Bailey?

I was researching why the votes of the senate and house are public. It was to keep them honest. So we the voters would know if promises were kept to the voters. But it needs to be changed because Trump is using that law to track who is voting against him and then threatening them and their families

People get rude at town halls when politicians are not doing their job,which is to help constituents who voted for them and not cower from the politicians that are trying to hurt them. People get rude when they are frightened out of their minds.

What would it take to make senate and congressional votes anonymous like elections are? So They couldn’t be singled out for retribution? facebook says they are canceling your show. Is that true? If not I will mark my feed