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Oh crap. I just saw you’re from Europe. Never mind. You don’t matter. You don’t know what freedom is. You’ve lost yours.
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I wonder what someone’s life is like. That has these kind of opinions. Your life. Do you argue with everyone around you? Do you have constant conflict with friends? Is it possible for you to even have any friends who think differently than you? Genuinely curious.
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I’m “still on this”. Yes. Taking 10 seconds to copy and paste showing idiots how dumb they are. It’s fun. Was Hitler putting his hand over his heart and saying. “My heart goes out to you” and sending love like Elon was? Do you see how ridiculous you are yet?
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Now if you wanna talk about someone who does it properly.
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I agree with your other reply. However I cannot buy into a “facial expression” on a video. It just doesn’t hold context as if he were posing for a photo. Ya know? Still I did cringe when I saw it happen live. I was like…. Why would he even come close to making that gesture?!?!
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He did the same thing from his heart and put his arm out.
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I think he’s just an awkward guy. Do you see how he was dancing around? These guys aren’t used to being in that position. Especially him. I’m not sure if he will “pretend” or whatever but I saw him make the same gesture to the crowd behind him and it was similar. I screen shouted it.
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Now we’re getting to some sort of thought out dialogue. I totally agree. When I first saw it I cringed because I knew what the talk was gonna be about. In that sense. He should be a little more aware of his actions. That being said. Did he really intend that? No. But….. cringeworthy
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Altered? I literally took a screen shot from the live video you delusional weirdo. LMAO.
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You also forgot to mention the part where he said it’s horrible. You people take everything out of context. You talk about this like he’s being heartless and says. Oh it’s just another school shooting. Get over it!!! What if someone followed you around in life and misquoted you?
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You didn’t read the article did you? Heavy sigh….. they only read captions. I just gotta keep reminding myself of that. They being room temperature IQ folk who don’t know any better. I also have to keep reminding myself that half the people I come across on here are below average IQ.
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Here he is doing the same thing the opposite way. Hmmm seems a bit silly now doesn’t it?
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Why aren’t they using the one where he turned and did it to the people behind him? Answer that and I’ll see how rational of a human you are.
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That video of Hitler doing it is from the side. Use your eyes (without bias) and come to a logical conclusion. Why are they using the SAME motion he (Elon) used behind him? Show that one. Wanna know why? Because it’s not the Nazi salute and it would kill the story. Oh no! What to do now?
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If only people who seek knowledge would see truth along with it. We’d have a much less divided country.
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lol. You people will latch on to anything no matter how ridiculous. He put his hand on his heart and waived to people. His arm is out to the right side of his body. Look at the real Heil motion. It’s straight forward. That’s how silly you are.
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Okay I looked it up and in less than 3 minutes I’ve found it’s not true. There is a democratic article that “claims” Trump said this in Iowa. But in that same article it says that a “a contact in the NRA”. You gotta beware how they write these things. It’s for impressionable gullible people.
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Do you have video of that? Or a published article? I’m interested to see it. Thanks!
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What legacy? Corruption?
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Yes. Watch what he does and how good things turn out for this country. Judge for yourself and judge using your own brain.
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This is such a sideways take. Does Biden pardoning the J6 committee shed any light on how utterly corrupt that whole process was? You people love to swim in your own lies. Eventually you’ll drown in them. All these fake news networks will fail.
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I don’t watch fox. Truth is truth. They took huge paychecks to endorse Harris. What do you say to the truth? Probably nothing intelligent.
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Trump is in office now. You don’t have to worry about the feds showing up because you’re exercising your first amendment rights. Take a happy breath.
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Honestly. What I think you should do is just tell everyone the truth about what those assholes did. Sure you were complicit but people would respect you more if you just laid it all out there. If not. I hope they come for you.
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This problem is solvable. We tell Panama that we get to use it free of charge. Or we go in and take over Panama. It would take 2 days at most to take control of the canal. A week and we would have their whole country if we wanted it. Then we could stop the migrant trains also!!!
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What you just stated is false. He had a superior battery technology and open sourced it for free. Your last sentence might be what you think he might want to do but I’m not sure if that even possible. What protocols for global charging infrastructure? What infrastructure?
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A Billionaire who gives away proprietary technology to the broader industry because he wants the world to be a better place? You mean that billionaire?
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What would you do to fix it? Where would you start? I know where I would start. I’m curious to see what people say. I ask this a lot.
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And all of our politicians take money from Monsanto. The true monopoly in America.
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What kind of censorship? I was wondering why I had a 98% drop off too.
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Is this piece anywhere similar to the stories that were written in the 1970’s about how the earth will die by the year 2000. 😂😂😂
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What did you do from 2016-2020? No wars. No nuclear buttons were pressed. North and South Korea shaking hands. A bunch of fake stories about Russian collusion hindered him from doing even better things in office. Take a breath and maybe another Xanax and you’ll be fine.
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Welcome to the Democratic Party! Hypocrisy at its best! That’s why I left twitter!
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I’ll watch it with you! Why would you need to “convince” anyone?
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Why leave ours alone when so much is broken? Don’t you think things need to be fixed?