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Journalists are trying to understand Trump’s irrational behavior, and are generally unwilling to consider the possibility that it's not some grand strategy, but a madman with increasingly diminished mental faculties.

IMO, this will be another [and quite decisive for the free world] nail in the coffin of AI bubble. Not just the fact that Trump's admin alters the LLMs, but that in general that it is a tool that can be easily manipulated.

Šo rakstu marinēju. Tad samarinēju, bet pēkšņi viss mainījās pa stundām. Galvenais vēstījums gan nemainīgs- Eiropai pēdējais laiks ielēkt jaunās bruņošanās sacensības vilcienā. Nevienam citam par mūsu drošību nav jārūpējas.

I'm not Trump, but I also have a universal method for solving all planetary problems. I can throw anyone into the techno-eschatological of Muskolini world in ten seconds. No special Trump genius is required, just 200 mg of C13H16ClNO is enough. And I have a whole wagon of this stuff.

Pssst pst, comrade, do you need a star?

If they didn’t eat all the cats, we wouldn’t have this transgender mice problem.

Will there be World cup 2026, will it be something like Berlin Olympics?

Tā ir liela privilēģija - būt dzīvam brīvā, neatkarīgā valstī. Runāt un darīt, ko gribi. VVF

I really dislike that mass media and world leaders have adapted the term "deal" from Trump (who is not a world leader btw). There is no peace "deal" there is a detailed agreement with conditions and guarantees. A deal is when you get good discount for your favorite chocolate bar in the local grocery

Trump is a sociopath, he does not care about anyone or anything on this planet but for himself. He is opportunistic and does not have long term strategy and does not have IQ to play a "4D chess". He is very revengeful and always remembers every "abuse" made on him. 1/

Today I'm truly grateful to Alexander Fleming and other great minds in medicine an pharmacy for the chance to use antibiotics and get cured.

This never happened, but whoever made this video channeled millions of us watching yesterday's disgraceful display in the People’s House.

On values.

"Kremlin denies" is, as you know, a confirmation of what they did or said.

Elon Musk recently posted on his site that another lawyer and I are “undermining civilization.” He goes on to ask if we suffered childhood trauma and concludes by suggesting we are suffering from “generational trauma.” This is my response.

Šodienas stāsts ir par Trampa administrācijas ieviesto cenzūru zinātniskajiem rakstiem. 29. janvārī tika izveidots saraksts ar vārdiem, kuri *nedrīkst* atrasties zinātniskajos rakstos. NSF (National Science Foundation) ir izveidojis algoritmu, kas pārbauda, (1/5)