Journalists are trying to understand Trump’s irrational behavior, and are generally unwilling to consider the possibility that it's not some grand strategy, but a madman with increasingly diminished mental faculties.
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He's insane, but being guided by a specific faction of the US elite in pursuit of goals that have generally been pursued with a great deal more subtlety.
Apparently today's "journalists" all need to go back to school & retake Journalism 101
Their job is to report the FACTS & TRUTH not to bow down to their owners & political leaders & spin those facts into LIES & PROPAGANDA
The evidence is crystal clear:
No, if you listen to what the president of the heritage foundation, who are also the writer project25 said. He said as soon as trump won all the policies and what's going to happen is turned over to them, everything that's happenin is project25 &Silicon valley billionaire sick twisted minds
He has always been a racist bully.
Maybe even a spy since the 80s…
Now a traitor and
Would-be dictator.
Also clearly deranged.
Journalists et al fear
his random, petty vindictiveness…
Agree, he is way off the mark in so many of his clains and executive orders. On the other hand, he is following the agenda laid out in Project 2025 created by an insane group of oligarchs who care about nothing but themselves. Why is the cult not seeing reality?
He is a racist, and a narcissist with dementia. The chaos and controversy that accompanies that makes him a useful idiot to many other people, and countries.
I am not convinced of insanity as much as Trump has become a deranged old man who can appear to be affective but like many arterial-sclerotic aging people has a definite separation from reality.
Hannah Arendt's warnings for Democracy -- “The most terrible thing was not the brutality of the system, but the terrifying normality of the people who sustained it.” The banality of evil - So, do we have enough decent people in the United States, willing to do the work of democracy to save us?
Trump is not normal. He never has been. His money has sheltered him his entire life from his sociopathic behavior. Enough!
Do not let his madness bring our entire nation down. See him for who he is: A malignant narcissist with an untreatable, dangerous-to-all-life personality disorder.
Stephen Miller and the project 2025 (Russell Vought) are guiding the madness. There IS a plan, they ARE enacting it.. and Yes, Trump is a madman who continues to evade our ability to stop him! Courts are too slow. We must hold massive Protests! NOW!!! 🇺🇸💙💔 I will NOT succumb to authoritarianism!!
“Journalists are trying to understand Trump’s irrational behavior and are generally unwilling to consider the possibility that it's not some grand strategy,but a madman with increasingly diminished mental faculties.” Chaos during Trump 1 & Deja vu on Trump 2 but much worst this time because of Musk.
Why do people assume he believes what he says? Yes, he may be nuts, and believe it. Otoh he may just as easily be vote-fishing, rousing his base, and not believe it at all.
No, don’t buy it. He’s just a rotten, deplorable person who now has carte blanche to do whatever hateful things he wants. Don’t explain it away by considering mental illness.
With many of the newspapers owned by billionaires, it is hard to see how they can survive with bollocks from the Orange Nazi Pussy Grabber's mouth and the illiterate nonsense from AI.
It's both. This fucker's been evil his whole life and that's never going to change. His father and grandfather apparently went the way of dementia. Mango Mussolini's going to get crazier and crazier as the dementia continues.
The brutal and in some cases seemingly sadistic actions of the Trump administration are extremely troubling in this regard, as well--like someone or a group who has just lost it altogether.
Yes, please use words like dictator instead “authoritarian”.
And with respect to his policies, use words like “this policy will cause hunger and death” instead of “this policy will cause new challenges for the poor and disabled”.
I suppose they're also unwilling to consider he's the perfect storm of malleable narcissism to be perfectly utilized by those with more cunning and megalomania than him.
I see a “diminished mental faculties” narrative gaining steam that will allow people to excuse their very poor judgment in re-electing him. Diminished mental faculties or not, he’s not effectively different now than he was 30 years ago.
He was already showing early signs of dementia 8 years ago. It is not a valid excuse for poor judgement in voting for him again. They choose to ignore it then as now.
Correct and he is way off script. Project 2025 did want tariffs but as a means to get more market control not trigger a trade war with the planet. Now they are all in and it will crash the economy and kill the means to service the debt.
That’s because those behind the plan have no experience in running a country & didn’t expect the pushback. They are move fast & break things techbros who believe too much in their own genius - this will also be their downfall. Their capacity for destruction is the real concern.
What I know is that RU has been using sophisticated (I mean SOPHISTICATED) complex systems approaches to work the marks, grift the world, and now - overthrow democracies while there's still time.
And I have found NO ONE who pays attention to, or counters, this new approach.
Imo, it's more a matter of what he's being instructed to do. As hard as it is to imagine this depth of traitorous behavior, he's softening us up for large attacks, likely from Russia.
He is both mad and evil. As you say, he has alwsys been morally disgusting, but now he is also an old man showing signs of mental decline. This is a dangerous mix.
Trump 1.0: countless books, psychiatrists, his psychologist niece Mary Trump, and legal experts trained in mental incompetence agreed he met multiple criteria for psychotic and sociopathic diagnoses. His voters/guru followers and power greedy Republicans brought him back. Trump 2.0 is on them. Out!
Doing 🤷🏽♂️ is news now? There is. Snoke screens. Track every dollar that has no longer a creditor in government. Fired all US Aid? Where is that money? Since it was closed two weeks. All those fired employees, where is that allocated money? Do research and report, is you job. You chose it
Stop looking for logic. Everything he does can be explained in one of 3 ways:
1.What boosts his ego.
2.What boosts his wealth.
3.What serves the interests of his Russian master.
Also,he could be batshit crazy.
And none of these options are mutually exclusive.
It’s sad to see media reporting his actions like this. It’s the same excuse every entitled man gets to make every time he gets caught breaking a law or beating his wife - it’s not my fault I’m sick I’m the victim here I need help
So fking over this rot
But he’s also a puppet for right wing extremists. Better to talk about the Nazi movement that supports him and feeds him his orders. He didn’t write Project 2025 himself.
He is definitely irrational. Doesn't mean he doesn't also have a very clear plan he's sticking to: Project 2025 and destroying the US so we no longer have the power to stop Putin from taking over half of Europe.
My conundrum is in comparing his behaviour now from his first term although bit different as he didn’t have to campaign to be the party candidate and didn’t really campaign much second time as apparently he was busy sleeping in court a good chunk of that time
He’s a Russian asset, dopes. Everything, everything he does can be seen through that prism. Or as the eternally shrewd Nancy Pelosi remarked: “All roads lead to Putin.”
Insane or not, during the 2nd coming of King Donald, Trump has unleashed a non-stop flood of dangerous moves & stupidity. Stupidity which is rapidly overwhelming the nation, but perhaps that Trump's enablers plan all along?
Which is worse?
a) Believing the bomb isn't armed, taking no action, and then it blows up.
b) Believing the bomb is armed, taking action to disarm it but finding it is not armed.
Rinse and repeat, haven’t read the article but the headline reads like we are in his first term. I’ve quit on the media doing anything right at this point.
If you just give him more time he will respond to this claim and design one. I guess just 6 months are needed to actually create a full scale fascist attack on a previously neutral country. But don't worry, it will be a small country. Trump will not attack where Putin already has plans. 🫣
He lives in a 3 minute bubble - there’s nothing rational about it once you go past the 3 minutes - he comes back to things but it becomes confusing when it combines with the current 3 minute item …
He couldnt even play Dominoes without tossing the
Candidly ask his caddies, golf club employees, etc. about his Golf Club "Championships."
This sort of rational observation could have been written about his grifting and mobster behavior back in 2016 but the establishment thought they could get in on that grift so we got sanewashing instead. Here we are.
and if they try they will get fired. and if they look like they might try aka a person who isnt rich and white, they also get fired. MSNBC is the blue network. right? all that fucking morning joe.
This man is running on ID alone and the every presence of his psychopathic sociopath nature of everything is his, and his alone, everything is about him, caused by him, for his gain and to cause confusion, chaos, strife, harm and destruction until he feels he has the power/attention he *Deserves*
In the end, the outcome is probably the same. He is destroying the US and the rule based world order. He is making the US very weak and small, giving US adversaries the chance to take over. The US is loosing influence and creates rejection even among allies.
Get rid of him and his gang!
Anyone who has paid attention to the despot, going back to the 80s, knows that he is a mentally unstable subhuman who has hogtied and incarcerated an entire country. As the saying goes, "It's not rocket science." He's a menacing ticking time bomb.
He has severe dementia and his handlers are doing their best to keep it under wraps. His father had Alzheimers, and now the orange turd has it too. This is a huge repulikkan cover up.
Isn’t it reassuring that the House and Senate are each keeping the checks and balances as the Founders envisioned , said none of the people’s representatives to each other at all anymore.
Corporate and theocratic interests see him as useful, at least for now. But even those interests should be trying to slow him down. They do still have customers and church members who will be devastated by the chaotic orders and reversals being flung about by this madman. Racists are very happy.
He is not insane. He is a narcissist who has dementia. Narcsdsists are able to hide the signs way longer than most. We must start labeling it correctly.
He's a crook, a liar, and a sham and that has always been his M.O. Read your own damn reporting on him from early in his career. Y'all just fell for his schtick, reported his lies, and are now trying to absolve yourselves.
I have noticed that during the election the media was finally coming to the realization that he was not mentally well, but once he was elected I heard not a word about it. They spend so much time trying to figure the reasons behind his actions when in fact he is just crazy.
What people need to understand is that this administration isn't the refined vision of one madman but a tangle of various people/groups' individual missions piggybacking on a petulant little man baby easily controlled with base emotions.
It's an administration teeming with opportunistic parasites.
Sometimes people create a reality inside of their heads, without any kind of sustainable knowledge backing this reality.
Such is a Trump.
Not only Trump himself, but also many of the people he has picked for leading possitions.
And then chaos must occur, when nothing is based on competence.
Trump's narcissist behaviour needs social media recognition. He says things to the extent he feels it will stir public emotion not because he has a belief or thought of the consequences
As all autocrats he needs a war to stay in power
He has started the trade war and doesn't care ending other wars
I actually think we spend too much time on Trump and not nearly enough on the power structure that is cocooning him. That is who is deserving of our "attention".
Indeed! Those who are behind Project 2025, which Trump is following to the letter. I suspect he owes a lot of people, including Putin that contributes to the destruction of our Federal government. He is making America weak for a takeover for a reason.
He's got fucking Alzheimer's, and it's not getting better. Pretty soon he'll be drooling spittle in public and everyone will say,
"He's grown so much in his office."
I don’t get why they’re not concerned about his age and mental acuity like they were with Biden after his debate. Biden never threatened to take away our safety nets, gut agencies that keep us safe or threaten our allies. The media’s bias is crystal clear.
He’s old and has a documented family history of Alzheimer’s. They were fine smearing Biden with the slightest whiff of decline but refuse to do so when Trump clearly exhibits several red flags for cognitive decline .
This is the methodical destruction of the economy, defense and law of the USA!
Creating an army that will soon defend an authoritarian government, not the constitution!
Every action of his serves ruZZia, you have to be really blind not to see it!
Make ruZZia Great Again!
That's why it makes less sense to keep calling Trump out on this, since you don't just solve such a disorder, but more about calling out the Republican senators that they are playing a dangerous game if they follow this narcissistic leader in all his delusions.
He's a megalomaniac and it's gone to his head. GQP enabled his insanity for power and to turn this country into their vision. None of it American! It's his goons behind the scenes, like Miller, Muskrat, Johnson, Roberts, Bondi, Patel and other traitors that have an unbridled green light!
He’s a sociopathic narcissist who has lied and cheated his way through life, played our legal system against us, and actively used Putin’s Playbook against us FOR YEARS (& now 2025 with an explicit plan) A felon is now terrorizing us and the entire free world. Acts like a Russian asset. Treason?
There is a method..."There are no longer criminals in America or innocent citizens...there are no longer enemies or allies among nations. Every thing, every person, every organization is a matter of a 'deal'. And extortion is now virtue."
He's just the monkey; left to himself, it's vengeance and golf. If you want to understand what's driving the Executive branch, look to the organ grinders: Putin, Musk, and the Heritage Foundation.
What's next? The Bay of Pigs wasn't a grand strategy?
Or telling the French to hold america's beer during the occupation of Vietnam, wasn't a grand strategy?
Lashing out at perceived wrongs and enemies is a symptom of dementia. The sycophants and power mongers around DT are taking advantage of it. They receive praise and prizes for validating his paranoia and act with cruelty in competition for his attentions. They make him sane for their personal gain.
This insight did not originate with me, to be fair. It was who nailed it, identifying the actual mob boss that Trump used to idolize.
Do we have to wait until he mumbles Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV when he delivers a speech or answers questions during an interview before he's declared insane?
REALLY?? What is not to understand? He is and always has been a malignant narcissist! All journalists need to do is listen to what his niece, Mary Trump has to say about him and his family dynamics and business dealings. Wake the F up!!!
Journalists have proved many times they are certainly not the smartest of people and are fearful of upsetting their employer.
Time was when it was an honest and unbiased occupation but morals have long departed the media scene.
They are content to sell their souls and produce mediocre reporting.
Their job is to report the FACTS & TRUTH not to bow down to their owners & political leaders & spin those facts into LIES & PROPAGANDA
The evidence is crystal clear:
Maybe even a spy since the 80s…
Now a traitor and
Would-be dictator.
Also clearly deranged.
Journalists et al fear
his random, petty vindictiveness…
See also the undermining of the UN, ICC, ICJ Geneva Convention etc
The Repugnacans created this situation and the DIMocrats let it happen.
Are the White guys in the fancy uniforms up to the challenge now?
Yale Budget Analysis
Do not let his madness bring our entire nation down. See him for who he is: A malignant narcissist with an untreatable, dangerous-to-all-life personality disorder.
STOP this rationalization, please.
He has full agency!
And with respect to his policies, use words like “this policy will cause hunger and death” instead of “this policy will cause new challenges for the poor and disabled”.
Stop the damned euphemisms, and report reality.
What I know is that RU has been using sophisticated (I mean SOPHISTICATED) complex systems approaches to work the marks, grift the world, and now - overthrow democracies while there's still time.
And I have found NO ONE who pays attention to, or counters, this new approach.
He's evil. He always has been.
But that's an idea journalists are EVEN LESS WILLING to publish, even though they (mostly) all think it's true.
1.What boosts his ego.
2.What boosts his wealth.
3.What serves the interests of his Russian master.
Also,he could be batshit crazy.
And none of these options are mutually exclusive.
So fking over this rot
a) Believing the bomb isn't armed, taking no action, and then it blows up.
b) Believing the bomb is armed, taking action to disarm it but finding it is not armed.
Trump is armed. Believe it.
He is a longtime narcissist who now also has behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia.
He couldnt even play Dominoes without tossing the
Candidly ask his caddies, golf club employees, etc. about his Golf Club "Championships."
He is a madman, but it’s not because of any diminished mental faculties. He’s always been a madman.
kompromat, bone saw squads and a ton of foreign cash threw us over while we were fighting a cold war that didnt exist
"Journalists" can screw off
Get rid of him and his gang!
Anyone who has paid attention to the despot, going back to the 80s, knows that he is a mentally unstable subhuman who has hogtied and incarcerated an entire country. As the saying goes, "It's not rocket science." He's a menacing ticking time bomb.
It's an administration teeming with opportunistic parasites.
Such is a Trump.
Not only Trump himself, but also many of the people he has picked for leading possitions.
And then chaos must occur, when nothing is based on competence.
As all autocrats he needs a war to stay in power
He has started the trade war and doesn't care ending other wars
He's got fucking Alzheimer's, and it's not getting better. Pretty soon he'll be drooling spittle in public and everyone will say,
"He's grown so much in his office."
He’s a bully and they don’t want to be attacked by his psycho red capped army of freaks.
This is the methodical destruction of the economy, defense and law of the USA!
Creating an army that will soon defend an authoritarian government, not the constitution!
Every action of his serves ruZZia, you have to be really blind not to see it!
Make ruZZia Great Again!
What's next? The Bay of Pigs wasn't a grand strategy?
Or telling the French to hold america's beer during the occupation of Vietnam, wasn't a grand strategy?
I'm crushed eh!
So what if there are exceptions: it's the rule that should be concerning
Time was when it was an honest and unbiased occupation but morals have long departed the media scene.
They are content to sell their souls and produce mediocre reporting.