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If I'd been born in the fifteenth century, they would've accused me of being a witch. Lover of books, music, cats & the unusual. Not necessarily in that order. Writer, reader & librarian with an eye twinkle. Seeking a little less ugliness in the world ❤️
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For anyone struggling/ juggling/ wading through soup... Take a deep breath and one step at a time. You got this and I've got you. You matter ♥️ #Writers #Creatives #Everybody #MentalHealthIsImportant #TryToLiveLifeAsItComes

Keep telling myself I'll just read this one last chapter... #Reading #BooksAreTheBest #GoodStoriesAreNeverHardToFind #MustStopProcrastinating #RealitySucks

Found this pic for my daughter's next project and couldn't read it without singing and adding an OI! at the end of the first line after John. If you know, you know... #History #DareYouNotToSingAlong #KingsAndQueens

Really want to crack on with my WIP today, but have a short story to write... so I'm reading instead. #ProcrastinationAtItsFinest #WritingCommunity #Reading #Writing #GuiltyPleasures #Writers #GoodBooksAreSoDistracting

How many of these had you never considered before? Number 2 hit me hard. #WritingCommunity #LifeChoices #Here'sToYourHealth&Happiness #Creatives #EveryoneElseInbetween

DREK An unassuming man gets caught up in a war between the Shadow and Sun Gods, gets turned into a Drekavac, and does all he can to rid himself of the one person who can actually save him. #Questpit #F #A #W

THE END OF THE F***ING WORLD X NEVERNIGHT CHRONICLES JAPONICUS REID is complete at 98000 words and is my debut fantasy novel. It is the first book in a revenge trilogy exploring how trauma, love and power can be manipulated and exploited. See pics for details... #Questpit #Q #A #F

Have lots of books I should be reading, but can't stop thinking about the library book I've reserved and is sitting waiting for me to pick up on Friday... #Library'sAreTheBest #Reading #Books

If you've ever felt like you view the world differently remember, you are not alone. #Poetry #FindingMeaning #WritingCommunity #Creatives

Wish my favourite park looked like this again. #PhotographYourHappyPlace

Need I say more? #Imagination #GetCreative #FreedomToExpress #Writing #Thinking #Processing #PlottingNarratives

Feel less on edge today now I've made some solid plans for when I finish Uni. Only four more assignments to go! #MentalHealth #PersonalGrowh #WritingMyLifeAway

Anyone else get unreasonably annoyed when people spell etc. the wrong way? ECT is electroconvulsive therapy! Shocking 🤪 #WritingCommunity #Editors #Proofreaders #RightWayToWrite

THE END OF THE F***ING WORLD X NEVERNIGHT CHRONICLES JAPONICUS REID is complete at 98000 words and is my debut fantasy novel. It is the first book in a revenge trilogy exploring how trauma, love and power can be manipulated and exploited. See pics for details... #2025pit #Q #A #F

Good morning beautiful people! I really enjoyed #YouDeservepIt yesterday. Wouldn't it be fabulous if you could write and read and create mood boards all day long? #LifeComplete #WritingCommunity #Writers #Authors #WIP #AmQuerying

DREK An unassuming man gets caught up in a war between the Shadow and Sun Gods, gets turned into a Drekavac, and does all he can to rid himself of the one person who can actually save him. #YouDeservepIt #F #A #WIP

THE END OF THE F***ING WORLD X NEVERNIGHT CHRONICLES JAPONICUS REID is a 98000 word fantasy novel and the first book in a revenge trilogy exploring how trauma, love and power can be manipulated and exploited. See pics for details... #YouDeservepIt #A #F #Q 1st novel #WIP 2nd & 3rd novels

Starting creative writing with the smallest one today, not sure who's most excited. Oh, I do love a word wheel! #It'sOnlyWords #CreativeWriting #StorytellingIsLife

Anyone else have dreams that are so lucid you feel like you haven't slept at all? #Dreams #WarpedReality #WritingCommunity #Creatives #MentalHealth

Always carefully consider both your word choices AND the meaning of your sentences. #Writing #Editing #Authors #Writers #WritingCommunity #BookPeople #AnyoneWhoWritesAnythingFullStop

Enjoyed taking part in my first pitch event last week! Now I have the lay of the land, I've spent some time over the weekend putting together mood boards for my trilogy ready for the next event. #Writing #Authors #WordArt #AestheticallyPleasing

THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD X NEVERNIGHT CHRONICLES Molly & her assassin lover uncover more secrets than answers as they're hunted down whilst trying to discover who killed their son & why. JAPONICUS REID: 1st in revenge trilogy exploring PTSD, grief & variety of relationships. #P2Ppit #Q #F #A

As a socially anxious introvert, I have to remind myself of these most days. #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Creatives #Writing #LifeInGeneral #DreamsOfBeingBetter

How to get the best out of your characters... Do you know anyone in real life you can relate them to? Have you amalgamated different bits of real life into your fiction—be it intentional or subconsciously? Do they reflect parts of yourself? What would those reations/ responses be? #WritingCommunity

Oh Monday morning, what are you doing to me? 1/3 of the way through 1st draft of book 2 and my MMC just decided to spring a secret that requires me to rewrite a section of book 1. I was finally happy with book 1... why doesn’t he want me to be happy? #Drafting #Editing #WritingCommunity

Art imitating life. #Reading #Writing #LibrariesForGood #ModelFutureBehaviours

Today is a catch up on my reading day. #Reading #Books #NotWritingToday #LibraryBooksForLife #TBRNotGettingAnySmallerThough

Going for a walk... there is plotting to be done... #NeedToThinkOverAnIdeaForWIP #WritingInMyHead #Nature #Quotes #WritingCommunity #MentalHealth

Starting my week off with a giggle as life and routines return to normal after the holidays. Party on, 2025! #It'sTheLittleThings #That'sLife #KeepingMySpiritsUp #AlreadyLosingTheWill #TryingToStayPositive

It really matters how we talk to others and ourselves. Let’s be #kind to others and let’s be kind to ourselves too. This is how we all grow.💜💫🙏 #Kindnessmatters #Togetherwegrow #Bluesky #writingsforgood💜