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Engages tanks and tank-like targets. Recon and Security enthusiast, Dad, and Packers Owner
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I've heard way more non-grads talk about "ringknockers" than I have felt any benefit from it. The closest I've seen is former Army football guys having an initial foot in door with a senior rater. Maybe I'm just bad at networking but branch/common jobs/common mentors is a much stronger connector.
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To be fair, it's a bipartisan American fascination. Obama didn't want to go on podcasts with operators, but his admin was pretty sure they could do everything else after the Afghanistan surge
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He did. Which makes the current actions harder to understand.
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28% is an insanely high number
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The Ender's Game quote really completes the whole "Don't Create the Torment Nexus" meme
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To the United States Drone Force, of course. They need 200 graduates a year, preferably that also graduated from our federal robotics high school! (I don't know why I looked at the other tweets, it did not make anymore sense)
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Ghost of John Adams discovers the TikTok and YouTube influencer economy: "THIS ISN'T WHAT I MEANT! NOT LIKE THIS!"
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This company doesn't think the US Navy will protect Norway in the first place, and is sending the message that Norway (and Europe at large) should go it alone, without the US. Haltbakk Bunkers owner sees the US as too risky a partner, and that's going to be a huge problem if that sentiment grows.
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NATO has made both sides of the Atlantic safer and richer, but we seem intent on testing its limits. NATO gave the US a way to mitigate risk of Europe fighting itself for a third time. After giving up our seat at the table, we may see a rearmed Europe led by parties like AfD and National Rally.
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The problem is your list is US priorities. Norway doesn't need to care much about the Mideast or China. It looks like the US is set on a path that will benefit Russia, Norway (and the EU)'s most acute threat. So Norwegians now feel pressure to realign their security to not depend on the US.
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Does...she know the title of the movie that line is in??? Why quote something when you have no ideas about the context?
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And now we know why the mayor of Adventure Bay cared so much about her chicken. In the Paw Patrol dystopia, an egg is worth its weight in gold. That's how they fund their operations and why the chicken had to be protected at all costs!
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Don't let them know about the cup and flower fund
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Funny to see these bleeding edge tech guys decide they need banks after all.
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I think the findings of this war game were used to support several follow on articles around the time
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This one?
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Sorry, we're gonna need more specificity
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If we commit ground forces to fight today against a peer or near peer, we (and more importantly the public and policy makers) need to understand it won't look like OIF. A "bad day" won't be a squad or platoon's number of casualties, but companies and battalions
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Most of WWII was attritional, too, we just choose to forget the grinding parts. Saw a chart for casualties in the ETO the other day, the casualty rate was 100% of an infantry division after about 5 months of combat. Similarly, the Soviets planned to replace a division after 6 months.
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Anybody claiming an "idyllic" era of blue collar work is trying to sell you something, right or left. The American economy is dynamic, especially post-WWII. While that has meant near constant growth, it also requires near constant change.
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My kids watched Wish Dragon (set in modern Shanghai) on Netflix when it came out. I don't recall it as great art, but I did find it surprising for a Chinese-backed movie that the hero wishes to be a "princeling" in order to woo the daughter of a business magnate.
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The Stetson is a better piece of formal military headgear than the bus driver cap or the "everyone is elite" black beret. But you might not understand because: If you ain't CAV....
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What players are available will matter, but Edge is #1 need. The CB room isn't great, but no one can consistently cover an NFL offense for 10 secs every play
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Or... just go up the middle for 3 and trust the O Line. They've been fine!
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I would say the reason we use commander's intent is to give that average officer a clear understanding of how far he can stray from an order or doctrine. In your example, there's a wide gulf between exercising judgment to meet an intent and violating LOAC and professional ethics to be creative.
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Sometimes we liberate Jin Dong from the North Torbians and their Olvanan puppet masters
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"Denied the ability to conduct crossdomain maneuver, GEN Giap effectively used landpower to achieve positions of relative advantage in the human and information terrain of the IndoPacific. In this paper, I will explain what this means for USARPAC..."
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He only fought in one domain, what's the point?
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The worst part is that we use a 2500 year old book (usually poorly translated as well) to represent the sum total of Chinese military and strategic thought.
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Feels like the first time they haven't played down to the level of their opponent. Hafley isn't letting backup QBs look like All-Pros
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McManus' 3 books on the Pacific are really good on how we grew into a joint force.
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USMC divesting tanks makes sense because they wanted to fight with detached tank PLTs and COs. It multiplies your log problems while limiting the ability to mass. They decided they could use limited space on amphibs better. There is less of a tradeoff when I need to est a DIV support area anyway.
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I'm not saying damn the logistics, just that weight doesn't make a huge difference if you know it will have to come off a Ro/Ro. I'd rather be heavier and overmatch Type 99 or T90M. Intratheater movement does matter. I think the Abrams is close to the upper limit of supportability there.
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I guess what I'm saying is if you'll need a port regardless to sustain a campaign, there's no reason to limit the size of your tank simply to make it "expeditionary" - make it survivable against and with whatever punch needed to defeat your enemy's tank
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The infrastructure problem doesn't change all that much between a heavy or light armored platform. If we have a problem needing a division or corps-size hammer, we'll need secure LOCs regardless if we drive Abrams, Strykers, Bookers or LPCs. The reqs go up with tanks, but not by orders of magnitude.
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With weight, I'd say the tradeoff is between strategic or operational mobility and battlefield survivability. An Abrams can still push through mud/terrain that can mire a lighter Stryker, while being more survivable to enemy fire. I'm worried the M10 is a worst of all worlds compromise.
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I'm tracking they are M1A1 SAs. They've removed DU armor for export controls, and they don't have a commander's independent viewer. It looks like they added the remote weapons stations for the .50s. Our M1A2 SEPv3s also have additional armor and several differences in electronics and powertrain.
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This is a really interesting rorschach test for when people thought US higher education was "envy of the rest of the world." I'd like to know when people think that is, and which *unstated other country's system* overtook ours