LoopyElf. Classicist. Gamer and industry veteran. Software tester. Liverpool FC. 'Guitarist'. Old skool rocker. Religion: Heavy Metal.
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Repost with the first album you bought with your own money.
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You're welcome. These are, and will remain, among my favourite books.
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Still heartbroken over Ulysan, but my love for Auum soars.
Thanks for the great reading, James. I might re-read the Ascendents at some point but I'll be honest, it's a bit of a daunting prospect 😂
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And just trying to understand Takaar - agreeing with Auums assessment but then believing he's being harsh. The sheer speed of the text, at times, is like being under shetharyn.
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It's a wild ride. The way you play with the reader's feelings throughout is superb. Empathy for a thread turning into apathy, hatred and back to empathy. The sheer hatred for Ystormun but then one is made to feel sympathy as he communes with the other Wytch Lords.
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I'm not sure I realised the connection between Dawnthief (the book) and Ystormun the first time - I checked, his name only appears four times in the Raven chronicles. The Il-aryn sisters, Evunn and Duele, The Garonin...
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Some guys at work told me it was the greatest animation... I binged it and, whilst I enjoyed it, I didn't agree. To be fair, it has a lot to do with my tester brain and it was coders championing it...
But, honestly, I enjoyed Tomb Raider: Legend of Lara Croft more...
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Nah, this it two people fighting over a piece of sushi.
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Feiyue. Not the French fashion-shoe version, though, the Chinese version.