Truth sayer and not afraid to say it.
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Otherwise, you’re just parroting numbers without critical thought. Your move.
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Because if you actually understood economic impact studies, you’d know they require full context—like who benefits from lower labor costs, how GDP is affected, and long-term net contributions. Instead of hiding behind a URL, show me you understand what you’re citing.
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If your link is so airtight, surely you can summarize its key findings and explain how it accounts for the billions undocumented workers contribute via taxes, labor, and consumer spending. Or did you just skim for scary numbers without questioning the methodology?
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Ah, the classic ‘Did you even read it?’ deflection—textbook move when someone realizes their ‘evidence’ isn’t the slam dunk they thought it was. Government reports aren’t immune to cherry-picked framing—especially from politicians pushing an agenda.
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The Deschênes Report” – Now you’re grasping at straws. Throwing out random conspiracy bait doesn’t change the fact that Russia illegally invaded Ukraine. Maybe focus on Russia’s war crimes in Bucha instead of pretending you care about “justice.”
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You’re Canadian, it seems” – Wrong. And even if I was, how is that relevant? Your attempt at a weak deflection just proves you’ve got nothing. Meanwhile, you’re still dodging the fact that Russia is the one waging an imperialist war
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Ukraine wanted nuclear weapons” – Pure Russian propaganda. Ukraine gave up its nukes in 1994 under the Budapest Memorandum—in exchange for Russia guaranteeing its territorial integrity. Russia broke that deal. Ukraine never sought nukes, just security.
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Ukraine moved troops toward Donbas & wanted Crimea back” – Of course they did. Russia had already invaded in 2014, stolen Crimea & armed separatists. Ukraine reclaiming its own land isn’t “aggression”—it’s the legal right of any sovereign nation.
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Zelenskyy is gambling with WWIII” – No, Putin is. Russia invaded a sovereign nation, annexed territory, bombed civilians & keeps making nuclear threats. Ukraine defending itself isn’t “gambling”—it’s survival. The only one escalating this war is the invader.
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And about that link—maybe next time, try citing something credible, not cherry-picked political propaganda. I’ll wait while you find an actual economic study that backs your claim.
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3️⃣ The ‘cost’ argument is bad math: Studies show immigrants use fewer public benefits than native-born citizens (because many programs exclude them). But sure, let’s pretend the guy picking strawberries for $5/hour is the real drain on the economy.
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2️⃣ They pay taxes: Sales taxes, property taxes (through rent), and even billions in Social Security contributions they’ll never claim. The IRS estimates undocumented workers contribute $9 billion annually in payroll taxes alone.
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*“Ah yes, the classic ‘illegals take more than they give’ myth—backed by a conveniently vague link.
Cheap labor fuels industries Agriculture, construction, and service sectors rely on undocumented workers. Deport them all overnight, and watch food prices skyrocket and businesses collapse
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History lesson: Mass state-sanctioned violence against civilians has never made a country stronger—it has only made governments collapse under their own cruelty. So tell me, big guy, how many kids in backpacks are you personally volunteering to bomb?
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But the real kicker? Advocating military strikes on unarmed people is not ‘patriotism,’ it’s psychopathy. You’ve gone full mask-off, admitting you’d rather commit war crimes than acknowledge economic realities.
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Second, calling unarmed civilians ‘hostile’ is laughable. The majority are women and children fleeing conditions caused in part by decades of U.S. intervention. Your claim that migration ‘destabilizes’ America is absurd—immigrants contribute billions in labor and taxes.
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First, Title 8, U.S. Code 1325 is a misdemeanor, not a felony. Your own government processes and releases many of these ‘criminals’ because legally, many are asylum seekers, which is a protected status under international and U.S. law.
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Ah, so we’ve gone from ‘they broke a law’ to ‘they deserve to be bombed by drones.’ That escalation says more about you than it does about immigration policy.
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So tell me, what’s your actual solution beyond repeating political buzzwords? Because if it’s just ‘close the border,’ congratulations—you’ve reinvented a centuries-old fantasy that has never once matched reality.
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Even if we entertain your analogy, history isn’t on your side. The U.S. has constantly relied on immigrant labor—legal and undocumented—while politicians use the ‘border crisis’ as a convenient scare tactic every election cycle.
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Ukraine is facing a literal armed invasion by a foreign power seeking to erase its sovereignty. The U.S. border situation? A mix of asylum seekers, economic migrants, and deportations happening daily under existing laws. Conflating the two isn’t an argument—it’s just bad rhetoric.
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Ah, so now you want a ‘real debate’ after throwing around loaded terms like ‘invade’ and ‘squat’? Cute. Let’s start with the obvious: Comparing refugees and economic migrants to a military invasion is either dishonest or painfully ignorant.
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I am sorry your hard work and efforts didn’t pay off this time. That said I take solace from the fact he can’t run again after this term.
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As if global affairs operate on a one-in, one-out basis. The fact that you immediately default to chest-puffing instead of actually defending your argument proves my point. You came in here thinking you had a knockout punch, but all you did was trip over your own logic. Try again, champ.
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It’s adorable that you think you’ve made a real point. My two brain cells analogy wasn’t just an insult it was an accurate description of the intellectual depth of your initial comment You tried to reduce a complex geopolitical issue into a lazy bad faith narrative about leftists and border security
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But please continue embarrassing yourself watching you struggle with logic is almost as entertaining as watching you try to sound intelligent
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If you had even a fraction of the neurons you’re bragging about you’d realize that parroting bad faith talking points isn’t a substitute for a coherent argument
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“Ah yes, the classic ‘I know you are, but what am I?’ rebuttal—truly the intellectual high point of someone who thinks bumper sticker slogans count as critical thought.
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Here here.
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Stop promoting war Ukraine cannot win” – Stop promoting surrender disguised as “peace.” Ukraine fights because the alternative is occupation, mass executions, and stolen children. But I get it—you’re too deep in your fantasy to care about actual Ukrainians
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Multipolar world needs RUS, USA, CHN not at war” – Russia started this war. They could end it tomorrow by leaving Ukraine. Instead, they burn through men and resources while China watches from the sidelines, unwilling to fully commit to Putin’s sinking ship
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NATO overextension” – Classic Kremlin talking point. Ukraine chose to move toward NATO because Russia spent decades bullying, invading, and interfering. No one forced them; Russia pushed them into NATO’s arms. Actions have consequences
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Ukraine jails MPs against Zelenskyy” – You mean MPs openly collaborating with an invading force? Funny how you call that a problem but ignore how Russia jails, poisons, or defenestrates all opposition. Keep pretending this is about “democracy
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Wake up to battlefield facts” – The fact is Russia expected Kyiv to fall in 3 days. Two years later, they’re still throwing bodies into a meat grinder just to take ruins. You’re the one parroting propaganda while reality slaps you in the face.
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Zelenskyy drags men from the streets” – Unlike Russia, where ethnic minorities are forcibly conscripted at higher rates while rich Muscovites sip lattes. Ukraine has a draft, like every country at war. Russia, meanwhile, has lost so many troops they’re scraping prisons dry.
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Russian people support the war” – Yeah, because speaking out gets you a prison sentence or worse. Meanwhile, Ukraine fights because it has to—because occupation means mass graves and filtration camps. But I’m sure your Telegram channel left that part out.
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Russia is winning the war of attrition” – You mean the same Russia that’s resorting to prison conscripts, North Korean missiles, and 70-year-old tanks? The same Russia that’s lost half its best troops and still can’t take Avdiivka without massive casualties? Some “victory.”
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As for your weak attempt at a personal jab—Trump? Seriously? The fact you think every argument comes back to him says more about your brainrot than mine. Stop pretending you care about Ukraine when all you’re doing is running interference for Russia
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King Zelenskyy?” – You do realise he was democratically elected and still has public support, right? Meanwhile, Putin rigs elections, jails opponents, and murders critics. But sure, tell me more about “dictators
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Zelenskyy must capitulate” – Russia invaded, murdered, and tortured civilians, yet your solution is to reward them? That’s not peace; it’s surrender on Putin’s terms. Ukraine fights because they know what occupation means—ask Bucha
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Most Ukrainians want peace” – Funny, since polling consistently shows Ukrainians overwhelmingly oppose surrendering territory. But sure, tell them what they want from your armchair.
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I truly am sorry that you’ve got to deal with Trump and Vance. Tonight they absolutely dismantled the ideals that the US stands for. I hope and pray the day comes sooner rather than later for them to be ousted.
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Time for peace” – Russia invaded, tortured civilians, and you want Ukraine to surrender? That’s not “peace,” that’s capitulation. Meanwhile, you LARP as a geopolitical expert while parroting Kremlin scripts. Pipe down, you absolute clown. (4/4)
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Ukraine is losing & cannot win” – If so, why is Russia still failing after 2 years? Why are they conscripting prisoners, begging NK for ammo & digging trenches like it’s 1916? Sounds like a losing side to me. (3/4)
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Zelenskyy shut down opposition media & politicians” – No, he restricted pro-Russian channels spreading disinfo during a war. That’s wartime security, not dictatorship. The UK & US did the same in WW2. Try harder. (2/4)
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Ah, the classic “I have part-UKR roots” opener” – because nothing says credibility like a vague ancestral claim to justify parroting Kremlin propaganda. Let’s break down your nonsense. (1/4)
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There’s a term used to describe people like you, you are the epitome of two brain cells fighting over third place!
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You’re as deluded as those two twats in the White House! Pipe down you absolute clown.
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From a cousin across the pond, I am so sorry your country is having to endure this charade of Trump and Vance.