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Head of Research Division ‘Agroecology and Environment’ @agroscope, Dr. sc. System Ecologist, passionate about climate change, born 338.75 ppm, views are my own
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Die #Methanemissionen steigen rasant und beschleunigen den #Klimawandel. Eine neue Übersichtsstudie zeigt nun wirksame Massnahmen auf, um sie schnell zu reduzieren. #methan ➡️

Just out: PLOS A framework for managing infectious diseases in rural areas in low- and middle-income countries in the face of climate change—East Africa as a case study Thank you @Katherine Worsley-Tonks for leading this and @James Hassell for bringing everyone together

New paper alert: ‘eddy covariance measurements in an agave plantation’ - key findings: (1) Plant productivity was due to day- and nighttime CO2 uptake, (2) soil dryness causes switch to CAM pathway, (3) photosynthetic plasticity controls ecosystem CO2 exchange.

Agroecology and OneHealth - two complementary approaches towards more sustainability in the Agri-Food System. Here is my podcast input for the One Health Platform Germany (in German only)

Happy #WorldSoilDay! How much #carbon is stored in Kenya's #rangeland #soils? Find out what we're doing in the #CarboGrass project and the #LivestockClimateInitiative to find the answer!

exciting Postdoc position addressing the microplastic problem within a great collaborative team

Two days @agroscope Cadenazzo with the leadership team of the research division Agroecology and Environment are starting to discuss the future work programme, leadership principles and update our Department Vision for the Department

In recognition of us doing fuck all to reduce emissions, let me remind y'all that carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is useless unless we decarbonize drastically.

Remote Sensing is amongst the most powerful tools to observe our planet and it’s natural resources and consequently to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented policies. Thanks to Axel Don for highlighting this at the EJP Soil Science-Policy Event in Brussels.

Back in Brussels for one of the final events of EJP Soil ‘the contribution of EJP Soil at the science-policy interface’ - 5 years of bringing soil research in Europe together and providing key information on sustaiable soil management to decision makers

A big challenge in identifying climate smart agricultural systems in Africa is the missing chunk of data on #GHG emissions. Often categories at international level are lacking. Read more in our paper on emissions from traditional #livestock bomas in #Kenia.

If you are interested in how to measure methane emissions from animal agriculture using micrometeorological approaches read our newest output led by Johannes Laubach and and amazing international team

Arrived at #AGU2023 and grateful to interact and exchange ideas with colleagues. Excited to talk on carbon storage in grassland and thankful to everyone who contributed, opening Session B41A-01 @louisschipper on Thursday. See you in Room 3009 MC, 8:30am

Two new projects confirmed today and both will use the Tool of Agroecology Performance #TAPE from FAO - in Switzerland, Côte D’Ivoire, Kenya and Uganda. Thanks to everyone whom was involved 🥂 and here is a bit of a teaser: