18yo Polish Varsovian, my hobbies are as follows:
- Gay furries
- Vidya gaems
- EU as a socialist state ruled by a caste of enlightened philosophers
- Architecture I want to fu- find pretty *cough*
- Did I mention gay furries? :3
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6000 supply donkeys of Putin
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Of course, I've no idea how credible these polls *are* given how many Americans voted for Trump. Not that it matters though, as the "leopards eating faces" phenomenon is definitely in full swing, even if the numbers aren't exact.
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I admit, I was convinced the US was organized enough to prevent a scenario like this, that Trump would still be forced to conduct rational politics (both internal and international) by the estabilishment in DC.
But to base your vote for him on such a conviction was a very foolish bet all along.
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I do understand *why* people voted for Trump. But to act so surprised when he does the things he promised to do is comical. What did you expect? For the "deep state" to stop him before he does any real harm?
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Even now, the PO is losing support because of their utterly idiotic handling of internal issues and complete failure at delivering what they promised.
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In general, I'd say the largest problem is the perception of the right as more patriotic. As well as all the years of corruption and incompetency from the PO which completely ruined the centrists' image (reprivatisation fiascos, numerous scandals etc)
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At least in Poland, the rural class does not much care about the 'woke'. Their issues are different - the right-wing is perceived as caring about them (in contrast to the smug metropolitans from Warsaw), as well as a "less corrupt" side and one that cares more about the national interest.
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Looks like Klaipeda, and maybe a little bit like Gdańsk? It definitely has this Baltic charm!
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What must be done?
Once again: accelerated European integration, industrial strength (especially regarding military manufacturing), trained and professional armies capable to co-op in the case of an invasion (the NATO framework already greatly aids that goal), and efficient intel agencies.
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The political caste in European countries is seemingly unable to make itself (and therefore the entities it governs) an actual historical actor. Ever since the 90s has Europe remained willingly lacking any form of grand initiative and decisiveness, instead remaining a mere *object* of history.
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Europe - all of it - needs competent, strong, reliable leadership that will focus on the issues at hand, ACT instead of endlessly condemning, and push for the supranational collaboration we gravely need now. United, we could manage to repel those who wish to do us harm.
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I cannot *fucking believe* that Euroskepticism and kulturkampf idiocy remains a critical part of Polish """politics""". The politicians should be better than the bumbling cretinfest the public is, but that gets difficult when *they're* the reason the public is this way!
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What must be done?
Once again: accelerated European integration, industrial strength (especially regarding military manufacturing), trained and professional armies capable to co-op in the case of an invasion (the NATO framework already greatly aids that goal), and efficient intel agencies.
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Comical, both the plan and the current belief that seems to be "we will somehow stop Russia from completely razing the entirety of our country to the ground". Poland has no army, no industrial capacity, and now it also has NO ALLIES. Europe? Please. They're even more unprepared.
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The original plan was to hold a line on Vistula before the NATO cavalry could arrive and plow through the ruskies. Ever since the invasion of Ukraine, when the Russian brutality was unveiled, the plan became majorly controversial and was, to my knowledge, mostly abandoned.
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The last part is my prediction, but what came before was *not*. Poland remains tremendously unprepared for defending itself in any capacity.
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Poland hopefully learned a painful lesson once it realized that its widely-propagandized Territorial Defense Forces are utterly useless. The logical followup to that fiasco should be focusing on *local strength* - not on purchasing Korean tanks for which you likely barely have any personnel (lmao)
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Buying a quadrillion tanks means nothing if you aren't even able to reliably manufacture ammunition for them. Let alone, if you are unable to manufacture the *tanks* themselves, which should replace the wanton purchase sprees aimed at easing the anxieties of the electorate.
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This is that extends to most, if not all, countries in the Union. This celebrated "militarization" of many states is merely an incredible farce if progress in industry and creating efficient intelligence agencies fail to follow.
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The experts and pundits have been warning of this for decades now. Why have our leaders remained blind? Why haven't they reclaimed historical initiative? What are they waiting for?
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The political caste in European countries is seemingly unable to make itself (and therefore the entities it governs) an actual historical actor. Ever since the 90s has Europe remained willingly lacking any form of grand initiative and decisiveness, instead remaining a mere *object* of history.
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Evropa mvst wake vp, they said. So do it. Wake up. Stop the 'concerns', the 'stern warnings' and 'condemnations' and do what must be done.
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Now it's not even a big deal anymore if someone says "fuck the ICC lmao" for the pettiest fucking reason. Fucking Poland basically inviting Netanyahu despite (or rather: because) the only thing it has in common with Israel in terms of interests is the dependence on US for security.
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Of course the "global order" was fucking fucked to death and lays dead on the roadside anyway but before the most powerful country in the world went 100% hitlerite we could at least *pretend* it was there in some capacity, all these institutions were still taken somewhat seriously.
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Sorry for such vulgar statements, but really: I can't fucking believe how stupid he is. It's a good thing, of course. Much better than being actually competent at dismantling what's left of the global order.
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For a time I really did believe that Trump was some genius fascist manipulator, but every day I'm more and more convinced he's an actual ochlocratic cretin. What a fucking orange monkey istg, his sheer stupidity is the only comforting thing in the current sad state of global politics
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Nie cierpię płaczliwego doomeryzmu spod znaku "wszyscy zginiemy", którym wręcz odwracamy swą uwagę od tego, co należy zrobić. Zacznijmy działać dzisiaj, a wojna nie dotrze ani do nas, ani do naszych dzieci. Przestańmy ryczeć i osiągnijmy sprawczość, bo inaczej będziemy wręcz zasługiwać na zagładę.
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Jak wspaniałe "mocarstwo rosyjskie" sobie radzi na Ukrainie (BTW krajem ze słabą gospodarką oraz przeżartym korupcją) to każdy widzi. Europa z rzeczywistym wojskiem i służbami wywiadowczymi zmiażdżyłaby Rosję w konwencjonalnej wojnie defensywnej. Jako Unia mamy możliwość zbudować ów potencjał.
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My point is: I really doubt things will fundamentally change in US. Outside, though? You guys are gonna FUCK the world up.
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Or Palestinians, who are now threatened not only by genocide, but genocide 2.0, where the democratically-elected American leader is currently lobbying for an actual ethnic cleansing (in addition to the wanton violence already waged upon Gaza, which already bears marks of a genocide)
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Look, I despise Trump as much as anybody else on this platform, but this whole "we are the revolution!" LARP has really got to stop sometime. Ukrainians who are being actively thrown under the bus by America are way worse off than any Americans actually.
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Oh god, not another "nobody except superpowers has any agency ackshually".
Are you an American by any chance? The cringy Soviet LARP and historical ignorance point to that.
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I would be open to the point that the transformation, while causing economic progress for the nation, impoverished thousands. But such a point has to be made in good faith: NOT straight-up rejecting the movements which ultimately resulted in a democratic Poland
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Ah yes, those evil workers protesting terrible living conditions and a despotic govt
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"behind this" is a huge overstatement which fits the whole "no nation except superpowers has any agency" thing you Americans believe. Yes, empires will do empire things, including aiding those they see as potential allies.
Like, was the USSR "behind" the Republicans in Spain? Or "behind" Cuba? No.
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"The Great Lemurian Firewall guarantees the unity of socialist peoples from Lisbon to Beijing and prevents the MAGA Meme Brigades under Kekmissar Elon 'X°^¢`' Musk from depraving the minds of the youth"
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5 years. Lol.
All Russian agents on European soil are potential bargaining chips. Trap them forever if need be.
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Why on earth do we still organize any international events in these actual hellholes? The corruption is insane oml
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(I am speaking specifically about the Polish PiS here, but this can easily be applied to most right-wing parties LMAO. Stop the steal my ass)
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Of course, here I am inadvertently spreading right-wing propaganda. After all, they did *do* the things everyone wishes them to be persecuted for. The problem is, can we really just say fuck it and lock the bastards up? The democratic processes won't democratically process themselves.