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the AFU have destroyed 970 tactical drones in the last week (138.567/day)
after 22 days of February they destroyed 2,738 (124.45/day)
a year ago there were only 921 drone killed in the entire month of February (31.75/day)
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Poland pays for Ukraine's Starlink services...they may get a bit pissed
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the gimme in chief
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Poland will have something to say about it
they bought the services for Ukraine
and are paying the tab for full coverage
Elno can't afford to f/ck up all his business with Europe
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nice full cook off
-they lit up the right spot
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it is within range
there is nowhere on the north shore of Azov that is deep rear anymore
-saw satellite pictures of construction
they had to build some significant bridges
the AFU have been watching the progress
they want to have a target that breaks?
so if the trains are running
it won't be long
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we are at that point where sides are drawn
what side are you on...?
i'm Canadian
i choose to be a free democratic Canadian
not some autocrats serf
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we get some of the best stuff when the Ruzz upload these clips
i now know one Ruzz word
they say it so much
so that's how i address any Ruzz/MAGA bot that posts comments
-my attempt to communicate on their level
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loving those deep Christian values
innocent until proven guilty
that said
for there to be a criminal investigation at all-there must be some question about innocence
yet another high quality MAGA't wannabe politician
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Lady Liberty is mortified
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they call their movement Pro-Life
whose Life...?
why have none of them-announced programs for all these lives they are Saving
what is to become of the thousands of "unwanted" saved lives
will they be nurtured-educated-loved?
or-does making America great again-see the return of Workhouses...?
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Trump is only his ego
a loose canon-politically
i really don't think he is smart enough to have an agenda
other than
to serve his ego
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the Trunt would just blame Andorra
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damn straight
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f/ck the DJesus and all that want to follow him
Canada stands with Ukraine and all free Europe
Imperialism is dead on both sides of the pond
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Americans should stop wondering what is going on
their nation is in the midst of a hostile takeover
wondering isn't going to stop this usurpation
neither is watching reruns until the baseball season reopens
maybe take a note of what Georgians are doing in Tbilisi every night for the last 3 months
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they took Liza Dmytriyeva from us all
she was a gift from God
a special gift
-she carried his message
now no one will hear it
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Slava Free Russia
this war is to cleanse Mother Russia of the Ruzz stain on her honour
to wash the blood of nations from her flag
Ukraine will be freed soon
this Patriotic war will not stop until the Ruzz Red Fort burns and the Mother is finally free of autocrats
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Slava Free Russia
this war is to cleanse Mother Russia of the Ruzz stain on her honour
to wash the blood of nations from her flag
Ukraine will be freed soon
this Patriotic war will not stop until the Ruzz Red Fort burns and the Mother is finally free of autocrats
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i'm sorry to butt in...i'm not an American
i am curious
why would you allow a dictator all that time to consolidate a regime...?
do you want to just try...?
or, just do...?
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i recall a political scientist testifying before Congress about international voting patterns
he defined Nazi as:
fascist...navatist...race centric...authoritarians
84% of all Ruzzians define as Nazi
25-35% of all Americans also define as Nazi
where less than 3% of Ukrainians are Nazis
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i remember Liza Dmytriyeva
a video of this sweet gift of God
heading out to go shopping with her mother and bear
greeting everyone she met with her loving smile
15 min. later she was ground zero for the first Ruzz cruise missile attack on a Ukrainian Mall
i weep yet
my spirit rages for vengeance
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The Ruzz want Peace...?
so why are they assaulting the civilians in Odesa tonight...?
-a hospital is burning
-residential areas are under attack
while the DJesus' delegates in Riyadh strike their deal to carve up Europe
-like i have no fur on my ass
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this is the Efficiency to be expected from the Technocrat
he can't build his new order on any foundation of Democracy
Democracy regulation/oversight only get's in the way
by definition
Technocracy can only exist in an Autocracy
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>>American's need to take note
at this moment-the Ruzz are doing their thing...
- conducting a major missile strike on the residents of Odesa
-a hospital is burning
-major residential buildings targeted
....anyone in Riyadh concerned about the Ruzz sincerity for Peace...?
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this is the way a terrorist state negotiates
from this moment:
Donald Trump is complicit in the murder of Ukraine's innocents
he shares in each crime
i say to the American people
...Do Something Now
or be tarred by the same brush
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great news
it's about f/cking time
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the Trunt thinks he can intimidate all the western allies and still maintain America's defence industry
these numbers suggest the new reality for the future of US government dominance in foreign affairs
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Ruzz total losses for February (day 17)
KIA =22,310 (1,312.35/day)
Tanks = 196 (11.52/day)
IFV = 432 (25.41/day)
Artillery = 777 (45.70/day)
Fuel/Supply = 2,049 (120.52/day)
Specialty = 24 (1.41/day)
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plane crashes....people dying
flood damage....people dying
measles....people dying
where is the President...?
-playing golf in his backyard and taking a joy ride/photo op at Daytona
the Greatest President that ever was
-we should all have a national holiday to celebrate his birthday
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American's have grown up thinking they were the bastion of world freedom
everyone-simply thought that was a given
their apathy has destroyed that myth
Ukraine is showing the world what it means...and what it takes to be the true sons of liberty
God bless each and every one in their Holy Victory
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night after night
one after another of the Ruzz economic assets burn
some say the war in Ukraine has stagnated/stalled
they aren't paying attention
the AFU offensive isn't on the 0-line
it's inside the autocrats empire itself
Slava Ukrayiny
until the Red Fort burns
only Victory
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post doesn't have to be an acronym
when they are all just a bunch of MAGA'ts
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our droners have developed amazing skills
you gotta love-how every opening in that building blew smoke
Slava Drone Warriors
Slava Ukrayiny
only Victory
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just bafflegab and bullshit
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i remember some epic waddings
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<🇨🇦 we don't hate American's
we hate this MAGA/Project disease that has infected your government
we just want our good neighbours back
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this is from page one of the Ruzz manual on how to negotiate peace terms
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loving these big guns
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has Don-old been reading, "Mein Kampf"...?
sorry....i know that's ludacris
-he never reads-if a book has no pictures
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that one lonely grey cell bounces around aimlessly in that vacant space between his ears
-then every once and a while-some idiotic statement falls out of his face
in military school-Don-old scored 75, on his IQ test
today we call that "special needs"
(in those days-they still used the R word)
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....this is the 150 consecutive night, the autocrat's empire has burned
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"The bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent & respectable Stranger but the oppressed & persecuted of all Nations & Religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights & privileges"
George Washington
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"The bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent & respectable Stranger but the oppressed & persecuted of all Nations & Religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights & privileges"
George Washington
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the autocrat takes his quockerwodger out for a walk