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Wannabe Swift-Learner, Booklover, Jurist. Lover of all things persian, part-time Esperantist
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I am in the rock-paper-scissors. Still, though life got in the way… I made a nice random background, but now my text view is horrible if the background shows scissors or rock. Wanted to give the Text view a nice thin material background, which just doesn’t happen. Xcode really should give some hints
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Then it was good to ban TikTok according to the powers that be. Nobody else gets to decide anyway. Which is kinda the main problem.
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Is it good to censor anything?
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It scares me that AI is a given already. I get that it can be an invaluable tool for a seasoned developer. But I would like to understand stuff on my own
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Some days take longer than one day, some less than one hour. At least this is my experience for now. I am kind of stuck on day 22 for about 4 days now. If you never had any programming experience, like me, many lessons are hard to grasp.
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That is one of the things I enjoy, weirdly enough. I guess it depends where you are coming from. I come from a law background, software documentation is so short an concise, I like it
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It is a strange feeling. I am quite happy with my progress. But I start to see just how little I know🙈. I remember starting the challenge. I felt so overconfident when Paul explained Datatypes and I had no problems at all for the first few days. #Swift #SwiftUi
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I absolutely love following accounts that also do the #100DaysOfSwiftUI Makes me excited about what I am going to learn soon
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Mh, I meant the #100DaysOfSwiftUi
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The keyboard just didn’t change to a decimal pad. Frustrating, but everything I struggle with is just one thing more I have learned. I actually built an App😁😅😳
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I could actually see what I was doing. #Swift and #SwiftUI are amazing, how did I never see the magic that is coding until after 30?
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Sinnvoll, wenn es einen Aggressor gibt. Nulltoleranz dagegen ist bullshit, damit werden die Opfer bestraft. Und die Lehrer wissen meist ganz genau wer der Aggressor ist. Also eindeutig ja im Fall von Mobbing
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Never mind, I can choose if I open and close #XCode 😂
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Closures I understand while I watch the tutorial, but applying it is difficult. Optionals and error handling are - at least to me - still the most difficult concepts, and a syntax nightmare. Love protocols, structs and classes
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Es geht doch nicht ums überzeugen, sondern um die Wahlbeteiligung. Die ist bei Wutbürgern nunmal tendenziell höher. Wie gesagt, bin dafür, aber ob man das jetzt als Kampagne laufen lassen muss, zweifle ich an
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How about a satanic camera?
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Ich lasse mich gerne vom Gegenteil überzeugen, aber es kommt eben nicht auf die Mehrheit bei Umfragen an, sondern bei der Wahlurne. Und das ist ein Thema, was die Gegner sehr zum Wählen motiviert. Aber hey, ich bin auch für ein #Tempolimit. So wie in den Niederlanden mit #StopDeKindermoord
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Im Wahlkampf ist dieses Thema nur dann richtig, wenn man für einen CDU Kanzler ist. Tempolimits sind wichtig und richtig, aber das ist nun einmal eine heilige Kuh in Deutschland
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Wenn das mit den Whistleblowern so stimmt - mir ist das neu, aber es klingt nach Putin- wieso ist Scholz dann so ein Zauderer. Taurus an die Ukraine zu liefern ist weniger als das Minimum
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Ungefähr so als würden Flacherdler mit echten Wissenschaftlern debattieren. Erkenntnisgewinne gibt es keine, aber die Flacherdler können sich als legitime Alternative präsentieren
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Good, I love following others on the same journey. Can’t wait to arrive where you already are. Can you make a day in one day? Being a father and at a full time job usually means that I have to split the days, and challenges actually are challenging
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The download works fine, I have it now. I am really excited and want to try out soon. You are an inspiration #Picabulary #100DaysOfSwiftUi
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And sometimes it works, like now, but I don’t know why😅 I actually don’t mind if it doesn’t work, because that’s how I learn, but damn, when it then parses with seemingly no difference.
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Can I ask a question? Is some of the syntax outdated? Sometimes I code along and copy 1:1, yet it doesn’t parse. Right now at the protocols. I think I understood it, but it would be nice if it’d parse. Did you have that experience?
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Awesome. I work in law so that’s quite a bit more distant. No coding experience. I work every day on #100DaysOfSwift but many days take longer than one day. Still, I have plans and the will to succeed. Can’t download picabulary yet, I tried. Guess it needs time
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Did you know programming before?
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Congratulations on being an actual iOS developer!
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In den 90er gab es ein ziemlich erfolgreiches Jugendbuch zu dem Thema. Lukas - 4 Jahre Hölle und zurück. Völliger Nonsens. Den einzigen Beweis für organisierte Satanisten sind Organisation wie The Satanic Temple oder The Church of Satan. Die nicht an den Teufel als real existent glauben
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There is PoE 2😳 awesome