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Feminist first and foremost. Postdoctoral Fellow in Gender Studies @ University of Stavanger
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Er der virkelig kun 2 biologiske køn? 🧵 Opslaget kan også findes på Instagram 🔗 i bio (fremtidige opslag er at finde med ALT tekst)

Excellent opinion piece by the leaders of the Gender Studies departments in Norway in defence for the field and academic freedom. They warn about a normalisation of Trumpist censorship of academic freedom and express concerns that this could be spreading to Norway.

Ifølge Elon Musk er DOGE - Departementet for Offentlig Effektivisering - i gang med at effektivisere USAs bureaukrati. Det er også en forklaring man vil høre hvis man lyttede til Genstart 12. februar. Men er det nu også effektivisering vi er vidne til? Lyt med!

Det er altid fint med faktatjek, men særligt når det kommer til anti-wokeness, tror jeg det er vigtigt at være opmærksom på hvad bevægelsen bygger på. Anti-wokeness er nemlig ikke styret af fakta, men af følelser. 🧵🔽 1/10

Anti-trans politics in Denmark: one of the far-right parties suggests a de-facto elimination of the existence of trans people (no rights to legal gender change, only two genders, defunding orgs. helping trans people or promoting "extreme gender ideoloy" = defunding research). Thread in Danish 👇

Join us for a conversation about anti-wokeness and the reactionary right for a Scandinavian perspective on the recent tech-bro turn. Speakers include and 7th of March 12-13pm Sign up here: Please share widely

"En betingelse for å kunne forsvare demokratiet vårt er at vi vet hvem som truer det. Vi trenger at journalister og kommentatorer finner et egnet språk for å omtale det som skjer rett foran øynene våre, og at de i alle fall ikke overtar aktørenes egne begreper."

🧵"So this is how liberty dies..." Trump’s first 3 weeks have been a relentless flood of actions. It's incredibly hard to keep up. I’ve gone through 69 actions & mapped out the pattern - showing how they fall within 5 broad domains consistent with authoritarian states 1/9

It's not complicated. They're just trying to stop women from being able to vote.

3500 scientists, biologists and experts in human sexual development write to the US government saying that sex isn't binary

What does the science say about transgender women in sports? With all the talk about "men" in women's sports, it's time to take a look at what scientific studies say. A brilliant article 👏👏

Brillian piece by Iris Segers and from about the lack of a critical approach when the Norwegian media reports on Trump. They warn that this can lead to a normalisation of racism, misogyny, and transphobia.

"While there is every reason to be outraged, we cannot let that outrage flood us and stop our minds. For this is a moment to grasp the fascist passions that fuel this shameless grab for authoritarian powers."

I'm excited to share this CFP for a special issue of Kvinder, køn & forskning: '(En)gendering the Digital World' which I am co-editing with, Tara Mehrabi, and Kai Roland Green: Please share widely

Vi gentager leaving Meta eventet i morgen, men online. Kom med eller send til folk I tænker kunne bruge det; det er live fra cybernauternes Instagram konto

Skal du sige farvel til META? Har skrevet en lille guide til folk der går i de overvejelser på Cybernauternes blog her

Varm op til valentines day med sikker online dating workshop hos Peech 🔥 tips og tricks ykl at spotte røde flag og sende sikrere nudes

🚨BREAKING. From a program officer at the National Science Foundation, a list of keywords that can cause a grant to be pulled. I will be sharing screenshots of these keywords along with a decision tree. Please share widely. This is a crisis for academic freedom & science.

Det er helt vildt hvor mange misvisende påstande Morten Messerschmidt slipper af sted med at sidde og fyre af i Deadline - helt uden at der bliver spurgt ind til hvad han mener og helt uden at DR faktatjekker dem. Læs's fremragende analyse her 👇

Jeg havde fornøjelsen at tale med om manfluencere og misogyni på manosfæren. Lyt til podcasten her 👇 og tjek i øvrigt også Cybernauternes andre podcasts ud.

Exactly what researchers have been warning for years: there is a significant overlap between racism and misogyny on the extreme far-right and those discourses seep into the mainstream and have the potential to turn violent.

I'm so happy this paper was written 🙏 Positivism policing of feminist/gender studies research has haunted my academic experience since day 1, and I'm sure it'll be relatable to you too. Part of a great new issue of the Danish journal Kvinder, Køn & Forskning.

📣 Call for applications 📣 & Nicola Mathieson are collaborating with and VOX-Pol to organize a PhD Summer School on the study of online right-wing extremism, to be held in Oslo from 9-13 June 2025! For more info:

🏳️‍⚧️ Paid opportunities for Trans+ creatives! Writer? Illustrator? Audio producer? Trans+!? This is for you. With we're investing in 20 Trans+ creatives to create official content for Trans+ History Week Deadline 16th Feb 2025, 11:59PM GMT 🧵 The details 👇

What becomes of Trump, the victim, in a new era of absolute power? For the LSE Phelan United States Centre blog, and I deconstruct Trump's politics of victimhood and ask how the Left might respond to a public in pain.

Fantastisk nyt nummer af Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, der fokuserer på yngre forskeres arbejde. Det hele ligger open access og venter på dig! Læs med her

Intressant utveckling på Reddit. Vad som började som ett initiativ på en subreddit för ett fotbollslag att blocka länkar till Twitter pga Musks heilande har nu spridit sig som en löpeld över hela sajten. Nästan alla större subreddits har, efter diskussioner och omröstningar, valt att också blocka.

Hvordan forsvare demokratiet? Vel, først må vi beskrive virkeligheten slik den er. Elon Musk bidrar til å normalisere autoritær høyreekstremisme (på flere måter). Jeg uttaler meg litt til NRK om det her.

Jeg har på min Substack skrevet et indlæg om #dkmedier's dækning af Musks kontroversielle hilsen. Min overordnede pointe i indlægget er, at der er tale om et journalistisk svigt fordi dækningen fortier afgørende kontekst om Musks rabiate højrefløjsagenda.

If you do a Nazi salute to own the libs or to troll or to generate discussion or to make a point you are still doing a Nazi salute.

I am reading a *lot* of job applications atm so here’s a thread of my dos and donts for academic job applications. My experience is Humanities in UKHE so may play out differently elsewhere. 🧵

“Det er en del af ‘det nordiske paradoks’, at vi i Danmark topper de negative statistikker i vold mod kvinder. Vi har svært ved at tale om ‘det kønnede problem’, fordi vi har en fortælling om, at vi er ligestillede i Danmark og dermed underkender vi problematikken strukturelt.” 🎯 #dkpol

"Musk has not shown an interest in women’s rights or sexual abuse before. If he had, he might not have accepted a job in the administration of Donald Trump, a man found liable for sexual abuse." Elon Musk and the phoney far-right narrative of ‘protecting’ women

🏳️‍🌈Vi (, Jon Martin Larsen & jeg) forsker nå på arbeidsvilkår blant forskere, studenter og ansatte som identifiserer seg som 'skeive' (LHBTQ+) ved høyere utdannings- og forskningsinstitusjoner, og setter pris på om du vil svare eller dele videre!

Har skrevet om tech oligarkernes march ind i Trump æraen på Cybernauternes blog. Læs med:

New blog post! In light of the recent U.S. election, Tina Askanius highlights that gender and misogyny have taken centre stage in the world of politics and conservative thinking, and discusses what this might imply for scholars of extremism.

More timely than ever: This article, which has just been published, discusses why the Danish IUD program in Greenland should be considered a genocide. Full article: Colonial Reproductive Coercion and Control in Kalaallit Nunaat: Racism in Denmark’s IUD Program

These teenagers and young men — 95% of whom are Black, Latinx, or Filipino — earn between $2.20 and $4 per hour, plus an additional $1 an hour when they’re actively fighting fires, according to the DJJ. ⤵️

Meta literally created a LGBTQ exception for calling someone mentally ill as an insult. You can't do it for any other group except LGBTQ people.

New book alert! #MeToo & Feminism, second edition with three new chapters & updated/expanded throughout.

In this piece, “Liberal feminism has been rejected for good reason .. it makes sense you’d want to find an alternative. But just because something is the enemy of liberal feminism does not mean it’s good for women”