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the art of the deal? Tohle ale skutecne je uz umeni...nikdy bych neveril, ze je mozny takhle rozstrelit ekonomiku behem dvou mesicu...
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No, asi bych byl opatrny v soudech, ze pachani valecnych zlocinu je ospravedlnitelne prevenci jinych zlocinu...a na blizkem vychode amm pochybnosti, ze existuje spravna strana. Mozna mene spatna...
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Its wheeled, not tracked. So maybe pantsir
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USA nemuze odejit z EU, protoze v prvni rade v EU neni...
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Clock Krystus
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Zelensky abducted Trump? Unexpected development...but hey, there were many things that I did not have on my 2025 bingo card.
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ja bych tam videl i jistou treti moznost...ktera je kombinaci obou tech jiz zminenych :-D
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Posta uz imho zreformovat nejde. V okamziku, kdy se zvladli nechat pripravit o dorucovani baliku konkurenci a dopisy uz vlastne nikdo moc neposila, tak muzou tak maximalne poskytovat dotovanou socialni sluzbu...a i tu by asi kdokoliv jinej zvladl lip...
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Na rokytce jsou taky. Jedna treba obvykle kempuje pod mostem na zenklove u svetu :).
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ty delnici delaji ty automobilce aspon nejaky (pozitivni) cash flow. Coz automobilky, ktery nemaji tovarny, nemaji. Ekonome...
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Cinani a Tesla zvladli postavit tovarny na zeleny louce, zatimck VW se nebyl schopen behem ty doby zbavit ani nesmyslny tovarny v Drazdanech...ten problem je mnohem hlubsi
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pokuty si automobilky daji do cen spalovaku. Snizi to jejich atraktivitu, ano. Ale tohle se uplne stejne tyka i dovozcu aut.
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Z ciny hrozi zejmena elektromobily...coz je dusledek toho, ze evropske automobilky zoufale zaspaly. Uvolneni regulace spalovaku v roce 2035 je jako uvolneni regulace pro vzducholode...
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jo, to souhlasím. Ale z nějakého důvodu se piráti rozhodli akcentovat zrovna tato. Tím neříkám, že by neměli mít témata, jenom by měli mít nějaká témata, která někoho zajímají. A ne témata, která jsou jejich voličům ukradená (jako liberálovi mi je docela jedno, koho má Gregorová v posteli)
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Piráti přišli o část voličů právě kvůli rozpoutávání zbytečných válek (třeba o prodej alkoholu večer; interní stranická válkaů sexuální preference kandidátů přednější než program) místo řešení aktuálních problémů.
Čím dříve si uvědomí, že už nejsou aktivisti, ale politická strana, tím lépe.
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Well, technically they are not wrong :)
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Well, originally you said that CZ should accept asylum seekers because of our negligible weapons deliveries. Now its the political support (which I personally do not even agree with).
And by CZ weapons you implied that CZ is responsible and should accept the refugees.
Anyway, have a great day!
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Now I am xenofobic because I do not agree with you (that CZ is not responsible for Palestinian conflict. And that no country is obliged to accept all asylum seekers)? Don't you think you overplay it a bit?
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well, because we had a debate about the purpose of my donation.
Btw: are you biased? Since you are accusing others of being biased, when they do not agree with your vantage point?
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btw: I gave 50 crowns to a homeless for a beer. Should I now take home the whole salvation army, because I supported alcoholism in this country?
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That's demagogy. This line of thinking can make anyone responsible for anything. Do you have food surplus: take refugees, as you did not solve hunger. And if we follow: CZ sold $6M of arms to Israel (2023)? So should we take 3 refugees? That would be kinda our proportial guilt in this conflict...
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Migrace problem je. Zejmena pokud se nedari vyresit integraci. A to je problem, ktery se zvysuje s kulturni a nabozenskou vzdalenosti a poctem. Tj. byl v cr problem prijmout ukrajince? Ne. Bxl by problem prijmout pul slovenska? Ne. Byl by problem primout 2m subsaharskych uprchliku? Ano
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Ano a ne :). Je treba rozlisit ekonomickou migraci a valecnou ochranu. A i valecna ochrana by mela byt aplikovana lokalne -- a ne presun vsech na druhou stranu pkanery, protoze mistni spolecnost je zrovna nejbohatsi.
A z ekonomickych migrantu maji zeme pravo si vybirat a zbytek neakceptovat
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Je svatou povinnosti statu se starat o uchovavani soukromeho majetku. Zavistivy komunisto!
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you do not really know what a paper is
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and its a news article, not a paper
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btw: its a news article, not a research paper...
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it has >no< relevance or logical coherence. On one side you propose ukraine to arm itself with nukes, on the other you post about world destruction by nuclear winter (with less than 100 nukes used)...which would be less that number of weapons detonated in 1962 (
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Development is not the problem, miniaturization is, time is. Israel has air superiority over its enemies, had a lot of money to implement it and time as well...
Even if ukraine had plane-born nuclear rocket, they'd be not able to deliver it, because they are not even able to plane bomb refineries...
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yeah, armchair general. If it was so %^*%& easy, the war would be already over. Because you'd just take few dozens trucks into their refineries and instrial objects and blow it up. Peace in 24h...
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Ok, got it from wayback machine. It's >not< a science article. Its a popular one. And hard to tell what relevance has nuclear winter to the discussed topic, and its still a theory...
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hard to argue with an article behind a paywall...And even if ukraine wanted, they will not have access to 100 modern warheads and the ability to transport those on targets. Building a nuke and building a modern nuke that can be transported anywhere (and bomber is not an option) is a different story.
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regarding the 100 that would destroy the world. Your ignorance is fascinating. There were more than 2000 nuclear detonations already on this planet...and we are still here...
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And that is the problem. Not all weapons are made equal. And you just can't blow up the city with a nucler artillery shell...and even with the large ones, the destruction will not be complete even for the large and heavy bombs (you'd need a few).
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Nukes weigh in tons, and one is not enough to level a big city by far. Cities tend to have AA and even with the current UA raids majority of the drones on less significant targets get downed, something you can hardly afford with nukes.
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Functional, but not too practical...its not 1945 anymore and not that many countries have the ability to enforce air superiority (and destroy potent AA of the enemy).
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everybody knows >how<, every industrialized country is capable of building nukes. Means to deliver, miniaturize - probably a different question.
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is there any analysis of this infighting? As an "external observer" I really have no clue who is right and who is wrong in this just feels to me like something that should have been resolved after the war, not during...
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let me know if you discover some safe heaven, because seems that this shit will have a big blast radius and it will be hard to hide from it...