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Agree in general, except it wouldn't be leading to true love. They are already there. The story should be about Jason finally having an excuse to get out of his own way and embrace everything he ever wanted. #Liason
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All the people feeling nostalgia for the "Four Musketeers" can get bent. Emily and Nikolas were often terrible friends to Elizabeth. Always Team Lucky or Team Lucky/Liz, very rarely just Team Elizabeth. Lucky abused her. Liz did nothing but give, give, give and all 3 of them did nothing but take.
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Fuck that. #Liason #FreeLiz from #LoserLucky
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Sasha told Brando that she couldn’t be with him if he were part of the mob. She didn’t want Michael’s involvement because of the Q’s, but now she’s begging Jason. She’s a con just like her mother. Jason & Sonny have traded multiple women & the fact that he’ll be trading with Michael is disgusting.
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Glad you are able to watch this crap show. I just can’t do it even on Hulu. Definitely won’t watch live or dvr it. Refuse to give it a rating considering how bad it is.
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J arly was soundly rejected the last time they tried. That's why Korte is being so petty now. But I'm sure the very last scene of the show will be pro-J arly. That hack won't be able to resist. Too bad that last scene is looming ever closer due to her writing her own personal fanfiction. #Liason
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Yes, if it was done right.
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Me too. Always has her back no matter what. He never doubted her for a minute. Unlike Loser Lucky accused her right from the start and then came up with the lame excuse that he was scared and apologized. She was scared too and expected his support. Piece of shit. Why I’ll never accept them together
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And she continues to be a true professional and always brings her A game to every scene even when she had horrible writing and ruining her character. Her pairings have been awful. She deserves so much respect. I would definitely follow her to another soap that respects her as a person and actress.
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I would love it if Becky would leave. TPTB have never shown her the respect she deserves. It would be good for her to get into the soap acting market now instead of waiting until after the show is canceled. She would get a jump on all of the other GH actresses and have more negotiating power too.
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Kemo was shown extreme favoritism for far too long. At the end her screen time was commensurate with her level of effort. I don't feel sorry for her at all. Becky is the one that has been screwed over again and again for multiple producers' pets, including ALW, Kemo, RoHo, ME, and now JJ. #Liason
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All these years later and we still have to suffer that jackass harassing her.
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I think Elizabeth was the one woman who DIDN'T suffer in the writing when she was paired with Jason. It was when they were writing contrived, out-of-character crap to break them up that she suffered. Almost everything when they were actually together as friends or lovers was gold. #Liason
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Kill off Carly and/or Sonny. And not in a "soap" way. A big Guza-style event (like the MCHC or BW ball) in which one or both of them is dead dead, permanently. GH is boring and predictable. There is no need to watch if you already know what will happen. Killing them off for good will flip the table.
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Becky is always so beautiful!
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Oh, I definitely never believe it. But that doesn't stop me from hoping for a miracle.
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I only care about 1 couple: Jason and Elizabeth #Liason
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Next week looks like a skip week. There is nothing enticing to watch. And I definitely don’t want to see Liz and Loser Lucky onscreen. #LiasonReunion2025
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We don't! That's why the ratings suck.
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Where is she? The pod person she is in scenes with that loser isn't the Elizabeth I know and care about. They make her less so he can be more. She couldn't even go to a meeting with her boss on her own! It was infantilizing and cringeworthy.
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So you fell for the show's propaganda, I see. So many characters excusing Lucky because of the drugs and somehow a part of the audience bought it, even though the drug addiction ALONE would be enough for most people to want a single mother they care about to leave a relationship. #Liason is better.
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Abuse is more than just hitting. She spent their entire first marriage walking on eggshells to manage his ego. Lucky would berate her constantly. Whenever she tried to stand up for herself, instant DARVO. His behavior "trained" her to act the way he wanted to avoid fallout. That's abuse. #Liason
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No Elizabeth fan would want her to be with that abuser. Some things are unforgivable and throwing a woman's rape in her face is one of them. #Liason is always the better choice.
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I can’t believe how they kicked Jake off canvas three seconds after that man returned. They truly couldn’t have Liz and Jason have ANY reason to share scenes.
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It’s getting harder and harder to watch #gh because of the obvious bias against #Liason. I know I shouldn’t watch just for one ship but that tptb will do anything to keep them apart is disappointing and makes the show boring.
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One of my favorite episodes. They argue like an old married couple. It’s so cute. The way they make their promises, they sound like marriage vows. I’m constantly rewatching #Liason clips on YouTube. I miss them so much and it’s so frustrating that they haven’t been reunited.
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He’s a loser. She deserves someone who boosts her up not bring her down. She needs to lower herself to feed his inferiority complex. There is no chemistry. He likes seeing her broken so he can feel like a hero. #gh #Liason is the true couple
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She instantly reverted to pandering to his ego. She knows, consciously or subconsciously, that if she doesn't, then something won't go well for her. It doesn't have to be overt cruelty. He will "subtly punish" her too. Like threatening to leave Aiden so she will have to ask him to stay.
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He never liked or loved the real Elizabeth. He "fell in love with" her when she was quiet and meek because she had just been raped. Ever since he returned from the dead he has done what he could to grind down her self-confidence to get back that traumatized girl. He admitted that is who he wants.