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God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.

Squid game season 2 online now

在我们这个信息已经泛滥的年代,无知是最不可怕的事情,任何东西你只要想学,你总能找到并学会它。真正阻止我们的是愚昧,愚昧他让我们对真相视而不见。 In this age of information overflow, ignorance is not the most frightening thing. Anything you want to learn, you can always find it and master it. What truly holds us back is foolishness, which blinds us to the truth.


They have authentic chicken 65


He doesn’t even pretend. Fxxk!

A humble meal

Is that true?


Don’t want to even mention that orange man’s name any more. I need some inner peace.

Cute goose blocked driveway

Some classical folk art. 一些古典的民間藝術

Chinese pizza hut

好可怕 #duolingo


IOS 18.2 beta 3 has playground app. Played for a whole night. Amazing! #ios18.2

旧帖搬运: 川普与中国的关系。分两段发:


薄熙来之子薄瓜瓜现身台湾与宜兰富商之女结婚 薄瓜瓜周三从加拿大飞往台湾,未婚妻是来自宜兰富商,罗许家千金,两人多年前就认识。 罗许家经营罗东博爱医院,过去曾是台湾地方重要政治势力,早年被称为博爱党部,但是已经退出政治圈超过20年。 薄瓜瓜日前抵台后,上午已在罗东博爱完成健检,据悉,两人婚姻选定在新竹县的The One南园人文客栈,婚宴前一天则会在台北市信义区的知名餐厅举办婚前派对

Lady M strawberry cake

If you’re craving some delicious food, you’ve got to try Jarana at the American Dream Mall in New Jersey. They serve up a mouthwatering fusion of Peruvian and Asian dishes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds. Come on down and indulge in some tasty treats!
