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My neighbour still has the 1st Tesla S sold in Oz but its too big for her now. I thought about the new Y but hate Musk too much. Ordered an MG (loop hybrid <0.9L /100kms city cycle)
Love the Cupra's.
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Calling Radio Free Tom....
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I thought people were pretty normal. Then I read the Twitter/X posts on Sam Kerr last week+.
Wow😱 Insane levels of batshit hatred, foaming @ the mouth misogyny.
Sam Kerr .."put yourself in a females shoes" Damn straight.
& guys wonder why they cant get laid. Dont tell 'em!
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I shudder to think of the next 4 years, it will be exhausting. Happily I live in Oz but the Trump shock waves will probably reverberate around the planet for a generation.
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Maybe unofficially a nod to 'Bondi' the great ocean beach (my fav) & marine biosphere? Perhaps a lifesavers red & yellow hat or patch?
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Rainbow Lorikeets. Loud, colourful & Australian :o)
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Mine, the worlds longest startup. A pillar to decarbonise, depollute & deplastic (micro & nano). Hopefully at a profit.
Feb liftoff, stay tuned.
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Soooo good. Asperger's, focused megalomania, ketamine, maga apartheid views & super wealth are not doing him any favours
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Tsunami of State & private battery development & new models coming onto the market.
This week I sat in models from MG, Zeeker, Deepal, BYD giving massive bang for buck that Tesla does not.
Plus theres the Elon Musk issue.
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Wonder what his EQ is?
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A great Xmas tradition Maz! I saw 'Roaring Forty' yesterday at the dock. 2 airforce guys from Williamtown, only 2 on board. Strong NE now turning south ~4am tomorrow.
The leader is currently flying ~30knots / 55kph
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Right back at you Brent & everyone. Magic day in Sydney, lazy lunch at the Cruising Yacht Club, checking out the fleet for the Sydney-Hobart blue water sailing race.
No wukkers (as we say)
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Merry Christmas
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Yes! Then exacerbate those decrease crop yields then stuff gets real.
Add disruptions in food chains >sovereign food/ water scarcity = hunger >uncontrolled migration> War
Climate change problems become exponential while food/ water decreases arithmetically. Malthusian.
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"The FAA reported a 269-percent spike in laser strikes on planes", rifle shots & "FBI received over 5,000 tips of drone sightings"
Disinfo>conspiracy>misinfo+cool aid>clusterF of lunacy>actual disaster(s).
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"We are the first generation to feel the effects of climate change & the last generation that can do something about it"
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This will leave a mark. Total contract 10y $200m.
$10m each p/a = ~$50k PER WORK DAY!
3 contracts = salary + % increase of revenue + sign-on in ARN shares.
Shrinking market, mkt cap, revenue & staff!!! ARN panic.
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I also read somewhere that " we are the first generation to feel the effects of climate change but the last generation that can do something about it"
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Not encouraging, but probably true after the unexplained (says NASA) heat extremes of '23 & '24. We better do something & now. I am.
Decarbonise, deplasticise, depollute, de-car. Electrify everything, sustainably.
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In some ways injuries can be worse in many measures & in terms of costs, numbers & resources required they are. I studied this.
Much of this is solvable or at least can be greatly reduced but politically not palatable.
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They make for vibrant communities as well :o)
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Derek is a genius. And yes walkable cities, communities & neighbourhoods are fab. I live in one in Sydney, Oz.
Decarbonise, deplasticise, depollute, de-car. Electrify everything.
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In the bad place the posts are OK but lots of the responses are just feral. I dont understand that.
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Yes, but!
For example Tanya Plibersek's husband was a drug smugger & junkie. Totally reformed & fabulous resume.
Kennedy on the other hand is a impulse driven, conspiracy imbecile & attention whore.
Past ≠present (necessarily)
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Congratulations Tom. As long as your previous books 'Eve of Destruction' & 'No Use' dont figure into the next phase of the world.
What will be the basis of your next book?
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3. Add in days over 35c in Siberia,
4. Boreal forest fires with associated smoke cover.
5. 2x + comparative rate of warming.
6. ....... Ad infinitum
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Potentially its more noticeable in the Arctic too with things like;
1. Glacial runoff & retreat, fresh water mix with deeper & increased current descent, increased days of navigable passage,
2. Reduced albedo effect, permafrost thaw esp' with methane emissions.
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An airstrike to destroy a chemical weapons warehouse seems sub optimal.
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Corkscrew landing? Disable tracker closer to ground?
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What an incel. Its hard to believe there are weirdo's like this, petty, self loathing, lying, hateful & misogynist . I had a similar 'friend' until I realised his toxicity :o(
They seem to like red hats.
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Blue suit and yellow tie 🇺🇦 very unlike Trump. Wants to hang with the cool kids?
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Eating Kimchi apparently stiffens the spine of democracy :o)
I can go with that.
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Hi Yellow Dot crew, I appreciate your 'kick 'em in the nuts' approach.
I'm a decarbonisation & depollution start up. Please, please produce a short best (worst) of 2024 vid.
Cheers M.
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To do what? Script in some 'WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING' cliff hanger, end of season, shock & awe for the 95% of the punters who have no insight into mil, SS, VIP/ close protection.
But yes Andrew, in retrospect I have to agree with you.
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More nerve wracking was the 2020 series 'Zero, Zero, Zero'. Stunning, amazing, & so, so real, esp from an intel perspective.
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Ditto EI, I watched that episode 3 times
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Concur, 'The Diplomat' is pretty darn good. What happened & esp *WHY* it happened!!! And the that was something else.
Production has already started on season 3 :0)
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Sadly the world is devolving into Tik Tok 5 second bites, a reality show. As Maximus says "Are you not entertained?"
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The Tesla Chairperson is an Australian women. I often wondered if/how the board could/should reign him in more.
Too late for that now, at least for the the next 4 years.
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I used to sail then tried gliding, WOW. Sailing in 3D. Narromine Gliding Club in NSW.
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A wild, unpredictable 4+ years ahead Mick. I hope the guardrails hold. Presuming there are guardrails remaining.
The tyranny of distance in the southern hemisphere may become an advantage.
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So this is where all the cool kids are hanging out now 😄.
Hi Maz, I'd love to see you do a quick opinion post on contra rotating props in helo's & a/c's.
Counter I get, but contra!? Cavitation, noise, vibration, shockwave?
Cheers M.