- Proud father of two daughters, happily married, two Siberian cats
- iOS Software Developer
- Metalcore, Melodeath, and Deathcore fan
- Sports enthusiast: powerlifting, skiing, Austria Wien supporter
- Austrian
- Advocate for liberal democracy
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I mean, they should just work a few thousand times as hard and in no time they would be billionaires too. It's not like wealth is inherently self-growing after you amassed a certain extent. Oh, wait..
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Corporate greed in combination with a disastrous health and social system - so pretty much the same reasons for the descend into fascism we are seeing now?
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Leider liegt die Annahme sehr nah dass Trump ungefähr so unparteiisch ist wie ich im Wiener Derby..
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The US Admin probably needs to search a little bit in order to find a reason to fully comply with Russian demands and basically demand a full Ukrainian capitulation.
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Eh, man sollte unbedingt ordentlich mit denen reden die nicht ordentlich mit den anderen sprechen wollen, oder sich an die gängigen Regeln halten wollen, oder die Demokratie an sich für gut befinden. Das hat bei Orban und Trump auch schon sehr gut funktioniert. Gar kein Thema.
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In all seriousness - the fact that Russia seemingly can choose the US negotiator (and make his replacement wait for hours), Russian demands are quietly accepted as "facts" by trump and they never catch real flak from trump is highly concerning, cause there are no good explanations for that.
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Nucular, it is nucular!
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-> 1,4 Millionen, dafür bleibt der Betrieb + Zusatzeinnahmen bei der Austria, könnte also dann doch ein akzeptabler Invest werden, sogar wenn man nicht finanzielle Gesichtspunkte ausblendet. Aber Details wären halt immer noch spannend.
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Ja, die genaue Ausgestaltung wär interessant - so ists natürlich kaum zu beurteilen, ich habe bislang noch nichtmal verlässliche Aussagen gelesen wie die genaue Aufteilung der Rechte und Pflichten bei dieser Miete dann genau aussieht, da sind die kolportieren Zahlen dann auch wenig aussagekräftig.
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Bei einer vertraglich festgelegten jährlichen Miete und x-Events kann das halt in dem Fall dennoch sehr wohl einer sein. Komplett risikolos ists natürlich auch nicht, weil die Austria natürlich nicht insolvent werden darf, die Auswahl an Mietern wird nämlich ned riesig sein..
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Kauft ein Stadion und vermietet es an die Austria. Je nach Höhe der Miete, andrer Begleitumstände und inwieweit es die Stadt schafft Stadion für Veranstaltungen zu nutzen (die entsprechenden Rechte bekommen sie mit dem Kauf nämlich auch) ist das dann ein schlechtes Geschäft oder ein Gutes.
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*strive and stop
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Seems a lot like the US and Israel currently share a lot of values and both would do well to strive the descend into fascism and become liberal democracies?
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I think it's a good point and I still think he is dumb as hell. He is unpredictable, ruthless and without morals or conscience - apparently those are the "skills" you need to get in power, or absurdly rich, or both.
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I'm urging my wife to cancel her business trips to the US as long as Trump is in office - not because of trade policies, but because of the obvious and blatant rise of fascism and racism.
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So they won't let me into a country I for sure don't want to visit as long as fascism, autocracy and hate is on the rise. I probably can live with that, already enough of that here in Austria..
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Bissl gemein ist das schon die eigene Mama öffentlich so zu diffamieren. Aber der Apfel fällt halt auch nicht weit vom Stamm.
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How the fuck is this legal?
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We need to act and get the disinformation and propaganda campaigns on social media, as well as the attack on conventional free media under control, otherwise this will end badly. Something like currently in the US can happen anywhere, as we can see with Hungary which is kinda the blueprint.
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😂 yeah, autocompletion probably knows best
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Cisgender straight wight man from Europe here: it’s absolutely obvious from a few thousand kilometres away what’s happening across the pond. They are closing their eyes or were brainwashed by fox and social media.
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Also Ratte würd ich den Kickl nicht nennen und ausschalten find ich auch etwas drastisch, aber ich könnt damit leben wenn man von den Freunden Putin Österreich in Zukunft weniger hört..
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Nicely done. They can just play death, until everything is lost, like they did with the election. This time it will be the liberal democracy and freedom, equality and justice with it.
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Die sollen Kuchen essen statt um Eier zu betteln.
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Yeah - currently I'm stalling a little bit, our VW Touran should be good for a few more years and maybe then there's an EV thats not ridiculously overpriced with a similar size/space.
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I'm in the market for a new car in 2-3 years, would love to buy an EV and tesla would have absolutely been an option a few years ago. Now I'd rather walk and carry my kids and stuff :D
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Maybe should have picked rich parents or work a few thousand times harder in order to get as rich as Elon. Becoming an Russian asset also is an option, but also only if you're stupid, spineless AND have rich parents..
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I told my wife that I don't want her to visit her works site in the US this year if possible. Maybe it's hyperbole, but I don't feel like going to the US is safe right now.
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nah, very bad ally. liberal democracy bad, autocratic oligarchy good. duh, it is really not that hard.
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Ah, so the play is that Ukraine must accept "unconditional peace" in order to safe those soldiers.
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His stupidity is only trumped by his greed.
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"Center" - I'm sending hysterical laughs from Europe.
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He is playing dead til the 2026 midterms, that may or may not will take place as a fair democratic election. Very convenient too, cause they do that since several years now and even managed to only loose relatively close against a convicted felon.
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while I like scotch single malts, I definitely choose an Irish one over a bourbon every single time :D
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Ah, just highly usual fascism playbook.
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Not sure why there needs to be a tariff on bourbon. Whoever is drinking that shit instead of scotch needs to be jailed, not taxed.
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Yeah, everybody can see that, including Putin. Trump is either an asset, an agent, a complete and utter idiot or a combination of those things.
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*delete the to seems - an edit feature would be really great, but it also has caveats
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Fat old white senile guy with no morals, humour, wit or class seems to seems to equal strong leader for a lot of people.
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Glaub der Schmäh war aber weils down ist, nicht weils nicht erlaubt ist. Aber löschen tun sie eh auch was ihnen nicht passt.
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Seems like you guys are trending in the right direction, for the first time since the Brexit. Love ya!