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Happy BEAMer
9 posts 140 followers 264 following
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This is a good approach to the conference, I like it!
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Any clue how to accomplish this for `dbg` in livebook? I did my Advent in livebook, and never got that sorted.
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I wonder if your coworkers there are Nicer
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Wait, what? That’s awesome! Will immediately use this.
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I’m getting more fluent with NimbleParsec. Feels more satisfying than doing another Regex. And trying to do more literate programming in LiveBook. Leaving mistakes in, to document when I took a wrong turn solving the puzzle.
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I mean, I do work with Elixir. I just never post anything on here. Nice and quiet for anyone following 😅
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I got stuck with some sort of completionist obsession, like I need to do every damned side quest, page through every little book for lore in Morrowind. Games became some big commitment.
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Lemmings _and_ LeChuck’s Revenge _and_ Commander Keen _and_ Wing Commander II _annnd_ … yeah that was a great year. Reminds me I used to finish games back when I was a kid