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Not really the mulatto intellectual put as the villain in D.W. Griffith's smash hit "Birth of a Nation" (and Thomas Paine was initiated into the Illuminati who were abolitionists, so "Whitehouse" really could be a reference to anything) "KuKulKan"
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From "Two Concepts of Liberty" "Freedom for an Oxford don, others have been known to add, is a very different thing from freedom for an Egyptian peasant." We're all aware Berlin was a Jew (like Wittgenstein), right? He mentions "lucky star" twice in "On Political Judgment", once negatively, then..
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I'm only saying this because I love you. (also "baby blue" is a clear reference to Mater Dolorosa as she is John's Mother - one of Dionysus' titles, beside "pretty as a girl", in Ovid is "Son of Thunder", & "Bromios" - loud one; Zohar is clear God gets last laugh)
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When Spinoza said that Reason considers it absurd that we were once a helpless child w/o autonomy and that Compassion is not good in-itself, he is saying Compassion is irrational, but that so are all things fundamental. For any beginning is like childhood, and so all agreement. Do I have a PHD yet?
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Did it ever occur to anyone that when Wittgenstein said "No Private Language" it was a joke? And, if so, why does nobody say that out loud? Because I don't find it very funny. Sorry I couldn't get a decent citation, "Adobe" was being slow. Don't know why I derived from that "sexual pleasure"...
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Here's my FB Ms. Allegri, so you can tell that I'm telling the truth. (a capital "T" is just Mercy, I think) Yes, I am begging you for money. And um... I promise to respect your wishes, whatever they may be? Gosh knows the trouble w/ taking money, but you seem good
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"PuppyCat" is like "Breaking Bad"s (which is just a Pascal reference, "I am the danger") character in S4E15 of "Malcolm in the Middle" right? Sorry if been arrogant, but my dad got sick recently, I still don't have a job (got kicked out of college for calling out narco bs)
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So my dad says he had an uncle who claims we're related to Prince Rainier of Monaco (he then claims his uncle liked to make stuff up). I love Grace Kelly! We are currently very poor, selling grandpa's hotel ("El Dorado"). My dad also got sick recently so, may I beg?
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Descartes deduced "I think" from "I doubt", from there he deduced "I Am". What Socrates really meant by "I know nothing" ("know thyself") is in Plato's "Parmenides" and "Timeaus". All Being passes away. So he observes himself passing away, then infers the necessity of the Eternal (Plotinus' One).
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And here's that genealogy (vain) I promised, Son of Adam. Let's just bear in mind blue blood is for lizards (which in a way "I Am" ['Moses, Moses where are you?' 'Here I Am.', Exodus 3], as "Quetzal" can mean ____ and "Serpent" can mean "subtle entity") and not men. Guess I'm a "bourgeois king"...
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Also that when Kierkegaard said "Don Giovanni is Christ" in the voice of "The Seducer" (who may be a devil!) that was a reference to the Battle of Lepanto where Don John of Austria, a bastard of the Hapsburg family, "Saved the World". Also Casanova's diary on Cagliostro. Carlos Castaneda anyone?
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So y'all caught the ancient European joke in Voltaire's "Candide" where Dr. Pangloss has the confrontation with "Martin the Manichaean" ("maniqui" as in "maniquin" but also "mad-man"), right? Cuz Martin Luther held the Will to be in bondage, either to God or to the devil.
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Hey I know it's all very dramatic, and unnecessary, and blue blood really is for lizards not men, but I finally got around to reading "Paroles Souflee" by Jacques Derrida (oh... they don't really mean "deconstruction") And it turns out I'm a certifiable Aztec Prince (according to this little book)
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Oh, right. You probably already knew this... Person who is really from Bolivia... But "Pipiltin" ("P.P. Club") is how you say "Noble" in Nahuatl. I mean it's not just a case of "Paroles Souflee" like all the other people repeating "Deconstruction" is it? I'm sure you read Hegel, as well as Deleuze.
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Ever seen those Korean lacquered chest-drawers they have at the Met Museum website? I bet if they still make 'em someone could make a lot of money import-exporting! "Vandaley Industries" Also, corruption, it implies passing away, death. I bet bankers don't believe in resurrection. Easy loan time?
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Baller surrealist dialogue on the first two episodes of "Bee and Puppycat" Miz Allegri (if that is your real name, and I saw Tara Strong in the lady's room once in a Nick "meet the voice of Timmy" special). Longtimer admirer. And a certified Aztec Prince! My Card. Sorry I failed Kindergarten.
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So uh, seen the PowerPuff Girls Movie? The one where the.. was it the executive producer?'s name is "Melissa Lugar" What the hell am I supposed to make of all this
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I got it on the shelf 3 months ago but I've yet to actually read it. The guy knows he's just playing with words, right? "genius" just means "inspired". Yeah, I watched "Superman II: the Quest for More Money" written by Mario Puzo (rly)... I get it. "Everyone gets Hegel". Like an in-joke ("pipiltin")
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I, too, believe the conquest of France makes you one of "the chosen" (a real KKK policy plank!) Shame about Michel Servetus, but apparently the first written work Calvin ever did was on Seneca's (whose name means "old man"...) "On Mercy" My prop. political party, program/manifesto in 3rd revision.
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I know must come off some desperate "Russian Prince" (per Luis Villoro's "La Revolucion de Independencia", Servando Teresa de Mier claimed descent from Moctezuma, hence aristocratic use of "de"), but my great-grand-uncle.. Could go on, but ty Jack Dorsey 4 "Bluesky" anyway.
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Everyone knows Chryssippus died of laughter. And that Hellenistic era epistemology shifted the focal sense from the eye to the hand. Pick up object to see if snake or rope? Why not touch an electric fence? (or hang yourself). He was friends with a "Joker". Hence revolutionary politics, Diogenes stuf
comment in response to post Here's my FB if you wish to make fun of me (or be my friend, pal! i luv cartoons btw). Currently having my old laptop repaired, so I don't have my archive with which I can state my case backed up with the facts. Strangely, the harddrive malfunctioned. Thanks man!
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I'm sure you already knew this one as I am recently discovering how much "The Idiot" has to do with Plato (and also Hegel.. so kalon has no understanding huh?)... but "Know thyself" "All I know is nothing" & You can tell who doesn't really know all he knows is nothing.. when he cheats on his exam
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I hope you're okay Pete, if that is your real name, I hope you're not actually blackmailed (arguably fancier word'd be "meanly pressured", which can have lot of ways of "law of desire", Newton read Hermes, I mean "manifestation") "Bonfil" "Batalla" huh (found a used first ed.). Sorry for the scare.
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Hey! Back from 6 months of being locked up at "Asia Argento" and "something something Kukulkan being Mayan does not exempt you from moral responsibility, a thesis for an undergraduate"... Another 6 months I spent reviewing the Greeks and Latin Americans.. Dussell a kabbalistic Cartesian? I never!