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Wonderful speech - clear, correct and inspiring



“Four senior members of Donald Trump’s entourage have held secret discussions with some of Kyiv’s top political opponents to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, just as Washington aligns with Moscow in seeking to lever the Ukrainian president out of his job.”

US cut off intel sharing with Ukraine, reducing Ukraine's ability to find and hit Russian military targets, among other things. Many said Trump won't want to look weak, he'll drive a hard bargain, etc. Wrong. I don't want any special credit, I want everyone to recognize that Trump sides with Russia.

"The idea that Trump is “flood[ing] the zone with shit” no longer makes sense when his actions all point in one direction....Trump has subverted the role of the public servant. The US state now serves him."

Autoritārās taktikas vienmēr atkārtojas. Putina "nesaskaņotie protesti". ASV gan pagaidām paļaujas uz Prezidenta runas izsauktu pašcenzūru, nevis policistiem. No malas izskatās, ka ļoti veiksmīgi.

If you're wondering what happens when a democracy slides into authoritarianism, here it is!

Great news for money launderers!

3blue1brown -- Terence Tao on how we measure the cosmos

Former Conservative MP and British Attorney General Dominic Grieve:

What we’re witnessing in America is what happens when disordered discourse captures a political party, then the state itself. The Republican Party was the first to fall - abandoning truth for conspiracy, ideology for grievance, and policy for performative outrage.

Jeff Bezos had a busy day Wednesday. After announcing the obliteration of the Washington Post’s editorial page that morning, he had dinner that night with Donald Trump. 👉

Vance blew up that meeting on purpose

Zelensky is a wartime leader watching his people suffer and die under Russian attacks every day. To be lectured and lied to by Trump and Vance, as they defend the war criminal dictator committing these atrocities, is unimaginable agony. An everlasting shame for America.

Trump and Vance act as if the problem is that Ukraine is resisting an ongoing Russian invasion. The problem is the ongoing Russian invasion. If they want to use American power to stop the war, apply it to the aggressor. Abusing the victim is not going to end a war of aggression.

Selling your humanity and your soul just to make your Wikipedia article 15% more fancy — the curse of the purpose-less, ambitious man

Oligarchs will oligarch -- with a wildly idiosyncratic version of what "free markets" and "personal liberties" mean, I am sure.

Russia doesn’t have the resources to fight indefinitely against Ukraine’s organization and determination, writes. The only way for Putin to defeat Ukraine is to convince Ukraine’s allies to be sick of the war.

President of Finland Alexander Stubb speaking in Kyiv today: ▪️ It’s not Russia who decides on EU membership,its the European Union who does that ▪️ It’s not Russia that decides on NATO membership,it’s the alliance itself ▪️ It’s not Russia that decides on what Ukraine has by its border,when,where&how

Manuprāt, "low information" jauniešu balsošana par labējiem un kreisiem ekstrēmiem ir tīrs personalizēto soc. tīklu video algoritmu rezultāts. ASV un Dienvidkorejai tagad pievienojas arī Vācija. Ja nekādi ES neregulēsim soc. tīklu video algoritmus, neproduktīva polarizācija kļūs tikai spēcīgāka.

Writing for the, the foreign ministers of the Baltic and Nordic states warn against a rushed peace deal in Ukraine

Who did the salute better? Bannon or Musk?

because "free speech"

🚨NEW investigation reveals evidence that Russian executions of Ukrainian POWs are likely part of a systematic policy. And we uncover the identity of a Russian soldier likely involved in filming and carrying out the mass execution of 6 POWs. 📽️WATCH:

I take back what I said yesterday. This is even more shameful than Trump's victim-blaming then. Practically every word of this is false, either drawn from Russian propaganda or made up entirely. Is there no Republican in Congress brave enough to denounce Trump's lies & make a stand for truth?

Legal warfare. Pret žurnālistiem un tagad jau pret tiesu varu citās valstīs.

What happened to Georgia? Russia started a war; a large territory was occupied; the West disengaged; Russia installed its puppet through elections - and few suspected he was a Russian puppet; this puppet is establishing a dictatorship. This is what Russia wants in Ukraine.

It's quite clear that Trump wants to get rid of Zelensky. I'm not sure an election would do that (esp under explicit pressure from US and RU), but it sounds like the US is willing to try and Russia will probably assist.

Silicon Valley fights EU tech rules with backing from Donald Trump

A fine speech. I wish more Americans would really listen to the substance of it and mobilise for immediate action against the emerging oligarchy.

Those who back the Trump-Musk-Vance administration, or are still giving it the benefit of the doubt, have failed the simplest test of our lifetimes - and the one that really matters. They can't be trusted again.

I’m in Munich and people keep asking me to decode Vance’s speech. OK: In Vance English “free speech” means “Let Musk run your elections” and “democracy” means “let Russia run your elections.” Now move on. 2025 is about what Europeans do, not what Americans say.

From a formerly pro-American Romanian

“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.” - Antonio Gramsci

"The speech was silly and immature" Lord Sumption tells BBC Newsnight what he made of US Vice President J D Vance's appearance at the Munich Security Conference yesterday. #Newsnight

Vance met the AfD’s Alice Weidel after his speech in Munich

Mikhail Kasyanov at the Oxford Union

Svarīga lieta, ko saprast par Vensu (kādu laiku sekoju viņa ļaudīm Silīcija Ielejā) -- viņš starp citām lietām ir arī vienkāršs soc. tīklu lobists. Meta taktika jau gadiem ir jebkādu regulācijas ideju pārsaukt par "vārda brīvības ierobežošanu". Venss noteikti cīnīsies pret Meta regulāciju ES.

‚As the US and its European allies head to the Munich security conference, Europe must learn from its tragic history and oppose appeasement‘ Timothy Garton Ash historian, political writer and Guardian columnist

With both RFK Jr and Gabbard confirmed, two people who rose to prominence spreading conspiracy theories about public health and national intelligence will now run the U.S. government agencies in charge of those areas. For someone studying these conspiracy theories for a decade... this is nauseating.

NATO apbērēt ir par agru, bet Latvijai un Baltijai ir jāsāk domāt par plānu B: papildus aizsardzības līgumu ar Poliju, Somiju, pārējām Ziemeļvalstīm un Liebritāniju. Tas var izrādīties neiespējami, bet ir jāmēģina.

Tas, ka Tramps nodos Ukrainu bija gaidāms. Tas, ka viņš to dara tik atklātā un visai rietumu pasaulei (tai skaitā ASV) pazemojošā veidā liecina, ka tā ir ne tikai nelietība, bet arī stulbums. Atcerēsimies darīt to mazumiņu ko varam.

The Path to American Authoritarianism - What Comes After Democratic Breakdown

"Trump thinks the US electorate gave him an unchecked mandate. It follows that any interference in his power — including an Alice-style belief that the US constitution means what he chooses it to mean — amounts to a block on democracy." Me on the republic's ultimate test.

Fareed Zakaria, clear as a bell

Patiesi satrauc tas, kas attīstās Ogres novadā. Man nav ticības, ka tur vairs iespējamas taisnīgas vēlēšanas jūnijā. 350k vadoņa pašreklāmai pa pašvaldības naudu; visi mediji ir partijas biedra pārraudzībā; pašvaldībā visi iebiedēti Visvairāk gan satrauc valsts institūciju un mediju vienaldzība.