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Enthusiastic about; Rapamycin, BTC, HONDA CMX500, and youth education off course. Located in Denmark (close to Germany)
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This might be one of the reasons that Zelensky wants a guarantee

Det er godt at være velforberedt - er det ikke "rettidig omhu" vi kalder det her til lands.

The free world needs a new leader - well spoken today by chief of EU foreign affairs, Kaja Kallas

Karma is a bitch

Yesterday at the AI-convention Vice-President J.D. Vance announced "America wants to partner with all of you". Guess what; today he announced: "US declines to sign international declaration on artificial intelligence" So my conclusion is that J.D. Vance was lying yesterday

Jeg elsker Aki-Matilda (det grønlandske folketingsmedlem). Hun kommer ungdommens ild og kraft og har ofte en god vinkel på tingene - ikke at jeg altid er enig, men kun kommer med en energi ser siger spar to. Jeg kommer til at savne hendes "rusken op i de gamle politikere og systemer" - evne.

Danmarks dårligste allierede er USA - ja meget kan ske på en måned

Vores myndigheder skal holde op med at bruge sociale medier som en erstatning for at have en hjemmeside.

Dejligt forårsvejr i Blans dag. Fuglene kvidrer, hortensia skyder - forår er på vej. God dag derude :)

To verdener

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Today's dose of human generated quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr.

"I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was. I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I was really the greatest." Today's dose of human generated quotes by Muhammad Ali

“I prefer you to make mistakes in kindness, than work miracles in unkindness.” Today's dose of human generated quotes by Mother Teresa

My birthday is coming up - I Love Flensburger Pilsner

I am so proud. Here's the official EU answer to the new turbulent times of the US. In The EU - what you see is what you get (no hidden agenda)


"The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes." Today's dose of human generated quotes by Aristotle (year 330 BC)

You closed your military base in Kangerlussuaq (Greenland) - do you want to reopen it - no problem. Canada and UK has 23 licenses for mining in Greenland (you have ONE and didn't apply for more). So, do you want more licenses - no problem.

Do you want license for mining in Greenland - you can have it. For real ! Do you want a military base on the east coast Greenland. We're NATO allies - you can have it ! But, why didn't you just do that yesterday, or ten years ago ?

China wants to include Hawaii into China! They want control over it - doesn't rule out military force, to achieve it. Which legal right does USA have anyway, to claim that Hawaii is part of the US? When I am confused, I turn things upside down to see if it enlightens me #greenland-is-not-for-sale

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." Today's dose of human generated quotes by Mahatma Gandhi.

"Tencent and NetEase have been using facial recognition for a number of years to detect players and ensure children are not using adult accounts to circumvent limits...."

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something in your life." Your daily dose of human generated text. Today's quote by Winston Churchill

One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don't go into government. Your daily dose of human generated text. Today's quote by Danal Trump (2016).

"I'm going to post this video every day so we never forget" Your daily dose of human generated text. Today's quote by Morgan J. Freeman (2024 )

Smart Glasses for deaf persons - not as elegant as the previous models we've seen before, however, these ones work :)

"To be healthy is wonderful if one isn’t condemned to be alone." Your daily dose of human generated text. Today's quote by Sigmund Freud (1885).

"The first cut is the deepest". Your daily dose of human generated lyrics. Today's quote by P. P. Arnold, 1967 (probably better known by Sheryl Crow, Rod Steward or Cat Stevens)

"I will remain on the throne until I fall off". Today's human generated quote by her majestic queen Margrethe 2nd of Denmark (2014)

"We must stop using the language of force and return to the path of civilized diplomatic and political settlement." Today's human generated quote by Vladimir Putin (2013)

"I know St Peter will call my name." Your daily dose of human generated lyrics - today by Coldplay (2008).

An RCT Christmas 🧪

I've seen them come and go and I've seen them die And long ago I stopped asking why Your daily dose of human generated lyrics. Today's quote by Johnny Cash (1969)

"I've dreamt of storms, I've dreamt of sound. I've dreamt of gravity keeping us around." Today's human generated quote by Irving Berlin (1942)

Køreprøve på dansk? Ja, selvfølgelig. Til teori går man i en lille klasse med andre elever og får forklaret reglerne. Hjemme sidder man og terper. Det er en god måde at træne dansk på. Vi er et internationalt samfund. Det OK at du gør det på english (eller færøsk, kalaallisut eller deutsch).

"Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis" Today's human generated quote by George Ratcliffe Woodward (1924)

Halvdelen af danske mænd over 50, har for højt blodtryk ! Jeg blev en gammen sur mand af medicinen (Centyl gør mig irriteret/sur). Så skiftede jeg til Enlapril - det gav giver mig tør hoste. Så hvis din partner siger du har ændret adfærd - få lige tjekket indlægssedlen på din blodtryksmedicin

We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds Today's (human generated) quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1782)