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Curious soul, interested in how we might explore and design for other ways of living together, human and more-than-human alike. Play activist, PhD, Postdoc, at Lab for Play Design, Kolding School of Design.
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Ja, det er ret fint. Nogle gange glemmer vi at tjekke, men der er egentlig ok mange steder hvor det er en mulighed. Oftest går det hele helt smertefrit (ja, det gør det jo så selvfølgelig ikke for dem med kroniske smerter).
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Tror heldigvis mange steder praktiserer det. Vi har også gjort brug af muligheden på bla Voxhall og NorthSide.
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We too! Wouldn't that be something ⛵️ hope you're enjoying the holidays, Alex! Looks like you've had a nice beer journey recently!
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Ja, både pladen og det nummer er simpelthen fantastisk. Elsker det. Og absolut én af mine favoritter i den ellers lidt anstrengende kategori "julemusik".
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Absolutely. We're resubmitting today so 🤞 it's really an experiment, so let's see how it goes. I feel like there is an urgent need to develop new, more playful ways of writing in academia. It's not so easy, though.
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But the peer reviewers seem to appreciate our efforts, and we appreciate theirs, so we try to listen - without turning it into the kind of academic article we're actively trying to escape 🤣 I currently feel I might only make things more confusing 🙈
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This is actually more or less what Helle Marie & I are currently dealing with (where I am trying to "get to the point"). Peer reviewers suggested to make it more like a classical academic article, which is exactly what we're deliberately trying to avoid 🤣
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What I'm usually after, rather than getting to the point, rather than convergence & stability, is friction, transformation, movement. I'm interested in that which let's us challenge what we think we know, who we think we are becoming, together.
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Things seemed to change, there was apparently something liberating about the process & the space we shared. We keep talking & now we're writing a paper together, exploring this idea of "writing as design" through their writing, framed with the breakup & love letters. I just love it ❤️
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We played with many forms on writing, writing with things, poetic writing, autoethnographic writing, techniques & maybe my favourites - breakup letters & love letters to writing. So many wonderful conversations, doubt, vulnerability, anxiety, excitement, joy, hope, laughter.
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Jeg prøvede at komme i gang med Mastodon, men det lykkedes aldrig helt. Nu har jeg vist givet op & forsøger her i stedet. Savner jævnligt alle de gode samtaler fra dengang Twitter var sjovt!
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Likewise! Nice to see you pop up. I'm also very new to this, but yeah, it draws heavily on a nostalgic sentiment from when Twitter / social media was exciting. Let's see if we can find the spirit again 🤞
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That would be great, Stine, whether you know what you're doing or not 🤣 In any case, a bit of catching up would be wonderful ❤️
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Hej Anders & tak for at genopfriske gode minder! Jeg har ikke helt fundet mig selv - eller ret mange andre - her på kanalen, men lad os da se hvad vi kan finde på 🤔