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Communal heating is good when you've lost your job and cannot pay for heating! 😉
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I mean, I despise Musk as much as any sane person does, but I don't think it's right to call him an incel. Other than that, I have no objection.
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Ansvarsfull rapportering har vi inte haft sen sociala medier uppfanns. Det tog bara lite tid innan gammelmedia var tvungna att sjunka till samma nivÄ för att överleva. Oansvarig rapportering har förvisso alltid funnits, men spridningen förr skedde bara pÄ den lokala pubben och inte mycket lÀngre.
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Dirt and sky are very valuable resources that we often take for granted!
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This is current tried and tested tech IMO. I'm surprised we haven't seen any terrorism against large outdoor gatherings with exploding or grenade-dropping drones yet. It'll surely happen. COTS drones are easily modified as we have seen. But yes, the next step is certainly autonomous drone swarms.
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Jag tror "elit" hÀr handlar om gammal "hederlig" marknadsföring: "Men han ser ju halvdöd ut?" "Ah, men det Àr ju för att lura fienden att han Àr svag sÄklart! Tro mig, han Àr egentligen en smal version av hedersryssen Steven Seagal!" *allmÀnt jubel och belÄtenhet bland de ryska befÀlen*.
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